Opinions wanted on supplemental advertising proposal for the Marketing Hub

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The Dash Marketing Hub is considering putting in a temporary supplemental advertising proposal to maximize the DashDirect virtual card launch but would like the community’s input beforehand.

DashDirect launching the virtual MasterCard program is an opportunity for Dash that won’t come again. Not only will it be universally usable as digital cash for the first time, but it will be so in a way that no other cryptocurrency can compete with. This window will be extremely short however, as we can expect this app to be copied endlessly by other projects with much bigger network effects and marketing budgets as soon as the word gets out.

Of course, we’re already coordinating with the Newsroom, CrayPay, DCG, and others in promoting the launch and maximizing organic reach and earned media, and will be boosting key posts on our social network (and have been saving our boosting budget to have more for the launch). However, we may be able to run additional advertisements and engage in sponsorships with key crypto influencers with giveaways, calls-to-action to audiences to download and use the app, and so on in order to maximize the reach of this announcement. YouTube/podcast influencers are a key weak area for our reach, and where a good chunk of the crypto industry gets its news and information.

Some of these greater promotional opportunities cost more than what we’ve been budgeting for, and while we do have a decent budget surplus at the moment, we could burn through that quite easily and still not reach our target market sufficiently. So the question becomes: in addition to our regular proposal for 100 Dash monthly, should we submit an additional one-time proposal for advertising and sponsorship funds for the DashDirect MasterCard launch? And if so, what supplemental amount would make sense?

Let us know what you guys think, we welcome all constructive feedback either for or against!
I'm not a fan of the marketing hub but I'd be tempted to give this one a shot. I'd like more specifics though and I'm not sure why this has been left to the last minute, should of been more prepared.

And btw, it might be spendable "everywhere" but it's USD so there's fx charges for everyone outside of the US.
The Dash Marketing Hub is considering putting in a temporary supplemental advertising proposal to maximize the DashDirect virtual card launch but would like the community’s input beforehand.

DashDirect launching the virtual MasterCard program is an opportunity for Dash that won’t come again. Not only will it be universally usable as digital cash for the first time, but it will be so in a way that no other cryptocurrency can compete with. This window will be extremely short however, as we can expect this app to be copied endlessly by other projects with much bigger network effects and marketing budgets as soon as the word gets out.

Of course, we’re already coordinating with the Newsroom, CrayPay, DCG, and others in promoting the launch and maximizing organic reach and earned media, and will be boosting key posts on our social network (and have been saving our boosting budget to have more for the launch). However, we may be able to run additional advertisements and engage in sponsorships with key crypto influencers with giveaways, calls-to-action to audiences to download and use the app, and so on in order to maximize the reach of this announcement. YouTube/podcast influencers are a key weak area for our reach, and where a good chunk of the crypto industry gets its news and information.

Some of these greater promotional opportunities cost more than what we’ve been budgeting for, and while we do have a decent budget surplus at the moment, we could burn through that quite easily and still not reach our target market sufficiently. So the question becomes: in addition to our regular proposal for 100 Dash monthly, should we submit an additional one-time proposal for advertising and sponsorship funds for the DashDirect MasterCard launch? And if so, what supplemental amount would make sense?

Let us know what you guys think, we welcome all constructive feedback either for or against!

I had asked DMH before about posting supplemental asks, glad to see the Hub considering it now. Would really like to see a jump start like this for your marketing efforts.
I'm not a fan of the marketing hub but I'd be tempted to give this one a shot. I'd like more specifics though and I'm not sure why this has been left to the last minute, should of been more prepared.

And btw, it might be spendable "everywhere" but it's USD so there's fx charges for everyone outside of the US.

It only became clear recently that other entities do not have a good promotional plan in place and so we are going to attempt to pick up the slack.

As far as specifics go, we are going to target mid-range YouTubers for giveaways, small sponsorships, etc. Unfortunately the big YouTuber's simply charge more than we feel comfortable spending. We are also going to target certain libertarian podcasts and shows and try to get those who truly understand the need to avoid KYC and other intrusive financial barriers. Also, libertarian circles aren't oversaturated with crypto marketing the way the crypto industry is. We'll have a much better chance at getting recognition in those circles, especially considering we're solving actual real world problems with DashDirect.

Thanks for your input!
Dear @Kanuuker ,

Based on the principle that each project knows its audience, that each audience is different and that these different audiences have their own channels of influence, with their own language code.
For an optimization on cost result is that each project manages its marketing.

libertarian circles aren't oversaturated with crypto marketing the way the crypto industry is

This observation would tend to show that this audience does not bring a return on investment.
Most crypto have expert marketing departments, if they don't exploit this niche, it is likely to be much less interesting than other markets.
What is the sociology, habits, geographic distribution, age, income, and quantity of this audience?
If you have studied it, can you share your research with us?

Another risk of targeting a political affiliation is that it may alienate Dash from a closed political image.
If the goal of Dash is to be adopted by the largest number of people, the political, religious and ethnic neutrality of Dash allows it to be open, acceptable and attractive to the largest number of people.

Thank you.
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