Please help to restore the coins on DashCore


New member
Good day. 2 days ago, launched a computer qt wallet dash core. The wallet has started, but for some reason began to synchronize with the network from the very beginning. When the sync ended, there was a changed wallet number. I dont have wallet.dat, but there are files in the folder backups - wallet.dat.2018-01-10-11-33. Is it possible to restore the coins on my balance sheet? For any answer, thank you, and sorry for the bad English.
Good day. 2 days ago, launched a computer qt wallet dash core. The wallet has started, but for some reason began to synchronize with the network from the very beginning. When the sync ended, there was a changed wallet number. I dont have wallet.dat, but there are files in the folder backups - wallet.dat.2018-01-10-11-33. Is it possible to restore the coins on my balance sheet? For any answer, thank you, and sorry for the bad English.
You had the Qt client installed before? If so what version? The data directory was changed a few versions back, my guess is that's your issue. The new folder is "dashcore", the old just "dash". If you find you have a "dash" folder then copying over one of the wallets in their to the "dashcore" folder should restore everything.

Edit: Backups! Can't have too many of them.
How do i transfer backup files to file wallet.dat?
The wallet backups just need to be renamed to wallet.dat and moved to the data directory. Shutdown the client before moving and make a backup of the existing wallet.dat file (can just rename it to something other than wallet.dat).
I can not restore it. I renamed the beckup file and put it in place of the old wallet.dat. I launched a wallet, and there are no coins on the wallet.
Back up a bit for a sec, you're on version 12.2 at the mo but did you upgrade at some point? If not then the issue could be something else entirely, if those 2 directories ("dash" and "dashcore") are there then it's likely your problem, if you only have "dashcore" then it's likely something else. Previous version upgrade instructions covering that issue are here:

If you only have the "dashcore" folder then we'll have to figure out what happened to your wallet.dat (you've tried a file search for "wallet.dat"?)