Odoo (OpenERP) extension to manage DASH


Active member
This is a very early pre-proposal about building an extension for Odoo (OpenERP), which is an Open Source (LGPLv3) license.
Odoo is built on Python, and includes a POS which makes it easier for businesses to implement and integrate with crypto currencies such as DASH.
The plugin will include the possible features:
- Add DASH as a core currency
- Get DASH-Currency visualization
- Process QR codes from mobile wallets
- Invoicing as local currency with DASH as foreign

Possible features:
- Integration wtih DASH exchanges
- Integration with Shapeshift

Funding, I think this is not going to be an easy plugin to build and will probably require serious development cycle. I think that the way to get developing of this would be done in stages. I see this working as a 7-9 month with at least 2 python developers, 1 Javascript plus maybe a UX developer. So putting a target pricing might be too loose, but I am estimating around 1800 DASH (for 7-months development) to 2100 (9-months).

Alternatively subhiring a contractor specializing on the framework we could expect a working plugin withing 2 month development and maybe a upcost of 500 extra DASH.

Why fund it?
Odoo is a very popular ERP, it has a strong footprint on many industries, it has a very modular design and have a strong third party ecosystem of plugins. At the same time, is Open Source so is improvable and easier to deal than commercial ERP like SAP, or SalesForce.
Other sources of funding could be through an ICO or Crowdfunding so at least DASH doesnt put the whole cost, or could be spin as a for-profit business, like TigoCTMs and such.
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I like the idea. This certainly is more expensive than the woo-commerce plugin, but it looks like there is more work is involved with Odoo. Blockpay has something that is almost done and might be a partnership/baseline. Are there any services using bitcoin that can be ported?

Can you give a concept of how many merchants use this system? I think that is probably the best gauge to see if this project will be effective.
Sure here is a white paper compared to Microsoft Dynamics and other ERPs, both feature wise and marketwise: https://www.odoo.com/openerp_website/static/src/pdf/erp_comparison_en.pdf
Here is a more direct comparison with SAP: http://erp.softwareinsider.com/compare/218-246/SAP-ERP-vs-Odoo
And versus FLOSS ERP competitor Adempiere: http://erp.softwareinsider.com/compare/246-300/Odoo-vs-Adempiere
Also a final Matrix: http://www.evaluation-matrix.com/comparison

I am not big into relying on third party services, this is a highly risky move since a) Centralized services, not another Bitfinex b) Support for DASH? c) Is all well and dandy until you are in an enterprise LAN behind a firewall and VPN with no access to the public internet (aka where SAAS goes to die).

For that I really want to get to see if having an SPV like Electrum-Dash is really a good idea, for an enterprise server, with a PostgreSQL database I think that having a local blockchain should be fine, so a dashd might be enough to host locally.
I just took a very quick cursory look around, and it seems that small retail shops are very interested in odoo but are finding it hard to implement. It's undoubtedly overwhelming for them. There doesn't seem to be much support for setting these up. If we did this, would it be possible to make step by step guides on how to set it up for sample stores? Mini marts, gas stations, ice cream parlor, restaurant, etc? I suspect that small shops could be our break-through client, if it's free and easy or at least if there were support to set things up.

Anyway, I love this idea and so glad you brought it up! We seriously need to start thinking about POS solutions, or Dash will never go anywhere (nor any other crypto!)
I wonder what does @daniel think about it (is it corresponding with general Dash Business development plan or maybe it's too early to develop such specific projects and we have more important projects to fund).
small retail shops are very interested in odoo but are finding it hard to implement. It's undoubtedly overwhelming for them.

Well an ERP is a complex system, is not something you setup overnight. And about support, there are plenty of consultants all across the world giving this services for SMB. Odoo has a directory of Odoo consultants around the world: https://www.odoo.com/partners
hey sounds great !

is this related / connected / same same as blockpay has Odoo 9 implementation
(or am I totally confused :rolleyes:)

hey sounds great !

is this related / connected / same same as blockpay has Odoo 9 implementation
(or am I totally confused :rolleyes:)

I gave my thoughts on BlockPay, and a technology vs a third party service, but I don't know what blockpay do as far as integration wtih the rest of the ERP (accounting and such).
I gave my thoughts on BlockPay, and a technology vs a third party service, but I don't know what blockpay do as far as integration wtih the rest of the ERP (accounting and such).

copy that
just wanted to point it out

cheistof hering (owner) is in telegram in case u need a chat with him
@JZA , I find it a very useful concept. As a former ERP consultant I am very excited about this kind of proposals.
Anyway, if I were you, I would wait few weeks more with any proposals. The reason for that is the fact that our integrations team works on a solution to integrate ProtonMail and other partners in the future. This is in fact a part of Evolution development process.
In case you start your work now, after Evolution you would need to develop it again (not to mention that Evo will make any integrations much easier). So I advice some patience :)

Meantime, would you be so kind and explain in more details what does it mean:
- Add DASH as a core currency
- Invoicing as local currency with DASH as foreign
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Sure, actually there weren't really thought out features, so thats why it sound so ambiguos. But an ERP usually integrates the POS system and invoicing, with the accounting system.
The thing is that you dont want the accounting part with a different currency, and you might want to record it as the FIAT ammount at the moment of the invoice. So for example in Cancun a business take 50 usd, and the ticket show 50 usd with the MXN equivalent. And the accounts gets recorded MXN ammount entry to the bank.
I have been googling around if there has been a Bitcoin implementation on OpenERP/Odoo and the issue is that the Bitcoin currency doesnt get adjusted to the current exchange rate. Odoo just treat the currency globally and dont worry much about updating the equivalent. or visualizing the alternative value wich is desirable when managing the values in the system.
@JZA , I find it a very useful concept. As a former ERP consultant I am very excited about this kind of proposals.
Anyway, if I were you, I would wait few weeks more with any proposals. The reason for that is the fact that our integrations team works on a solution to integrate ProtonMail and other partners in the future. This is in fact a part of Evolution development process.
In case you start your work now, after Evolution you would need to develop it again (not to mention that Evo will make any integrations much easier). So I advice some patience :)

Meantime, would you be so kind and explain in more details what does it mean:
- Add DASH as a core currency
- Invoicing as local currency with DASH as foreign

I understand that the dapi will make things much easier, and certainly the integration of odoo should use it, but I don't understand what integrating "protonmail and other solutions" has to do with it, if you've got a moment to explain please?

Also, If odoo is complex, which I would think it is, I would think any time spent creating a team that familiarizes themselves with odoo would be well worth it. This is a corner stone, if not half the foundation or more for Dash adoption. I don't think this should wait. Think of all the planning that has gone into Evolution. Like Evolution, A point of sale integration will require planning, a road map, etc... Also familiarization with the code we'll be integrating with. We will also need to build up a team of programmers just for this, because our programmers are already very busy with Dash Core stuff.

There is much to work out and odoo integration could influence Dash Evolution DAPI as well, as we may find needs that weren't planned for.

I would go so far as to say our marketing costs should be reduced in order to further a project like this one.
Hi @TanteStefana - thanks for the comment.
Let me explain one point after another :)

I understand that the dapi will make things much easier, and certainly the integration of odoo should use it, but I don't understand what integrating "protonmail and other solutions" has to do with it, if you've got a moment to explain please?
ProtonMail integration efforts build a foundation for other merchants/partners who would integrate Dash in the future. What is developed there is not the solution tailored exclusively for Proton needs but an universal software to be used for any integration. It is not only DAPI but entire backend part to be used by integrator.

Also, If odoo is complex, which I would think it is, I would think any time spent creating a team that familiarizes themselves with odoo would be well worth it. This is a corner stone, if not half the foundation or more for Dash adoption. I don't think this should wait. Think of all the planning that has gone into Evolution. Like Evolution, A point of sale integration will require planning, a road map, etc... Also familiarization with the code we'll be integrating with. We will also need to build up a team of programmers just for this, because our programmers are already very busy with Dash Core stuff.
  1. This is not a Point of Sell integration - ODOO is an ERP system. ERP is a quite complex software to manage companies and company operations (in simple words) - point of sale is just one piece.
  2. In my opinion this would not be "the foundation or more for Dash adoption". First, ERPs are not so easy and cheap to implement as you would see from the websites and marketing materials. Second, Dash is not a legal currency (yet), so any company that would even potentially decide to have Dash in PoS part of ERP, won't use it for accounting, finance etc, because it would be impossible. Don't think that every store on the street uses ERP system - EPR implementations are relatively rare.
  3. You mentioned about "team that familiarizes themselves with odoo", so you make an assumption that you can form a team of inexperienced developers and make them changing core of ERP system? I am sorry to say that but it won't work. Time needed to train a technical ERP consultant is c.a. 1 year or even more in case of some systems (assuming that he/she has access to documentation, training, mentors and work on real cases in parallel). Who would pay for this time of familiarization? Here we need really experienced consultants, not some people willing to play with the code. ERP customizations are serious things, so we need to have a serious approach to that.
There is much to work out and odoo integration could influence Dash Evolution DAPI as well, as we may find needs that weren't planned for.
This is true - however as stated previously, there should be something to integrate with first (a part currently built for Proton).

I would go so far as to say our marketing costs should be reduced in order to further a project like this one.
Do we have so big marketing costs that are equivalent of cost of such a complex project? I don't think so... Don't underestimate marketing and don't forget that without marketing we will have no usage of such systems. We need to attract new users with Dash - we won't do it on our social media channels and community websites because people who use them are already Dash users (and we don't have to convince them to use Dash). New users will come mainly as a result of good PR and marketing (this is at least what I have learned so far in my different jobs).

In conclusion, what I would advice to @JZA is a small project to investigate and make a design together with estimates of the effort and cost needed to build the extension. When it is ready, another project could be created for implementation (+probably some business development and marketing).
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OK Kot, I see I'm far too hopeful. I really don't know what places like mini-marts (7-11 here in the states) McDonnalds, etc... use. I thought this odoo would be similar. Is there no way to prepare a system or integrate Dash into the systems of some huge national chains? If we could get a national chain to implement Dash (because we convince HQ and make it easy) it would really catapult us. I know we're too soon for that, but it wouldn't hurt to research and prepare.

I still don't understand how ProtonMail builds a foundation for integration of Dash? Isn't it just a private mail client? I'm still curious to know how they fit in :) -- If you have the time, or anyone?? Very curious!
In the ProtonMail integration project we build exactly the same software as needed here and other integration projects.
The first, relatively simple, step was Jaxx, now the guys are working on more advanced version of this software. You can consider it a building block or a module needed for any Dash integration (it is better to re-use it instead of building the same from scratch in every integration project, right).
So an update on the post, I am inspired by Amanda's video on making this proposal legit. I want to crowdfund my proposal, atm I only have 2.50 dash, if anyone want to donate to it, so I can get to 5 dash and push the propsal to Central send your dash to XvzBvLjBbYQMEGknXw1SwjqVe4maXuMvRF
I hope we can get this done by the end of the week.
If you want to know more about myself or any question of this being not such a good idea, please PM me or reply here.

FYI: I am still not sure I have all the pieces (knowledge, development wise) to bring this to reality so this is also be taken as a call for help.
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I reach 3.20 DASH, still need 1.80 D,lets get this proposal up and running. I'll be publishing the first draft of the legit proposal will take some of the points mentioned here, feel free to inquiry further holes you see on this, or recomendations to make the proposal more viable. regards.
Adding the first version of the document proposal, is a very early draft.


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I will send you the remaining part in a minute - good luck with the proposal.

I would only suggest to put some timelines connected to deliverables into the document.