New (pre-proposal) for masternode voters


Refer to revised addition of this idea in newer post above:

Just wondering how much traction I could get with this idea before I invest in submitting an actual proposal.
I am a majority shareholder/co-owner of a small medical marijuana dispensary, nothing huge we serve a small community. We do between 6-10k/WK in sales, and about the same in orders. Dealing with a couple hundred customers. With this amount of cash, security is on the forefront of our minds, and cryptocurrency seems like an elegant solution. So here is my idea:1: I will have my dispensary switch over to using dash primarily. This will increase dash use by 32-40k/ month minimum. 2. We will advertise the use of dash on our Facebook, Weedmaps, and some other local affiliates. 3. I will create a YouTube channel promoting the use of dash for this purpose, and submit at least 1 video/WK on it. 4. I will take business trips to dispensary hotspots once/month to pitch the idea to other dispensaries to use dash as a safe and viable alternative to cash:). I believe that this idea, could be a home run for both dash and my medicinal marijuana dispensary. Not to mention bringing a much needed level of security to the dispensary community. In order to make this worth my time and effort, to cover costs of advertising and monthly business trips, the time and initiative to take dash to the next level, and to possibly help cover any losses due to the volatility of crypto in today's marketplace. I would request 500dash/month for a minimum of 12 months I know this may seem like a lot to ask but remember I would be risking my business, in order to make dash mainstream for widespread use within a multi-billion dollar/year industry. Please give feedback, I am open to suggestions:)
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Having your existing business accept Dash is as simple as installing some software from people around here. Telling your customers to use Dash is a pretty easy and effective marketing tool you can use on social media and other websites. Where does using treasury funds come into play?
I'm not so sure about that one. What do you mean by "switching over to Dash primarily"? Are you really going to turn down the vast majority (nearly all) of your customers who are going to be in your store saying "take my money" but you say sorry, I only take Dash? It is a huge (and unreasonable, imo) assumption that most of your customers are just going to go along with that even with heavy advertising.

My suggestion? If Dash helps you because of the security aspect, then start accepting Dash without changing anything about your other payment methods, but offer a small discount if they pay in Dash instead of fiat.
Switching over to dash primarily, would be as simple as having costomers set up wallets and purchase dash, then accepting it as payment, we could offer service to help get them set up and sell them their first dash, to pay us with, offer a small discount as an incentive and explain to them the advantages. No we wouldn't turn down those who prefer to stick with cash, but we would offer the incentive, which would be an initial 5-10% off and a loss to our company, The treasury pay is primarily for advertising, and increasing the user base for dash, YouTube videos and traveling expenses to promote others to do the same, I have faith in dash, but it is a risk to switch our payment method and hold/ operate with dash. If it tanks we stand to lose a lot of money. I am asking for you folks to understand that the reward for dash in this case would far outweigh the risks, or dash spent. I am a motivated individual, and would work my butt of to promote the use of dash, but would also like a little compensation for my leap of faith in dash.
It is my understanding that the spread of promotion and use of dash as a solid alternative to using cash, and the transaction problems with other cryptos, is the very reason for the treasury funds and the masternode holders voting on projects. It seems to me like we aren't going to get much done if the dash goes to waste because the masternode holders don't want to approve things like this, I know dash is worth a lot more these days, maybe that's why everyone seems to be voting as if they own the money being put up. Look I'm not just looking to make a quick buck, whining about dash detailed. I believe in cryptos and was hoping to make dash my main focus. Thanks I really appreciate the comments
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I'm not so sure about that one. What do you mean by "switching over to Dash primarily"? Are you really going to turn down the vast majority (nearly all) of your customers who are going to be in your store saying "take my money" but you say sorry, I only take Dash? It is a huge (and unreasonable, imo) assumption that most of your customers are just going to go along with that even with heavy advertising.

My suggestion? If Dash helps you because of the security aspect, then start accepting Dash without changing anything about your other payment methods, but offer a small discount if they pay in Dash instead of fiat.
I posted replies but not directly sorry will next time
Accepting Dash is quick and easy and carries no real risk or substantial cost. Encouraging your customers to use Dash will be more difficult.
Perhaps a proposal, for a fraction of the value of this one, just for getting your customers set up for free.

Just an idea, I don't think you will get 12 months at 500 Dash with your current proposal. With more detail form you, it might be possible but I doubt it.
At the current Dash price you are asking for $480,000 a year.
Accepting Dash is quick and easy and carries no real risk or substantial cost. Encouraging your customers to use Dash will be more difficult.
Perhaps a proposal, for a fraction of the value of this one, just for getting your customers set up for free.

Just an idea, I don't think you will get 12 months at 500 Dash with your current proposal. With more detail form you, it might be possible but I doubt it.
At the current Dash price you are asking for $480,000 a year.
No real risk or substantial cost?? crypto could still fail, four months ago this would have only been a fraction of that amount, and could be again in the near furure. Not asking for 480k, I'm asking for 6000dash over a year, anything could happen. Also you seem to be missing the cheerleader aspect, and all the advertisement/YouTube videos and pitching dash to other dispensaries, those things cost time, money and effort , none of which are free, I'm not asking to get paid simply to use dash, I'm asking to get paid for trying to implement and move forward with dash. It's seems like people are missing that point and getting hung up on the use for retail. And the pay would only be a for year, then I'd propose significantly less to continue, Just to be clear, I am not just asking for a handout, I have other revenue streams. Do you think I'd do better to ask for half or 250dash/mo,
While from your perspective it makes sense to assume the worst, from our perspective it makes sense to assume the best. We just went through a period of rapid price growth, we're not thinking about the value of dash tanking. We're far more expectant of the price of Dash over a year, to increase, perhaps even dramatically with the release of evolution. If you really believed that the price was going to tank, why would you try for a year long proposal? Either way, that's a bit besides the point. We tend not to approve year long proposals, because of that exact expectation. I'm no expert, but based on the knowledge I do have on the community here, you'll need to break your proposal down if you want it to have a shot at passing. You're unknown to us, unless you've got a pretty hefty presence on the web, it's going to be pretty hard to get everyone to trust you. Because of this, it's often smartest to try to establish yourself with a smaller proposal before you attempt something that is this ambitious.

I do have 1 pretty clear concern though, based on what I've seen so far. You say that "We do between 6-10k/WK in sales, and about the same in orders." then say "This will increase dash use by 32-40k/ month minimum". First, you should change minimum to average, because minimum is a pretty tall order when you average 48,000 - 80,000 a month in sales+orders. By saying minimum, you're promising that 70% of your total sales and orders on a bad month, will now be done in Dash. This seems to be some very optimistic accounting, even changing minimum to average seems very optimistic. I think your first few months will likely see a much lower adoption that 70%, I'd be amazed if 50% was achieved first month, my expectation here is something like 10%, slowly growing with time. As stated, your numbers seem quite outlandish to me, but you know your business far better than me, and perhaps you left something out, or I interpreted them incorrectly.

Obviously you're just running through the idea, and you're optimistic and hopeful that a proposal that will help dash, and help your business can be achieved, it's normal to be optimistic with numbers like that. Likewise, it's normal to, when talking to people who don't see the potential downsides of dash (like us in this forum), to remind them that the risk of dash dropping is present, and important as it's not something a normal business tends to ever have to deal with. Regardless of whatever faith you have in the currency, there is an actual risk to holding Dash, despite all of our faith in Evan and core crew, and it's important that we not forget that.

Lastly, the ongoing payments over the course of a year are to fund exactly what? Because integration and using Dash seems like one fee, that people would probably be willing to pay. But continued support for you to make a youtube, travel to dispensary hotspots, and promote it with facebook, etc, seems quite a bit less valuable. So the proposal I'd like to see, is a 1 month, 1 fee, integration of Dash. Then, a separate proposal afterwards for the other stuff. Ultimately, I don't think 500 dash a month for facebook, youtube and once a month travel to dispensary hotspots makes sense. Perhaps, I'm misinterpreting this a little though, as it seems as if you expect 100% of your business to use dash, but you still plan to take cash. Now, I think only accepting Dash is probably a ridiculous idea that would risk your business. But integrating Dash and offering it as an option, isn't risking much at all. You could convert it to USD if you thought that was an issue, I'm not sure if we have a solution that allows for that right now, but if you convert your dash at the end of every business day, then you're not really risking much at all. Your vision could be broader than you've explained, and perhaps I'm missing parts of the story that make it all make sense, but if it's a one year proposal for 500 dash a month, I don't really see that as having any real chance at passing, even if it was 250 dash a month, that still seems a bit outlandish unless I'm not understanding exactly what you can do for dash as a bridge between the two communities.
While from your perspective it makes sense to assume the worst, from our perspective it makes sense to assume the best. We just went through a period of rapid price growth, we're not thinking about the value of dash tanking. We're far more expectant of the price of Dash over a year, to increase, perhaps even dramatically with the release of evolution. If you really believed that the price was going to tank, why would you try for a year long proposal? Either way, that's a bit besides the point. We tend not to approve year long proposals, because of that exact expectation. I'm no expert, but based on the knowledge I do have on the community here, you'll need to break your proposal down if you want it to have a shot at passing. You're unknown to us, unless you've got a pretty hefty presence on the web, it's going to be pretty hard to get everyone to trust you. Because of this, it's often smartest to try to establish yourself with a smaller proposal before you attempt something that is this ambitious.

I do have 1 pretty clear concern though, based on what I've seen so far. You say that "We do between 6-10k/WK in sales, and about the same in orders." then say "This will increase dash use by 32-40k/ month minimum". First, you should change minimum to average, because minimum is a pretty tall order when you average 48,000 - 80,000 a month in sales+orders. By saying minimum, you're promising that 70% of your total sales and orders on a bad month, will now be done in Dash. This seems to be some very optimistic accounting, even changing minimum to average seems very optimistic. I think your first few months will likely see a much lower adoption that 70%, I'd be amazed if 50% was achieved first month, my expectation here is something like 10%, slowly growing with time. As stated, your numbers seem quite outlandish to me, but you know your business far better than me, and perhaps you left something out, or I interpreted them incorrectly.

Obviously you're just running through the idea, and you're optimistic and hopeful that a proposal that will help dash, and help your business can be achieved, it's normal to be optimistic with numbers like that. Likewise, it's normal to, when talking to people who don't see the potential downsides of dash (like us in this forum), to remind them that the risk of dash dropping is present, and important as it's not something a normal business tends to ever have to deal with. Regardless of whatever faith you have in the currency, there is an actual risk to holding Dash, despite all of our faith in Evan and core crew, and it's important that we not forget that.

Lastly, the ongoing payments over the course of a year are to fund exactly what? Because integration and using Dash seems like one fee, that people would probably be willing to pay. But continued support for you to make a youtube, travel to dispensary hotspots, and promote it with facebook, etc, seems quite a bit less valuable. So the proposal I'd like to see, is a 1 month, 1 fee, integration of Dash. Then, a separate proposal afterwards for the other stuff. Ultimately, I don't think 500 dash a month for facebook, youtube and once a month travel to dispensary hotspots makes sense. Perhaps, I'm misinterpreting this a little though, as it seems as if you expect 100% of your business to use dash, but you still plan to take cash. Now, I think only accepting Dash is probably a ridiculous idea that would risk your business. But integrating Dash and offering it as an option, isn't risking much at all. You could convert it to USD if you thought that was an issue, I'm not sure if we have a solution that allows for that right now, but if you convert your dash at the end of every business day, then you're not really risking much at all. Your vision could be broader than you've explained, and perhaps I'm missing parts of the story that make it all make sense, but if it's a one year proposal for 500 dash a month, I don't really see that as having any real chance at passing, even if it was 250 dash a month, that still seems a bit outlandish unless I'm not understanding exactly what you can do for dash as a bridge between the two communities.
Wow! I thank you for taking the time to take this idea seriously. And for the lengthy review, this is why I wanted to put the idea out there. Just to be clear I don't think that the currency will tank, just saying it could happen, without the careful consideration of proposals to implement the use of dash in a "real world application". I think we may be somewhere in the middle on the numbers. And I appreciate the idea of a smaller proposal to get dash implemented and maybe forego the cheerleading aspects for now, I just wanted to be more involved with helping dash succeed, and figure my time and advertising would be worth something. But I also like to think big and get involved. Anyway what are your thoughts on a one time payment of maybe 400dash or 100dash/mo for six months to cover the cost of advertising and implementing the use through a 5%off discount on our goods for the first three months of use. with a goal of 60% implementation by the end of three months. This seems more reasonable to me and cuts the risk for both my business, and dash treasury significantly. I want to be realistic so thank you for the reality check
Just as a side note my business is still young, going on 4years small but established and expanding, we expect a significant growth of our customer base and total sales within the next year also. So the overall transactions should increase with time, it's not as though we are maxing out our capability at the current rate, and our value to the dash community should grow along with us.
Wow! I thank you for taking the time to take this idea seriously. And for the lengthy review, this is why I wanted to put the idea out there. Just to be clear I don't think that the currency will tank, just saying it could happen, without the careful consideration of proposals to implement the use of dash in a "real world application". I think we may be somewhere in the middle on the numbers. And I appreciate the idea of a smaller proposal to get dash implemented and maybe forego the cheerleading aspects for now, I just wanted to be more involved with helping dash succeed, and figure my time and advertising would be worth something. But I also like to think big and get involved. Anyway what are your thoughts on a one time payment of maybe 400dash or 100dash/mo for six months to cover the cost of advertising and implementing the use through a 5%off discount on our goods for the first three months of use. with a goal of 60% implementation by the end of three months. This seems more reasonable to me and cuts the risk for both my business, and dash treasury significantly. I want to be realistic so thank you for the reality check

These sound significantly more palatable than the previous idea. It seems like you're pretty open to ideas, so I like the odds of you finding a way to get this passed. That said, I like to reserve my decision until things are more fleshed out and others have weighed in, as we have a lot of people with really valuable perspectives here.
While I would like to see the treasury subsidize many businesses and to encourage the use of Dash by both the businesses and their customers via incentives, I'm definitely concerned about guilt by association with the marijuana industry. Our brand has a squeaky clean image as far as association with illicit activities and the marijuana or drug industry is not something I want to spend money to associate the Dash brand with even though medical marijuana is perfectly legal. You know how the government, media, and our competition work, they twist anything into a negative in order to attack you when convenient. I'm concerned about giving governments or media any reason to come after us such as "the Dash treasury is paying to advertise its utility to purchase drugs anonymously"
While I would like to see the treasury subsidize many businesses and to encourage the use of Dash by both the businesses and their customers via incentives, I'm definitely concerned about guilt by association with the marijuana industry. Our brand has a squeaky clean image as far as association with illicit activities and the marijuana or drug industry is not something I want to spend money to associate the Dash brand with even though medical marijuana is perfectly legal. You know how the government, media, and our competition work, they twist anything into a negative in order to attack you when convenient. I'm concerned about giving governments or media any reason to come after us such as "the Dash treasury is paying to advertise its utility to purchase drugs anonymously"
Medical and recreational marijuana are perfectly legal and mainstream accepted in the states that allow it, not sure what country you live in. But I don't think a decentralized global organization will be badly affected by the image of patients purchasing their medicine through a secure and convenient platform. I do hear what you are saying but I just don't think it's all that relevant in today's world. PR will not be a problem. No coverage is bad coverage. We would not be advocating the use of dash for any illegal activity!
Medical and recreational marijuana are perfectly legal and mainstream accepted in the states that allow it, not sure what country you live in. But I don't think a decentralized global organization will be badly affected by the image of patients purchasing their medicine through a secure and convenient platform. I do hear what you are saying but I just don't think it's all that relevant in today's world. PR will not be a problem. No coverage is bad coverage. We would not be advocating the use of dash for any illegal activity!
Btw the "not sure what country you live in wasn't meant to be snide, but an actual statement of fact, as I understand the rules may be slightly different for you." Just re-read that and hope you didn't take it the wrong way:)