Odoo (OpenERP) extension to manage DASH

Thanks, I'll do that, althought I got already the remaining dashes, I'll send it back to you ok?
I will meet with someone today or tomorrow who is an experience odoo developer to get some more technical information about the API.

Also you can read the draft if you have a comment on a particular area of the document?
There are still some unfiled areas and some might need to be fed after I meetup with the guy specially on timelines and limitations.
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Some mockhup on how the POS would look like.
I just took a very quick cursory look around, and it seems that small retail shops are very interested in odoo but are finding it hard to implement. It's undoubtedly overwhelming for them. There doesn't seem to be much support for setting these up. If we did this, would it be possible to make step by step guides on how to set it up for sample stores? Mini marts, gas stations, ice cream parlor, restaurant, etc? I suspect that small shops could be our break-through client, if it's free and easy or at least if there were support to set things up.

Anyway, I love this idea and so glad you brought it up! We seriously need to start thinking about POS solutions, or Dash will never go anywhere (nor any other crypto!)

Would there be anything in helping them out with that? Dash helping them out with that I mean, on condition the accept Dash. I'd briefly played around with OpenERP a long time back, didn't get very far with it as it was way more powerful than I needed at the time but it was making sense.
Would there be anything in helping them out with that? Dash helping them out with that I mean, on condition the accept Dash. I'd briefly played around with OpenERP a long time back, didn't get very far with it as it was way more powerful than I needed at the time but it was making sense.

Apparently, as stated above, there are a lot of people who make their living setting up ERP for businesses. It would seem to me that reaching out to these consultants and offering them incentives to convince businesses to add Dash to their systems would be a great way to move adoption along.
JZA, are you asking what kind of incentives? I really don't know. Financial? Maybe we could have a fund that pays so many Dash for every client hooked up to accept Dash? Free advertisement on Dash website? other things?

We'd have to have a way to verify everything though...
JZA, are you asking what kind of incentives? I really don't know. Financial? Maybe we could have a fund that pays so many Dash for every client hooked up to accept Dash? Free advertisement on Dash website? other things?

We'd have to have a way to verify everything though...
I see well this is more a development proposal more than a marketing one, maybe we could think on that on a different marketing-driven prosposal. But I am not sure if its a good idea to extend the proposal to something that is already a bit of "over-promising".

However I think that we could learn from Odoo's way to get the best UX so that business could addopt it. I suggest to work with Odoo's packages and see what kind of things would work on a point of sale.

For example, the best way to show the price, or how should the buyer view the final price or should it display all the prices in DASH.
Hey guys, getting ready to get my final revision of the proposal, and I will try to get it up to Dashwhale as soon as possible. I am including a final version on this post before is up publicly.


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Is something to be discussed because of the high transaction cost. I wonder if this is something that the costumer should decide. It does makes sense of course for a rapid confirmation but I am not sure if its up to the POS system. The POS only generate a QR with the wallet and the total amount to be sent.

If I am wrong with this assumption please point me to the documentation to implement it and I'll add it to the paper. Just to mention that it was considered but the documentation on InstantSend wasn't clear about who initiate the setup for such type of transaction.
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It is up to the receiving POS system to detect InstantSend. InstantSend is what makes Dash unique from all other bitclones. The InstantSend cost will eventually be 0 fee for users according to the Evolution paper. This is definitely the highest priority feature to integrate with a POS system and really the only reason a merchant would change from accepting Bitcoin to Dash. InstantSend guarantees a double spend proof instant transaction.

I believe you need to revise your proposal with a new amount. Please do more research on InstantSend before you put up a revised proposal. Look at the code on Github for the core or android wallets for more details on how it is detected.
Even if a totally useless thing works perfectly...

You guys just don't get it. Simple.

Existing businesses are not going to turn their entire apple cart upside-down for you. You're just not that special.

Also, why bother at all if you're not going to support the feature that makes doing this worth doing? IX. You'll still have all the same problems if every other BitClone, and no sane person would present it to business... All you're going to do is piss them off when they do their due dilligence and find out that you were keeping them in the dark about Double Spends. Then they'll wonder exactly how insane you really are when find out you have the solution to Double Sends, but have chosen to ignore it for 1.5 years... If that's all you're going to do, why not use Monero? MaidSafe? Litecoin?

And you believe the answer is to pull the wool over their eyes, hope they are too stupid to find out, and failing that, just sit on your thumbs until Evolution?

Hello? The stupid vending machine was nothing but an IX Detector! That was the only reason the fuckin' thing was even created! That was 9 months ago. What have you done with? Cart a really expensive glorified refrigerator around the country at a cost greater than what could have utilized the very thing it was created to demonstrate, yet you completely ignored it instead? Do you not see that this extreme ridiculousness is exactly why grown-ups can't take you seriously even when they try really, really hard?

Are you paying any attention at all? I direct that question at MNOs and this proposal's originator.

I give up. This is fucking insane...
We haven't published this proposal again because we are researching the IX feature, again, like you said the dashvend was just a IX Detector. But there are new tools on version 12 that can be used to trigger events such as zmq and instantsendnotify flags to rely on dashd information.
If you have any working code that we can use as reference to execute recipient based code beside doing an IX Detection like maybe using notifications to execute something that count the confirmations and decide on the nature of the transaction.