Please add a walletunlock function for a certain amount of time.

What do you mean they wouldn't encrypt the wallet from the start? Every wallet isn't encrypted from the start, this is just another option for users to want to encrypt their wallet or not, without having to send their coins to a new wallet in order to have an unencrypted wallet, which i'm not sure which one is more stupid if you want to call it "stupid" rather than a choice! :tongue:

Also multibit has multiple wallets in one client, how can this be stupid??? if you don't want to pick that option, ok send your coins to another wallet in the same client.... :tongue:
You're being just as loose with your funds without encryption as you are without a password (you do realize that the encryption is to encrypt your passphrase). Anyone that doesn't have a password to protect their wallet deserves to lose their funds. If you are too lazy to type a number after the unlock sequence (which is done to protect you), then you're, well.... lazy.
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We need a new function: unlock address ADDRESS TIME_TO_LOCK - to unlock just one private key (store it in RAM until TIME_TO_LOCK)
It never left.... do:

walletpassphrase YOUR_PASSPHRASE #_of_seconds_unlocked

10 minutes = 600 seconds

You could arbitrarily put 99999 and then when you are done, just issue walletlock.

walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout> [anonymizenonly] Does anonymizenonly not only count for the mixing process?
walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout> [anonymizenonly] Does anonymizenonly not only count for the mixing process?
That was a new argument in there for the DS process. For your purposes, you shouldn't have to do anything with it.
That was a new argument in there for the DS process. For your purposes, you shouldn't have to do anything with it.

Tried now with walletpassphrase <passphrase> 99999, the wallet gets unlocked, but after 1 transaction the wallet gets locked again. There must be a bug in this function.