Open Source Announcement and Future Plans

Radio Wave internett will be (and they are working on it now) the big deal for Africa !
as there is no and super slow internet , radio wave internet will be the cheap and ok (not the fastest obviously) war to get africa connected,
and then it is all about Micro Finances with BTC ... or sell your goats anonymous with DRK !!
Power to the nomads !

That's right. I was so excited by the idea of doing business with alines via the Inter-Galactic Darkcoin payment, totally forgot about Africa and big parts of Asia etc. :wink: If you look at these below data, you will see that global internet penetration is only around 36% and lowest for the Africa (21%) and Asia (32%). I guess 70% of the world has to wait for Facebook's internet beaming drone to fly over in order to make payment via the internet :rolleyes:
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This is very exciting. This will definitely prevent malicious users from taking down the network by (D)DoS-ing the masternodes.
I posted this earlier, and at the risk of redundancy, I'd just like to mention that the download page at has still not been updated since Sept 22. There are still different downloads for wallets with and without Darksend, as well as references to "Release Candidate." I'm not sure who is in charge of this, but if anyone knows it would be great if you could please bring it to his/her attention so that the page can be properly updated.
