New member
Hi all, can someone please help with this
I did the Tools > Repair Wallet > Rebuild Index. As I read in another thread. Everything seemed fine as it recalulated all the blocks from just over 4 years until 2 weeks behind then it stopped again say No Block source available.
There are presently 4 active connections, why won't it sync?
I have tried all the other options >Rescan & Recover transactions - Nothing -
Please help.
Thank you in advance
I did the Tools > Repair Wallet > Rebuild Index. As I read in another thread. Everything seemed fine as it recalulated all the blocks from just over 4 years until 2 weeks behind then it stopped again say No Block source available.
There are presently 4 active connections, why won't it sync?
I have tried all the other options >Rescan & Recover transactions - Nothing -
Please help.
Thank you in advance