P2P Exchange - Scala developers needed to help with code review and estimates


Masternode Owner/Operator
Hi Guys,

oaxaca gave ma a very interesting idea of having decentralized P2P exchange for Dash - thank you!

Coinffeine is shutting down, but the code still lives at: https://github.com/Coinffeine/coinffeine
The Caffeine project is mainly written in Scala. They use Akka to handle concurrency and BitcoinJ to work with Bitcoin.
Does anyone of You have an experience with these technologies and would be interested to review the existing code and estimate how much effort would be required to change the code to make it working with Dash blockchain?

The next step would be to re-write the code but it needs to be agreed with Coinffeine first. Coinffeine is an "open source" but propietary code, so you cannot modify or redistribute it. I will talk to them about this in the meantime.
I've been saying this on another thread, but since this is related, and since you might read my "idea" (i'm sure I'm not unique) I'll restate it :)

I want to see crypto currency grow, and to do that, we need a stable exchange and marketplace. My argument is that the Masternode network Dash has is uniquely qualified to run other services besides securing transactions and mixing.

If we created another layer, another service that masternodes run, the service could easily be secured exactly the same way the blockchain is / or will be.

What I want to see is a combination of masternode run decentralized exchange that works alone and in combination with a decentralized market place. Why? So that any coin can be used in this market place. I think a singular market place, that is as easy or easier to use than Ebay for both buyer and seller, with any coin accepted, would bring the world together in trade. This would be the ultimate realization of the crypto-currency dream. This would be a service Dash provides for the whole crypto-currency ecosystem.

Although open source, etc... I feel that a singular marketplace (though distributed) is important, at least at first. We need to build a massive marketplace so that the lure of buying and selling is there. That is what makes Ebay so powerful and able to charge, along with Paypal, nearly 15% on every sale. It's where EVERYONE goes. Ebay offers everything under the sun for sale. You need something? You can find it there.

We need a marketplace that is just as central to find, yet decentralized, safe, EASY and CHEAP to use, for all of crypto. We also need an exchange that can't run off with the funds. As well as an exchange that can translate a buyer's favorite coin to a seller's favorite coin seamlessly. So they ultimately should compliment each other. An exchange and a marketplace.

And only the Masternode network can do this currently, safely, securely and in a decentralized manner.

I'm ready to help any way I can, but I'm no coder.
To continue, the way this is being approached, seperately, is not going to work. Open Bazaar requires everyone to run a server and client. This is far too hard for the average old lady who wants to sell home made doll clothes. Or really anyone. They find Ebay hard enough.

Same goes for an exchange, though that's usually used by crypto-nerds. The problem here is that it keeps everything in the crypto-nerd family and does nothing to help expand the user base.

As a "centralized" acting, but decentralized secure service, you get the best of both worlds. Isn't that what Evan's been saying? Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Centralized service is efficient and easy, but to make something that feels centralized but is entirely secure via a decentralized, trustless system is the holy grail. And it can be done. Uniquely by Dash. Or more correctly by the Autonomous Decentralized Virtual Corporation known as Dash.
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I am f... impressed! Let me talk with Evan about this and understand what do we need to build this on top of Evolution..
Not sure its feasible with that code but something to create a distributed pool of various cryptos would do away with the need for exchanges, same kind of service as shapeshift but the pool of funds to draw from is whatever users hold in their various wallets assigned to the system as a pool rather than a through a central service. I'd guess it could be done fairly elegantly with multisig but I'd never tried to plan it through, just a thought is all. It doesn't handle fiat but there's plenty of services around bitcoin to handle that part.
Don't they have some technical issues with decentralized exchange due to the latency of the network? I'm just asking.
Why "give" bitcoin the ability to mix funds? It's an advantage DASH has over bitcoin. Let them figure it out for themselves.
It is a way to convert the BTC folks into DASH folks. It is also a profitable business so it does not hurt. After all, why should we limit ourselves to DASH only service with the second tier network? Think of the volume in BTC, it should be profitable. It is more like we are eating their market gradually instead of giving them something for free. It may also be a much more effective way to attract new DASH users.
It is a way to convert the BTC folks into DASH folks. It is also a profitable business so it does not hurt. After all, why should we limit ourselves to DASH only service with the second tier network? Think of the volume in BTC, it should be profitable. It is more like we are eating their market gradually instead of giving them something for free. It may also be a much more effective way to attract new DASH users.

How about bitcoin mixing in version 2.0? Let's get the DASH P2P up and running first, then build other services on it.
My guess is that they could not make any money coding a P2P exchange. Nice idea does not equal nice business plan. It would be perfect for us though...
As long as it can make it more easy to buy and sell DASH with fiat currency, I will support the suggestion
Super-like the idea of supporting any coin, it is absolutely the way forward. When third party developers want to interface with marketplaces, they're going to want a list of marketplace networks with a standard universal DAPI.
Hi Guys,

oaxaca gave ma a very interesting idea of having decentralized P2P exchange for Dash - thank you!

Coinffeine is shutting down, but the code still lives at: https://github.com/Coinffeine/coinffeine
The Caffeine project is mainly written in Scala. They use Akka to handle concurrency and BitcoinJ to work with Bitcoin.
Does anyone of You have an experience with these technologies and would be interested to review the existing code and estimate how much effort would be required to change the code to make it working with Dash blockchain?

The next step would be to re-write the code but it needs to be agreed with Coinffeine first. Coinffeine is an "open source" but propietary code, so you cannot modify or redistribute it. I will talk to them about this in the meantime.

I beta tested Coinffeine, and IMHO, it was a completely crappy. Their intranet must have rocked, but out in the world it was rubbish. But *grin grin? - bitcoinj cannot interact with a fully dedicated second tier network *wink wink, nudge nudge* :wink:

I beta tested Coinffeine, and IMHO, it was a completely crappy. Their intranet must have rocked, but out in the world it was rubbish. But *grin grin? - bitcoinj cannot interact with a fully dedicated second tier network *wink wink, nudge nudge* :wink:


What was crappy?
Number of users?