New Post on Dash For Newbies: How Do I Get Dash?

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New post is up for people wanting information about how to get Dash without using an exchange:

Upcoming article: interview with a female crypto miner!

Interesting stats so far after 5 days of starting the publication....

These are top 2 articles as far as reads:

1. Super Newbie Guide To Dash:

2. From Saver to Investor:
I really enjoyed the 2nd article...good going.

The second article was written by Anja, who created the Women of Dash Slack channel.
Anja and myself have pretty strong synergy so right after I asked her to write that title, she got on it.
It has been quite popular so far.

I've had luck with using 'super newbie' in my writing. The psychology behind it is this, I think:
people don't want to admit publicly that they know very little, and the term, 'newbie' has negative connotations.
But reading is a solitary activity, so as a writer, I am speaking directly to them, without judgment. This kind of approach makes people immediately feel at ease, because they realize I'm not going to judge them.

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