Not enough for full node, what to do then?

There are a number of masternode share services, you have to give the Dash over to them so you are exposed to the risk of it being lost if they are hacked or physically compromised.

You could also form a company with a bunch of others and run your own shared masternode, sadly masternodes do not support multisig addresses so in this situation there is still trust involved.
Then don't trust them and wait for Evolution to bring the trustless masternode shares. I have shares with both services and am very happy. I am also aware of the risks.
I, and certainly many others here, would recommend splawiks masternode share service. I have used him for a long time for partial masternode shares. Great guy and really helpful.

I cashed some out only a few days ago and had the dash returned within minutes.

Calling @splawik21
what stops him to run away?
or get busted by feds or irs?
or die ?
and how can I withdraw main Dash from him?
Busted by feds? For what?

As for death, you'd have to ask him about that, but as he asked me about me having a plan if I died, I'd guess he's covered. But like I say, a valid point that I'm sure he'll be happy to discuss.

Running away also possible of course. He handles a lot of money for a lot of people. Splawik is well known around here though and has trust from a lot of people - a good reputation. Maybe have a chat with him and see how you feel after that :)
please just make a smaller entry level into masternode business
or trustless shared masternode
from 500 Dash please?
I'm a little puzzled that you're asking about Masternode shares whilst at the same time asking about the safest way to store your masternode collateral.

In answer to your question above, however, the masternodes service the network, not the other way around, and right now the network does not need any more masternodes, therefore there is no reason to reduce the amount of collateral required. The high collateral requirement is important to protect against Sybill attack and keep the network secure, and the block reward paid to masternodes keeps them incentivised to always act in the best interests of the Dash network. Reducing the collateral to 500 at this point would not only flood the network with far more masternodes than it needs, it would enable the wealthier holders to double up their masternodes, potentially reducing the network security, whilst also greatly reducing the rewards paid per masternode, reducing the level of incentivisation for everybody, which would be the biggest blow for those with only one or two nodes.

I'm not unsympathetic, I am in the same position that I just don't have enough Dash for a masternode and probably never will. But I also understand that the needs of the network come first. For those of us who didn't buy enough Dash while they were cheap, that's our problem and it would be silly to harm the efficiency of the whole network just to make us feel more included.

As for the trustless masternode shares, they will come. But it won't be any time soon.

But, do we want to subject the share operators to a shitty attitude?

I never learned any of the necessary technical background, but I identify as a Masternode Operator. I DEMAND FREE MONEY FOR NOTHING! I'm an MNOsexual! USE MY PRONOUNS!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!