You have me confused... I'm with Dash, not Node40. :smile:Yeah, it's not for everyone. Just wanted to know for future reference. I guess I could use @Node40 and refer to either one of you! :tongue:
You have me confused... I'm with Dash, not Node40. :smile:Yeah, it's not for everyone. Just wanted to know for future reference. I guess I could use @Node40 and refer to either one of you! :tongue:
You have me confused... I'm with Dash, not Node40. :smile:
I would agree. That would be very personal information and divulging that would be unprofessional if not given the ok to do so. IMHO.First, there was more than one. Some were indeed well-known. However, in the interests of maintaining professionalism and trust of those investors, I feel it would be unwise to disclose names on the internet. They value their privacy, and I'm sure wouldn't want the world knowing ahead of time where they are considering investing... especially if that were disclosed by the very project they were considering investing in. So you'll just have to just trust the core team on this one as it is probably in all of our best interests to treat potential investors the way they would want to be treated... with professionalism.
Don't worry about AA's tweet, he responded to a troll, so it was rather baited. Afterwards, a team member contacted him and explained it wasn't an official stunt, and he said he had, basically - me paraphrasing - a knee-jerk reaction because he was rather annoyed with TNABC as he felt their security was lax (I take it he had a bad experience there in the past). So don't put more into the comment than it deserves. Tweets are something people just quickly react to, and it's hard to be on guard against being pulled into saying something by a troll or manipulator.
Instead of starting a new conference thread, figured I would add a link to my (Node40) views here.
Don't worry about AA's tweet, he responded to a troll, so it was rather baited. Afterwards, a team member contacted him and explained it wasn't an official stunt, and he said he had, basically - me paraphrasing - a knee-jerk reaction because he was rather annoyed with TNABC as he felt their security was lax (I take it he had a bad experience there in the past). So don't put more into the comment than it deserves. Tweets are something people just quickly react to, and it's hard to be on guard against being pulled into saying something by a troll or manipulator.
He posted this which doesn't really make any sense since it contradicts his first statement. He tried to downplay it eventually but what's he now saying makes zero sense. He specifically singled out dash. Knee jerk reaction like you've said. He was so quick to jump the gun and retweet some the BS of some shady account created for the sole purpose of trashing Dash. I don't believe he ever bothered to say anything positive about Dash but he went out of his way to retweet that detractor.His knee jerk reaction was tweeted to 400k people who may or may not have ever heard of DASH. AA's ass head knee jerk reaction is some of those people's first impression. He should rescind his statement, but he's a tribal leader so he wont. If he goes against the tribe he might lose some tribal members.
AA lost my respect. Had a spat with him on twitter. Anyways what kind of people use sex to sell products? Jeeez. So gross. /s
He posted this which doesn't really make any sense since it contradicts his first statement. He tried to downplay it eventually but what's he now saying makes zero sense. He specifically singled out dash. Knee jerk reaction like you've said. He was so quick to jump the gun and retweet some the BS of some shady account created for the sole purpose of trashing Dash. I don't believe he ever bothered to say anything positive about Dash but he went out of his way to retweet that detractor.