Norton Security says Dash Trojan?


New member
Category: Resolved Security Risks
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Path - Filename
11/07/2017 12:12:35 AM,High,dashcore- (Trojan.Gen.8!cloud) detected by Download Insight,Quarantined,Resolved - No Action Required,c:\users\melisa\downloads\dashcore-

what is this? what actions should i take?

Not to worry, Norton does that.

Dash is open-sourced and clean software.

Click: Exclude this program. Click: Always allow.
Not to worry, Norton does that.

Dash is open-sourced and clean software.

Click: Exclude this program. Click: Always allow.


Please check the file siganture first, to ensure it has not been tampered with!
The developers always post the file hashes on their website. They also post PGP signatures. You should at least check whether the hash value of your local file matches with the one published on the website.

To calculate file hashes, I can recommend the following piece of software which integrates into the Windows Explorer File Property Tab: