payment queue

Well, in about a week after last restart and when I should receive new pay (in theory) my wallet began to show me "new start required" status again. It is not seems normally...
Well, in about a week after last restart and when I should receive new pay (in theory) my wallet began to show me "new start required" status again. It is not seems normally...

Has ur mn been rebooted and dash’s not restarted?
What are the specs of your vps?
Does it show off line on dashninja?
Hi @Asatur - thanks for sharing, it helps a lot when I know which masternode we are talking about. When was your screenshot taken? I can confirm you were last paid on Nov 18, 2017 and that something is definitely wrong, it shows "Inactive (0%)" for me on DashNinja, and "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED" when I query the list from my node. Are you certain you updated sentinel and that it is running once per minute in your crontab? PM me or find me on Discord if you would prefer to look into this in private.
Screenshot was taken this morning. After that i restarted my masternode again and therefore some time after this status was inactive and watchdog_expired. Now MN already enabled but again at the end of queue.