No Block source available ? Help please


New member
Hi all, can someone please help with this

I did the Tools > Repair Wallet > Rebuild Index. As I read in another thread. Everything seemed fine as it recalulated all the blocks from just over 4 years until 2 weeks behind then it stopped again say No Block source available.

There are presently 4 active connections, why won't it sync?

I have tried all the other options >Rescan & Recover transactions - Nothing -

Please help.

Thank you in advance
What is your wallet version? Must be v0.12.3.x (v. is last).

Thanks Mine is v0.12.1.5, better get it updated. Is this likely to be the cause?
Thanks for your help

Thank You. Wallet updated, all present & correct, thank you so much for your help. Cheers
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so what have you done? how did they fix the problem? I would not like to be in such a situation, could you describe in more detail.