Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

just for fun - here is "russian" DAHS (not-translated: same sound with Russian letters):


There is no such thing like "russian letters".. it's Cyrillic ..

...They fled to the First Bulgarian Empire, where they were welcomed and commissioned to establish theological schools. There they devised the Cyrillic script on the basis of the Glagolitic. Cyrillic gradually replaced Glagolitic as the alphabet of the Old Church Slavonic language, which became the official language of the Bulgarian Empire and later spread to the Eastern Slav lands of Kievan Rus'. Cyrillic eventually spread throughout most of the Slavic world to become the standard alphabet in the Orthodox Slavic countries. Hence, Cyril and Methodius' efforts also paved the way for the spread of Christianity throughout Eastern Europe...
Just told my gf about the rebranding, and asked her about the new name. She said that the first time I'd told her I was buying Darkcoin she'd had questions in her mind about the legality of that investment. She expected it to be something shady. She's neutral towards dash though - but that's still way better as a first opinion than what she had about drk.

The strange thing: I didn't care for the name, only the fundamentals. And I got totally accustomed to the name, and associated it with the features of the coin. Over time - as I was informing her about the coin - she got used to it too. But the initial impression - that's what we are aiming for. I was 50/50 between drk and dash till now, this helped me decide.
Just told my gf about the rebranding, and asked her about the new name. She said that the first time I'd told her I was buying Darkcoin she'd had questions in her mind about the legality of that investment. She expected it to be something shady. She's neutral towards dash though - but that's still way better as a first opinion than what she had about drk.

The strange thing: I didn't care for the name, only the fundamentals. And I got totally accustomed to the name, and associated it with the features of the coin. Over time - as I was informing her about the coin - she got used to it too. But the initial impression - that's what we are aiming for. I was 50/50 between drk and dash till now, this helped me decide.
It's like I said earlier in the thread:

We may have just doubled our potential market! And women spread the word faster than any man could, this is a fact. :tongue:
Just told my gf about the rebranding, and asked her about the new name. She said that the first time I'd told her I was buying Darkcoin she'd had questions in her mind about the legality of that investment. She expected it to be something shady. She's neutral towards dash though - but that's still way better as a first opinion than what she had about drk.

The strange thing: I didn't care for the name, only the fundamentals. And I got totally accustomed to the name, and associated it with the features of the coin. Over time - as I was informing her about the coin - she got used to it too. But the initial impression - that's what we are aiming for. I was 50/50 between drk and dash till now, this helped me decide.
I have also found it problematic to have conversations about Darkcoin with people. I can just see in their faces where their mind just went. When learning people about crypto in general I'm careful about even mentioning Darkcoin as this InstantXly closes their mind to all these new ideas..

I can't even start to explain how excited I Am about the name change! Now I can actually learn people about Dash, Digital Cash, instead of "crypto" or "Bitcoin" :grin:
I've finally gotten home from work and have spent most of the day preaching about Dash :D

There's one guy that uses my services (No I'm not a rent-boy :p ) and he's a security expert and programmer working for one of the big banks in the UK. In his spare time he makes apps for the app store to supplement his income and as a hobby so I thought I would talk about cryptocurrencies (or "Dash" as the world will soon be referring to every cryptocurrency...Oh yea baby! :D ) and so I started off by asking him what he knows about Bitcoin. He said that he has read up about it a few times but he's never been bothered by it as he thinks virtual currency won't last. Keep in mind here that banks are scared of cryptocurrencies and him working for one of the big ones in the tech department he knows tonnes about this sort of stuff.

I explained that Bitcoin are bending over and giving in to governments, regulations etc. I then went onto explain about Dash, how it will be rebranding the whole industry and how it will soon be used in retail outlets both on the streets and online in the near future. I also explained about how us as investors (I wish I owned a MN but I'm slowly getting there....just another 911 Dash left to get lol) can use our currency to create MNs so unless governments tracked down everyone that owns Dash and bought it all then they wouldn't be able to shut it down. At this point he started getting involved....Basically the conversation ended with him looking into investing at least a few hundred pounds as he also now believes in Dash :D By the way I hope I got all of my information correct that I passed onto him....I'm sure you guys will be able to correct me if I got any of it wrong :)

Whatever happens from here on you guys have our full support and even when you get disheartened just please NEVER give up on this project. The reason that other coins have been and gone is because when they've had a setback they've lost faith but as a community look what's already happened! No other cryptocurrency has the balls to do what you guys are doing and taking on Bitcoin....Until NOW! And the new branding, support and structure of the whole project proves that it will be successful even if (worst case scenario) it takes a few years. It's all about persevering and I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say that we're in it for the long-run :D

P.S. Sorry for the long post haha! .....The End....Or new beginning ;)
Darkcoin’s vision has always been to create a trust-less, decentralized , private and fast payment platform for the benefit of the majority. This is our ethos and our most important goal, recently it became apparent that our branding was getting in the way of reaching the people we were trying to help, that is when I knew that in order to accomplish our vision we would need to change our name. Our ideals remain intact and we will continue to pursue them under any branding we have, now and in the future.

Months ago the community organically came up with the name “Dash” as a possible rebranding idea of Darkcoin, I took notice of this and the good deal of support it had in the forums. This lead to us researching the Dash brand for a few months. In the process of doing some investigation, we found that there was another company in the financial space that was filing a trademark. This resulted in me buying another coin “Dashcoin” and challenging their trademark application.

There is some misunderstanding in the community about why there was a quick move to announce this without a previous debate on the forums, as I originally intended. It was simply the result of a mistake on github, where I posted a comment to the Darkcoin github account with the Dashcoin github account login. I felt it was best to show the community where I was with the research, rather than let rampant speculation move through the community about why we were in control of the Dashcoin project. Acquiring Dashcoin is no different than getting a previously existing domain name, the acquired project itself will not continue only the DRK project will move forward under a new name. I had to make some really quick decisions and I apologize for the confusion that resulted from my mistakes.

That’s all in the past now and after careful consideration, reading all the posts from everyone for the last few days and weighing every argument, I believe it is best if we make it official that we’re going with DASH. At this point our priority is to have closure so we can move on, the uncertainty hurts the community and markets, more than any renaming options and prevents us from moving forward with development.

Communication has been an issue for us, as Darkcoin has quickly grown over the last 14 months. We have grown so fast that I couldn’t keep everyone in the loop at all times. We’re addressing this by moving all development coordination to Slack, which has already had a great positive impact on the project. Part of managing something that grows this quickly is addressing weak areas that can be improved, we believe moving to a platform that the whole development team can openly communicate on is key to that goal.

I do appreciate the support of the community on this and I apologize if there was poor communication on my part, this has been an extremely difficult subject to navigate and I have tried to do my best. I know mistakes have been done, this has been a very difficult time for me. But we have new tools in place, to prevent any future communication mistakes like this.

DASH is just a name we still need to build our vision onto it and we need everyone’s support to push the project forward.

Over the next weeks we will be planning the name change and Logo Design work with the participation of the whole community, details regarding this will be revealed soon.

What!?!?!? my darkcoins are getting Dashed?!!?

And great logo, the guys at VISA deserve some props for it. I didnt know their branding was open source!
Lets use a familiar byline too, how bout "Dash...Anywhere you want to go"

This logo says "visa", not dash, you guys can read that right? this is a credit card logo. Nobody likes to dash, and nobody like having their stuff dashed.
I guess i'll know im wrong when we see the sudden market adoption the darkness was holding back.

Good bye cool ninja stealthy tech stuff..... you've been dashed..
DASH will open more doors.

We know we have the best coin created yet, we are only getting better.

Letting "Darkcoin" be an old name is a clever way to get positive mainstream attention.

Dashcoin or DASH-digital cash, allows us to speak its name in the light of day.

We definitely have to create "Preaching Club" about Dash on this forum - so people can exchange their experiences and accumulate effective approaches. :)
Next stop.....The Vatican! :p We'll hijack one of the pope's speeches and like his stick thing he holds we'll have one with the Dash logo at the top. We need to make sure the 'D' with the dash in it is turned up the right way though otherwise it'll look like the end of a penis.....But then again we could then refer to it as the 'magic stick' ;) Then we would be preaching AND spreading the love haha!
What!?!?!? my darkcoins are getting Dashed?!!?

And great logo, the guys at VISA deserve some props for it. I didnt know their branding was open source!
Lets use a familiar byline too, how bout "Dash...Anywhere you want to go"

This logo says "visa", not dash, you guys can read that right? this is a credit card logo. Nobody likes to dash, and nobody like having their stuff dashed.
I guess i'll know im wrong when we see the sudden market adoption the darkness was holding back.

Good bye cool ninja stealthy tech stuff..... you've been dashed..
Can we hire Ahton Kutcher to run into the room of all our investors yelling: "You just got Dash'd!"?:grin:
Next stop.....The Vatican! :p We'll hijack one of the pope's speeches and like his stick thing he holds we'll have one with the Dash logo at the top. We need to make sure the 'D' with the dash in it is turned up the right way though otherwise it'll look like the end of a penis.....But then again we could then refer to it as the 'magic stick' ;) Then we would be preaching AND spreading the love haha!
Nice way to kill Catholic adoption.. :tongue:
I'm guessing somewhere along the way with the rebranding, eventually we will discontinue the use of and create a more name appropriate forum for us all to use? :)
Good bye cool ninja stealthy tech stuff..... you've been dashed..
The cool ninja stealthy tech stuff is not changing, we are just adopting more adoption-friendly branding so we can bring it to more people around the world...and make your DASH more valuable in the process.
The cool ninja stealthy tech stuff is not changing, we are just adopting more adoption-friendly branding so we can bring it to more people around the world...and make your DASH more valuable in the process.
Indeed my polish collegue has approved that since the name has changed he is willing to invest some money in DASH rather that into darkcoin.
I'm guessing somewhere along the way with the rebranding, eventually we will discontinue the use of and create a more name appropriate forum for us all to use? :) will probably be that place:

Indeed my polish collegue has approved that since the name has changed he is willing to invest some money in DASH rather that into darkcoin.
Yeah, I remember you PM'd me about that a while back... I guess I won't be using the hashtag #getintothedark anymore. This is the sentiment I'm getting each day as well. People respond more to the bland name, with no preconceived notions...WE can define it.
How is it possible that your avatar got even cooler? :grin:
I also want to say that the new name is perfect, if widespread mainstream adoption is our goal - which, of course, it is. Also the simple logo with the inverted "C" with the dash in it is also perfect. Furthermore, the ticker symbol DASH would also be my choice, as it completely removes any ambiguity at all.

As for a symbol, corresponding to the way that the dollar sign ($) symbolizes the dollar, I think it is obvious that it should be an upper-case "D" with a horizontal line through the middle of the upright line of the "D." Or perhaps the horizontal line should extend through the entire "D." Either one would work for me.
So I was just messing around with a little logo design tonight. I know they're amateur at best, but my thought behind the design was playing on the "digital" idea with using a 14-LED Digital Display. I am gonna mess around with the colors a little bit so they don't look so flat and maybe look like an actual LED coloration.


  • DASH1_300x150.png
    17 KB · Views: 250
  • DASH3_300x150.png
    26.6 KB · Views: 241
Here's two more "Digital" designs that also play on the "-" idea.


  • DASH2_300x150.png
    17.1 KB · Views: 248
  • DASH4_300x150.png
    26.7 KB · Views: 245