new mining reward ASIC/MN


New member
anybody know CPU/GPU minning is not a profitable
ony ASIC an MASTERNODE give a profit...
but ASIC company doing extra profitable businnes for themselves , all sales ASIC are stoping
DASH mining are a scam :D now

its time to change rules!!, whot do you think about new mining reward:

miners 24% | masternode 66% | dashbudget 10%

Totally disagree with you. Mining is not less major than MNs. Current price for ASIC it's only reseller's business, a real manufacturer price is very good. There is no objective reasons to change rewards. It's also may invoke a very negative effects to DASH ecosystem.
but there are not a ecosystem just (its mono-system) , because CPU/GPU minner are kick by ASIC technology who are in few black hand :) .. as baikalminer ... buy ASIC are impossible..
Sorry to tell you that this pre-order of cube and quad-cube miners were sold out again, and we have no idea when the next batch will arrive now

BITMAIN responde:
At this time we do not offer machines that can mine Dash.

its mean that no fun for people from the 3rd world ... this mean dash is false flag coin. .... lol man Where you see the ecosystem?.. :confused:
have look on NEM (XEM) 0% profit for scipt minners 100% for masternodes this configuration is as fuel for THE ROCCKET price :D

no more scipt mining!!!!!!, we will be better for our world , no pollution etc
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