Please don't make the mistakes bitcoin is making


Active member
I applaud the developers for doing what they're doing and not implementing the mistakes of bitcoin. I was thinking of this today because Full RBF may be the default in new bitcoin clients.

Does anyone know if the 2MB limit for Dash blocks actually is actually in the code of What was the time from vote to implementation?

I'm getting used to github, it may be a pedantic request but if you link to the line of code in github that would help my personal studies.
Darren, I view a different problem as most pressing, albeit, related...

The satoshi creation of btc was unable to predict the Orwellian future presented in part by Harry Harrison.

Evan Duffield did make provision for growth, expansion, governance, and has made reference to control within the coding itself.

BTC, entirely controlled by miners, has morphed to 94% control by the global mega-manufacturer with it's geopolitical power that may subsidize certain and specific industry at it's whim, based upon it's perception of advantage in the global marketplace.

Most recently, a coded algorythmic halvening of the mining reward descended upon all btc miners, affecting their bottom line ROI.
Subsequently, the entire crypto marketplace has been inordinately affected !

Non-descript news items have alluded to a 'social gathering' of miners, recently... No specific word of what occurred.
Presently, the btc market is tumbling and all other altcoins are encountering turbulence.

The tail does not wave the dragon... the dragon waves it's tail because it can!

My question is, If the dragon miners are indeed disturbed with prospects in btc, where will they direct their mining operations next ?

I remain unable to comprehend the sheer volume of any numbers related to the Orient... Yet encounter them each day, as do we all.

Your thoughts???

I would certainly accept any correction to misconceptions I may harbor.
The bitcoin miners use SHA256 specific hardware. I'm not sure if any SHA256 crypto currencies have survived. Teracoin was one, but bitcoin miners pointing to it made the difficulty terribly sporadic, and the coin may have died as a result. A bitcoin miner has only two options ON and OFF.

I'm not sure I understand most of your post. The reason that I made this post is I like DASH because it's not adopting some strange ideas that have been popular in the bitcoin space. I don't want the thread to start to focus on other currencies. Glad that you commented @rustycase.
Darren, it is my thought that ALL significant tokens in the world of crypto affect each other.

An example would be the strife in the eth/etc community which does affect us all.
(and most recently, with inclusion of DASH within the JAXX wallet, developed by a predominantly btc/eth guy...)

Yes, there may very well be an effect. I would say that this might be expected. However, dash has done a good job of avoiding all the drama.
Yes, there may very well be an effect. I would say that this might be expected. However, dash has done a good job of avoiding all the drama.

It is not my intent to pollute your thread, yet my hope is you will see that the problem with btc is dynamic as is the relationship between DASH and btc.

DASH has NOT distanced itself from the Battle of the ET's as might become obvious with the inclusion into the JAXX wallet which has been btc/eth/dao developed by an eth guy!

...And, I do not feel DASH is in competition with other coins. The P2P service DASH represents is superior to all I have seen ! JAXX will help this ! As we shall help JAXX !

Symbiotic relationship may be the most rewarding for all concerned...

I must make mention of block size you specifically point out which is also a concern of the dragon miners... it is all one dynamic scenario !

Satoshi is/was a prime mover, yet we are all involved in a historic occurrence !

Sry Darren, gotta add on just a little more, perhaps to help you understand the problem, with more clarity...

I'm almost sure Amanda has advised you Evan Duffield was once a BTC guy. He declares he liked it quite a bit !
When he discovered certain flaws within the satoshi coding, he brought it to the attention of the btc community, and offered solution to the problem.
His efforts were not suitably recognized and he moved on, to develop his own coin, based upon the btc code, with his own improvements.
Perhaps Amanda will be able to provide you with timetable and progression information regarding the transformation from btc to Xcoin to Dark to DASH, and perhaps something about DSH !

Evan Duffield has also declared DASH to be ASIC resistant, which in language at my level might be explained with a comparison to my wristwatch which is engraved with 'Water Resistant'.

I have no doubt the watch is NOT suitable for SCUBA diving, and neither would I doubt it will be long before ASIC's are re-programmed or re-configured to work the X11 algorythm.
Actuallyl, I believe it is NOT news that they already do !

Had there been mention, by Evan, about a 'Kelly computation???' in the difficulty establishment ? Sry, I'm not clear on this as I should be...
Amanda has declared you are quite good with the maths, so my guess is you did notice that nugget in his presentation, recently ???

ALL, an extremely dynamic situation ! What a challenge !!!

@Darren -- to my understanding, the increase to 2MB vote was done on an "if and when such a thing should become necessary" basis.

So I don't believe a blocksize increase is hard-coded into v0.12.1, because we're nowhere near knocking on 1MB's door.

If/when we do, however, I am confident that the proper code upgrade will be deployed, because consensus on such has already been reached. If Evan were to fail to do so after the community had already overwhelmingly voted for it, I have no doubt that he would be deemed to have lost his mind, and would be fired.
Sry Darren, gotta add on just a little more, perhaps to help you understand the problem, with more clarity...

I'm almost sure Amanda has advised you Evan Duffield was once a BTC guy. He declares he liked it quite a bit !
When he discovered certain flaws within the satoshi coding, he brought it to the attention of the btc community, and offered solution to the problem.
His efforts were not suitably recognized and he moved on, to develop his own coin, based upon the btc code, with his own improvements.
Perhaps Amanda will be able to provide you with timetable and progression information regarding the transformation from btc to Xcoin to Dark to DASH, and perhaps something about DSH !

Evan Duffield has also declared DASH to be ASIC resistant, which in language at my level might be explained with a comparison to my wristwatch which is engraved with 'Water Resistant'.

I have no doubt the watch is NOT suitable for SCUBA diving, and neither would I doubt it will be long before ASIC's are re-programmed or re-configured to work the X11 algorythm.
Actuallyl, I believe it is NOT news that they already do !

Had there been mention, by Evan, about a 'Kelly computation???' in the difficulty establishment ? Sry, I'm not clear on this as I should be...
Amanda has declared you are quite good with the maths, so my guess is you did notice that nugget in his presentation, recently ???

ALL, an extremely dynamic situation ! What a challenge !!!


^^^ should buy a decent watch
^^^ should buy a decent watch

Actually, I have since sprung for a $3 TIMEX at the neighborhood thrift store... soon it cost me $5 for a battery ! lol
...but it's still tickin' !
I wear it occasionally to impress people I really am a Luddite.

I have also accepted Evan Duffield's explanation that ASIC resistant is best, because the future of mining would be in that direction..



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