You forgot : after total, no biggie.:smile:Ahh.. you mean Enabled/DS compatible/Total? Yep, it's not thereWill include in next en source update, thanks!
>> Total %1 (DS compatible: %2 / Enabled: %3)
You forgot : after total, no biggie.:smile:Ahh.. you mean Enabled/DS compatible/Total? Yep, it's not thereWill include in next en source update, thanks!
You mean Total 51 (DS compatible: 52 / Enabled: 53) ?You forgot : after total, no biggie.:smile:
>> Total %1 (DS compatible: %2 / Enabled: %3)
No, i mean : (colon), but like i said, no biggie.You mean Total 51 (DS compatible: 52 / Enabled: 53) ?
Ahh..You forgot : after total, no biggie.:smile:
>> Total %1 (DS compatible: %2 / Enabled: %3)
Few strings were updated 2 days ago (typos etc)... wondering if no Polish, German and French members are subscribed for updates Mismatch between 'InstantX doesn't support sending values that high yet. Transactions are currently limited to %1 DASH.' and 'InstantX unterstützt das Versenden von Beträgen dieser Höhe noch nicht. Transaktionen sind zur Zeit auf maximal %n DASH begrenzt.'
dash_es.ts: Mismatch between '%n day(s)' and '% n día(s)'
dash_es.ts: Mismatch between 'Unable to bind to %s on this computer. Dash Core is probably already running.' and 'No se puede enlazar a% s en este equipo. Dash Core probablemente ya está en funcionamiento.'
dash_es.ts: Mismatch between 'Maintain a full transaction index, used by the getrawtransaction rpc call (default: %u)' and 'Mantener índice de transacciones completo, utilizado por la llamada rpc getrawtransaction (predeterminado: 0)'
dash_es.ts: Mismatch between 'Fee (in DASH/kB) to add to transactions you send (default: %s)' and 'Comisión (en DASH/kB) a añadir sobre las transacciones que envíe (predeterminado: %u)'
dash_es.ts: Mismatch between 'Maintain at most <n> connections to peers (default: %u)' and 'Mantener como máximo <n> conexiones a pares (predeterminado: &u)'
dash_es.ts: Mismatch between 'Keep at most <n> unconnectable transactions in memory (default: %u)' and 'Mantenga a lo sumo <n> transacciones no conectables en la memoria (por defecto:% u)'
dash_fr.ts: Mismatch between 'Run a thread to flush wallet periodically (default: %u)' and 'Exécuter une tâche pour purger le portefeuille périodiquement (par défaut : &u) '
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Processed %n blocks of transaction history.' and 'Processato un blocco della cronologia transazioni.'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Processed %n blocks of transaction history.' and 'Processati %1 blocchi della cronologia transazioni.'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between '%n active connection(s) to Dash network' and 'Una connessione attiva alla rete Dash'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Darksend was successfully set to high (%1 and 8 rounds). You can change this at any time by opening Dash's configuration screen.' and 'Darksend è stata impostata correttamente a elevato (% 1 e 8 turni). È possibile modificare in qualsiasi momento aprendo schermata di configurazione di Dash.'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between '%n Rounds' and 'Un Round'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between '(darksend requires this amount to be rounded up to the nearest %1).' and '(darksend richiede questo importo da arrotondato al più vicino% 1).'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).' and 'Inizio della confirmazione stimato in un blocco'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Open for %n more block(s)' and 'Aperto per un blocco in piú'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between ', broadcast through %n node(s)' and 'trasmettere attraverso un nodo'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'matures in %n more block(s)' and 'Matura in un blocco in piú.'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Open for %n more block(s)' and 'Aperto per un blocco in piú'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Dash Core is probably already running.' and 'Impossibile ottenere un blocco sulla data directory % s. Dash Core è probabilmente già in esecuzione.'
dash_it.ts: Mismatch between 'Keep at most <n> unconnectable transactions in memory (default: %u)' and 'Mantenere al massimo <n> le operazioni in collegabile in memoria (predefinito:% u)'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n active connection(s) to Dash network' and 'aktywne połączenie do sieci Dash'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n active connection(s) to Dash network' and 'aktywne połączenia do sieci Dash'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n active connection(s) to Dash network' and 'aktywne połączenia do sieci Dash'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n hour(s)' and 'godzina'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n hour(s)' and 'godzin'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n hour(s)' and 'godziny'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n day(s)' and 'dzień'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n day(s)' and 'dni'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n day(s)' and 'dni'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n week(s)' and 'tydzień'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n week(s)' and 'tygodni'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n week(s)' and 'tygodnie'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n year(s)' and 'rok'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n year(s)' and 'lat'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n year(s)' and 'lata'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between 'Dash Core will download and store a copy of the Dash block chain. At least %1GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. The wallet will also be stored in this directory.' and 'Dash Core ściągnie i przechowa kopię blockchain na twoim dysku. Co najmniej 1GB danych zostanie zapisanych w tym katalogu, a wraz z upływem czasu blockchain będzie stopniowo wymagał coraz więcej miejsca. Twój portfel również zostanie zapisany w tym katalogu.'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n Rounds' and 'Runda'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n Rounds' and 'Rundy'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%n Rounds' and 'Rundy'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%1 d' and '1 dzień'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%1 h' and '1 godz.'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%1 m' and '1 min.'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%1 s' and '1 sec.'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%1 ms' and '1 milisec.'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '(darksend requires this amount to be rounded up to the nearest %1).' and '(darksend wymaga aby kwota ta została zaokrąglona do najbliższego 1%).'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%1/confirmed (verified via instantx)' and '1%/potwierdzony (zweryfikowane przez instantx)'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between '%1 confirmations (verified via instantx)' and '1% potwierdzeń (zweryfikowane przez instantx)'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between 'Open for %n more block(s)' and 'Otwarty na kolejny blok'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between 'Open for %n more block(s)' and 'Otwarty na kolejne bloki'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between 'Open for %n more block(s)' and 'Otwarty na kolejne bloki'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between 'Error initializing wallet database environment %s!' and 'Błąd podczas inicjowania środowiska bazy danych portfela'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between 'Enable use of automated darksend for funds stored in this wallet (0-1, default: %u)' and 'Włącz możliwość automatyzacji Darksend dla środków zgromadzonych w tym portfelu (0-1, domyślnie: 0)'
dash_pl.ts: Mismatch between 'Provide liquidity to Darksend by infrequently mixing coins on a continual basis (0-100, default: %u, 1=very frequent, high fees, 100=very infrequent, low fees)' and 'Dostarcz Darksend płynności przez rzadkie ale ciągłe mieszanie monet (0-100, domyślnie: 0, 1=bardzo często, wysokie opłaty, 100=bardzo rzadko, małe opłaty)'
dash_pt.ts: Mismatch between 'An error occurred while setting up the RPC address %s port %u for listening: %s' and 'Ocorreu um erro ao configurar o endereço RPC na porta %s para escutar: %s'
dash_pt.ts: Mismatch between 'How many blocks to check at startup (default: %u, 0 = all)' and 'Quanto blocos deve verificar no arranque (omissão: 288, 0 = all)'
dash_sv.ts: Mismatch between '&Command-line options' and '%Kommandoradalternativ'
dash_sv.ts: Mismatch between 'Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s)' and 'Fel: Lyssnande på inkommande anslutningar misslyckades (avlyssna återkommande fel %)'
dash_sv.ts: Mismatch between 'Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)' and 'Exekvera kommandot när en plånbokstransaktion ändras (%:en i cmd ersätts av TxID) '
dash_sv.ts: Mismatch between 'Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)' and 'Exekvera kommandot när det bästa blocket ändras (%:en i cmd ersätts av blockhash)'
dash_sv.ts: Mismatch between 'Unable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %s)' and 'Kan inte binda %s till denna dator (bindande återgav ett fel &s)'
dash_sv.ts: Mismatch between 'Wallet %s resides outside data directory %s' and 'Plånboken %s återfinns utanför datakatalogen &s'
dash_vi.ts: Mismatch between 'Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.' and 'Coin được tạo phải được trưởng thành 1% khối trước khi chúng có thể được tiêu. Khi bạn sinh khối này, nó được quảng bá trong mạng để thêm vào chuỗi khối. Nếu nó không được đưa vào chuỗi, trạng thái của nó được chuyển thành "không được chấp nhận" và sẽ không thể tiêu được. Điều này thỉnh thoảng có xảy ra nếu những nút khác cũng sinh trong vòng vài giây với khối của bạn.'
dash_vi.ts: Mismatch between 'Generate coins (default: %u)' and 'Sinh tiền (ngầm định: 0)'
dash_zh_CN.ts: Mismatch between 'Darksend requires at least %1 to use.' and '匿名化要求至少 1% 以使用'
dash_zh_CN.ts: Mismatch between 'Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)' and '以字节为单位设置最大的块(默认: 0)'
dash_zh_TW.ts: Mismatch between 'Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).' and '預計可在 %1 個區塊內開始確認。'
dash_zh_TW.ts: Mismatch between 'Open until %1' and '至1%個數據塊時開啟'
I'm going to drop all other languages from QT besides these on screenshot above so there will be no HK anymore.Chinese version:
"....problem which is the translation ZH_HK and it still using Darkcoin (暗黑幣) in Chinese. Maybe it is the Outdated translation text. And it can be removed since ZH_HK and ZH_TW is basically the same. It is no need to keep this outdated translation in the program."
same old problem
i would have stuck to that Chinese Mandarine version only (as i said earlier) as the chinese translations are such a pain, and the only chinese translators we really trust (and know what they are doing) are alexy + raico = Chinese Mandarine
Added few more strings to fix issues found by AjM
Please update your languages!
Note: half of them were not changed but moved to another translation method.
However transifex recognize them as new.
Pls use suggestions in the bottom of the screen to save your time. :smile:
Done.Nice! Most ~100% languages are up to full 100% again. French anyone? elbereth ?
I`m here UdjinM6Few strings were updated 2 days ago (typos etc)... wondering if no Polish, German and French members are subscribed for updates