October 2016 Budget Report

Ryan Taylor

Well-known member
Foundation Member
The core team has completed its requests for the October budget cycle, which is proving to be extremely competitive. We have seen another record this month in terms of requested funding from community-sponsored proposals. In order to accommodate additional room for community proposals, the core team has scaled back its requests this month below our 80% self-imposed request limit. We are instead requesting funding totaling 75% of the maximum budget. Nonetheless, there are far more funding requests than available funds this month, so some proposals with adequate support may not fit within the budget's constraints.

Below is an overview of October’s funding requests for the core team and the community sponsored proposals that are currently passing. The next superblock is scheduled for block 548328, which should occur at approximately 8am (UTC) on Wednesday, October 5th.

If you have not already reviewed and voted on the proposals submitted throughout the month, there is still plenty of time to vote. Remember that votes must be submitted by the time the budgets finalize 24 hours before the payment cycle, so make sure to vote no later than Tuesday morning UTC to see your votes counted.

Ongoing Core Team Budget Items:

Core Team Budget - 1,176 Dash (ongoing)
Dash-Lamassu ATM Integration - 610.26 DASH (payment #10 of 12)

Core Team Budget Requests:

PR-Fall Campaign
Provides funding for a public relations contract expected to run through the fall - 527.15 Dash

Electrum & Sentinel Development
This proposal funds the ongoing support and maintenance of Electrum wallet and also provides support to the Core development team for Sentinel - 83.64 Dash

Core Development - 12.2 DashDrive Developers
Funds sub-contracted developers to accelerate the Evolution development timeline - 600.52 Dash

Infrastructure - Liquidity Providers
Ongoing funding for our PrivateSend liquidity providers to speed mixing - 28.92 Dash

Evolution Development - Subcontractors
Funds sub-contracted developers to accelerate the Evolution development timeline - 250.39 Dash

Marketing, International Outreach & Promotion
This proposal continues international outreach funding and was expanded to include wiki and video translations - 231.26 Dash

Legal Part 2
This proposal provides funding towards a legal opinion on Dash tax and liability issues pertaining to masternodes - 1,733.46 Dash

Business Development
This proposal funds our ongoing integration costs for business development efforts underway - 361.77 Dash

Other Community Sponsored Proposals Currently Slated to Fund:

Dash Detailed
123.00 Dash (payment #1 of 6)

Living Room of Satoshi Integration
1,000 Dash

Dash to Adoption
333.33 Dash (payment #1 of 3)

All Things Open Conference
94.03 Dash

Brave New Books Stage Sponsorship
100.00 Dash (payment #1 of 3)

The Dash Times
26.00 Dash

Unallocated funds:

There are currently 170.06 Dash unallocated in this month's budget at this time.

Complete Budget (as of current voting rank):


Note: USD conversion in the table assumes conversion rates noted in the new budget proposals (at the time they were submitted to the network), or the average exchange rate on the date the proposals were submitted. Core team budget assumes a USD exchange rate of $11.542 as of September 28th. Existing fixed-duration budgets use the original exchange rate at the time of creation. Exchange rate risk is carried only by the proposer of these budgets and not by the network.
These are the proposals bumped so far. I see two proposals near 10% that are a clear step in the right direction to get the community and outside world involved. Maybe you can spot them

Slack Tipbot And Community Engagement

(Details | Comments [15]) Solarminer 2/3 1,177 676 501 12% 225.00 7,504.73 Graph
Blockchain: Money conference in London (6-7 NOV 2016)
(Details | Comments [20]) kot 1/1 857 407 450 11% 1,160.00 8,664.73 Graph
Dash Force - Dash Community Energizer
(Details | Comments [19]) InTheWoods 1/6 615 234 381 9.2% 280.00 8,944.73 Graph
OTC Marketplace with Wall of Coins
(Details | Comments [34]) rgenito 1/1 321 203 118 2.9% 2,000.00 10,944.73 Graph
New merchants, localizations and business developement for Dash + presentation in Bratislava
(Details | Comments [6]) Comodore 1/1 66 41 25 0.6% 145.00 11,089.73 Graph
TDG's Decentralized "DigitalCash" Social Media Outreach & Marketing Campaign
(Details | Comments [11]) TheDashGuy 1/3 385 368 17 0.4% 130.00 11,219.73 Graph
Dash Mobile - Denver Crypto Tour
(Details | Comments [15]) UndocumentedHuman 1/1 177 234 -57 -1.4% 350.00 11,569.73 Graph
Dash University
(Details | Comments [8]) dashuniversity 1/1 0 282 -282 -6.8% 700.00 12,269.73 Graph
For the Lamassau-ATM proposal, there seems to be a typo: 610,26 x $11,54 assumed USD price equals $7.042. You have $1.666 USD listed in the chart.
That actually is not an error. That was the value at the time it was submitted. All proposals with a USD amount at time of submission reference the USD amount at the time. Only ongoing proposals over 12 months in duration (which only the core team budget falls in that category) reference the current rate each month. In the case of Lamassau, the contractor agreed to take the currency risk over the contract period. For obvious reasons, we no longer sign these types of deals with duration over 3 months where the vendor accepts the currency risk, as the price can grow quickly after the agreement is signed.