Proposal Evaluation Committee
Feed Back
Nearing the end of this test Phase. What a hectic couple of weeks. Mostly my own fault: I thought we should start on the day the new cycle starts – sounded logical, but it was way too late – Proposals for this cycle came in long before then.
I also had the brilliant idea of being nice and asking Proposal Owners if they wanted to be evaluated.
Noob mistake: Waiting for their replies delayed everything so the Categorized and Prioritized list of Proposals were only released yesterday: Pre-Proposal Cycle starting 170706 thread: a lot of voting has already taken place L
Some things did go well:
Community seems to be reasonably happy with the results – some Proposal Owners who received bad reports were not happy.
The evaluators performed way beyond my expectations and luckily I did not start with the 2 as I planned originally.
Evaluating is a lot more time consuming than I thought: especially since they were working in teams: time differences and real life makes this especially difficult.
Most of the Evaluators will be able to evaluate on their own from now on, but we’ll always have new evaluators who will be working in teams to learn the ropes.
Besides learning how to evaluate and understanding the endless PEC bureaucracy that goes with that, the Evaluators also gave a vast amount of feedback/input on the various aspects of the PEC – especially the Guidelines: contradictory and difficult to interpret in places etc etc
The community also gave quite a bit of feedback and I’ll be spending most of what’s left of Phase 1 implementing all of this.
So the PEC will get better over time.
We also managed to complete work that was only scheduled for Phase 2.
Four of the easier items out of 9 have already been completed this phase: mostly to do with Categorizing proposals resulting in the
Categorized list. To be honest, it did turn out to be a lot easier than I thought it would be.
It does mean that we are ahead of the curve and moving closer to the real meat: “Phase 3
Monitoring Proposals”. That will be a tough and contentious one to crack, but we’ll give it a go. Maybe we’ll start next phase, but 1st a lot of introspection; cleaning up; simplifying and clarifying.
We’ll be inviting a number of ‘senior’ members to come and visit our slack to see what we do and how we do it: @edduffield ; @babygiraffe;
@TroyDASH; @nibiruhybrid (Mark Mason); @springshiker (Joe Morac), i.e. the Press!!
Hopefully they’ll all pop in and give us some feedback.
Main purpose is obviously to show we don’t have anything to hide and that we’re open for constructive criticism (which I’m sure we’ll get

) If any other people (before 2013) would like to pop in – PM me
We have lost two of our evaluators through real life: Chosen and Benglian.
Both of them gave valuable time and ideas! Can't thank them enough!! :clap: :clap: and I suspect we'll see more of them once the time issues are sorted.
This mean we’ll be recruiting quite soon and we are also busy voting for a Master Evaluator to help me cope – bit off a bit more than I can chew. Will be announced quite soon: MEv duties here:
What pleased me most was to see the improvements in the Proposal marks of those that took, what the Ev’s suggested, to heart and put the effort in to provide more info.
That is really what the PEC is about:
Better info for the MNO’s to vote on.