Not so much scrooge, as perspective. Many people in the world are used to just barely scraping by. I'm not going to discuss why. But it's a fact.
This is a demonstration of the self-governance capacity of DASH.
How many clonecoin fanboys use the word "we?" Exactly what do they do? What is their contribution? How do they influence anything? Who is this "we" they keep talking about?
In DASH, there really is a "we." Every one of the MN operators has a say. WE decide what gets funded. Not a bickering panel of subversive wannabe nerds who really do not understand what they're tinkering with. DASH is where the smart money already is. That smart money is the "we" that actually exists, and is deciding the future.
Why not present that demonstration in style? If you're gonna do it. DO IT!
Especially if Evan's Brain, the most precious cargo any conveyance has ever carried, is involved. If he must go to Mexico, spare no expense! Miami is pretty suck, too. I would never go there intentionally. Unless I was to serve as one of Evan's body guards. ;-)
You're scraping by every month. I understand. you count pennies. You choose Ramen over Steak. I still do it, but mostly by choice and the fact that I like the simple life. This isn't about being ultra frugal. this is about showing the world that we've got what every other coin doesn't, and we've got it in spades.
We, the MN operators, are happy to shell out our earnings, via our built-in governance, to send our Cult Leader who invented that very functionality on fancy trips! We can do that! Watch me vote! I'm going to go be part of "we" and vote now! No power in the 'verse can stop me! And Evan made it so. I have no problem putting that amazing awesomeness on display for all to see!
This isn't about what it costs. It's about what makes the scene. It's about showing up in crypto style. I could hitch hike to Vegas and camp in a tent. But, if the lead developer of the most awesome thing to happen to money has to rent a used Yugo and spend his own money to just barely afford a Motel 6 for him and his woman... No. That's not good enough. It's not credible. People ask "If it's so great, why is he dressed like a homeless bum and gate crashing the 'free continental breakfast' at a hotel he can't even afford to stay at?" Does that inspire confidence?
Doesn't Scrooge McDuck have a diving board in his vault, and swim around in giant piles of money? So, lets look like it. Because we can.
Is this what frugality looks like?
If this guy told you he solved all the problems that money has suffered since the beginning of time, including the problems that "brand new" crypto currency has, would you take him seriously: