PoW Phase Period: January 30th 2016 to August 17 2016 (FINISHED)
PoS Phase Period: August 17 2016 to Forever
Block Time: 60 Seconds with retargeting every block (approx. 1440 blocks per day)
PoW Phase Max Coin Supply: 43,199,500
PoW Algorithm: Quark
PoW Block Reward: [block# 2-151200] 250 PIV [block# 151201-259200] 50 PIV
Premine: [block# 1] 60k Premine for creation of 6 Masternodes for the functioning of the network.
Premine: [block# 1] 60k Premine was publicly burned at block 279917. No more premine exists.
PoW Rewards Breakdown:
[Block 000002-432000] 20% MN (50 PIV) / 80% MINER (200 PIV)
[Block 043201-151200] 20% MN (50 PIV) / 70% MINER (200 PIV) / 10% BUDGET (25 PIV)
[Block 151201-259200] 45% MN (22.5 PIV) / 45% MINER (22.5 PIV) / 10% BUDGET (5 PIV)
PoS Rewards Breakdown:
PoS Phase 1: [blocks 259201-302399] 50 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET) (Complete)
PoS Phase 2: [blocks 302400-345599] 45 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET) (Complete)
PoS Phase 3: [blocks 345600-388799] 40 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET) (Complete)
PoS Phase 4: [blocks 388800-431999] 35 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET) (Complete)
PoS Phase 5: [blocks 432000-475199] 30 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET) (Complete)
PoS Phase 6: [blocks 475200-518399] 25 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET) (Complete)
PoS Phase 7: [blocks 518400-561599] 20 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET) (In-Progress)
PoS Phase 8: [blocks 561600-604799] 15 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET)
PoS Phase 9: [blocks 604800-647999] 10 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET)
PoS Phase X: [blocks 648000-Infinite] 05 PIV (90% SEESAW ~ 10% BUDGET)
Blackcoin PoS 3.0 White Paper
Seesaw Mechanism White Paper
Zerocoin Protocol White Paper
If you are running Debian/Ubuntu/Mint etc. You can install the binaries/Daemons using Apt as well;
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:shaun-mcbride/pivx
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pivx-qt
sudo apt-get install pivxd
sudo apt-get install pivx-cli
sudo apt-get install pivx-tx
Main Website: http://pivx.org
WIKI Site: http://pivx.wiki
Masternode Info Site: https://pivxmasternode.org