NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

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Hi All

Niko, entrepreneur here from Johannesburg, South Africa. Have been involved in the Information Technology space for about 13 years now, 2 years or so have been involved in Blockchain technology starting with Bitcoin. The first year was educating and understand the possibilities of blockchain technology, the second year was starting projects with a great network and team, faithfully, this year will see the realisation of these dreams.

I am in awe of DASH, specifically the governance model and self-governance model. It is a beauty to behold. I have spend a good portion of my time studying social and business groups and models and DASH is a shining example of good self-governance. The world is littered with bad governance, from governments at large to business organisations and service models. It is exciting to be in a time where a community can come together for the fair benefit of the many, not the few.

I am part of a business called The Blockchain Company in South Africa and our main aim is to progress the use and development of blockchain technology.

DASH comes into my life as mentioned above, via the beautiful governance model, as well as the ambitions that DASH has planned in every aspect. The logic of the DASH community is very infectious and would be ill-advised for anyone to ignore what the stakeholders have done and are doing in the blockchain technology space.

We are as a group are forging a path to be part of every aspect that DASH has to offer, so that includes Masternodes, mining, and governance model.

Huge fan of Amanda! She has been fantastic.

Excited about this journey!
Hi All

Niko, entrepreneur here from Johannesburg, South Africa. Have been involved in the Information Technology space for about 13 years now, 2 years or so have been involved in Blockchain technology starting with Bitcoin. The first year was educating and understand the possibilities of blockchain technology, the second year was starting projects with a great network and team, faithfully, this year will see the realisation of these dreams.

I am in awe of DASH, specifically the governance model and self-governance model. It is a beauty to behold. I have spend a good portion of my time studying social and business groups and models and DASH is a shining example of good self-governance. The world is littered with bad governance, from governments at large to business organisations and service models. It is exciting to be in a time where a community can come together for the fair benefit of the many, not the few.

I am part of a business called The Blockchain Company in South Africa and our main aim is to progress the use and development of blockchain technology.

DASH comes into my life as mentioned above, via the beautiful governance model, as well as the ambitions that DASH has planned in every aspect. The logic of the DASH community is very infectious and would be ill-advised for anyone to ignore what the stakeholders have done and are doing in the blockchain technology space.

We are as a group are forging a path to be part of every aspect that DASH has to offer, so that includes Masternodes, mining, and governance model.

Huge fan of Amanda! She has been fantastic.

Excited about this journey!
Awesome. Thanks for the introduction! Welcome.
Hello everyone!

I'm Wallet Monster, I have some special skills, like I can touch my nose with my tounge, but I don't have special skills in computer programming unfortunately:(
Hey guys,

Nice meeting you all. Thanks for accepting me to the forum. Looking for a great time of discussions, learning and lot more.

Thank you.
Hi, I'm BizzyB, project manager of the MontaryUnit crypto project which was started some 2.5 years ago.
Great to see Dash grow to 3rd spot on cmc and thanks to Dash we will be migrating to X11 with MasterNodes over the coming few weeks :)


Hello everybody. I am from Holland and I am new to DASH. DASH seems to be have some interesting improvements on the bitcoin concept.
Hello all,

I've been loosely following cryptocurrencies since 2013. No computer/programming background at all, but I try to keep up. Very intrigued by the unique governance system that DASH employs.
Hello DASHer's lol

My name is Dave and I'm new to the forum but been watching the Dash community since November. I'm currently working on my youtube channel called DASH-GARAGE its been a slow process but may working on changing that very soon. The channel about me educating car enthusiasts about DASH, and showing them how easy and user friendly DASH can be to the car community.
Hey gang,
I'm T.C. and I'm just an average guy with no special skills. As you can tell from my username I started off accumulating precious metals. Recently I decided to diversify into bitcoin, and from there I just found DASH two days ago. Hope to meet some great folks here and get a bit of an education as the months pass on DASH.
Hi All,

I'm Marthinus. I'm a senior developer at Standard Bank in South Africa. I'm passionate about building quality into the software development process. Other than that I do a bit of Marshall arts for fun. I love scoping out and playing with any new technology and many a night I've not slept because I'm just too curious.
hi! I'm mj. been a bitcoin enthusiast for more than a few years already, and I'm currently looking to expanding my knowledge and investments to dash. wassuuuuuuuup
Hello. I'm a newbie to DASH but not a newbie to crypto. I am from the Steemit world and I have to credit Steem as being my entry point. In 2011 I learned about Bitcoin but did not buy any (kicking myself now). I was intrigued, though. I saw Amanda's videos on Steemit and was really impressed. I've been learning a lot from her videos. I think what sealed the deal for me entering Dash was seeing Amanda's latest video at Aculpulco. And Roger Ver transferring 100K worth of Dash didn't hurt either. I think the idea of having a Treasury and funding decent projects is the primary reason I decided to go deeper into DASH. That is a brilliant model and one which I believe could be a killer attribute. That model allows this ecosystem to be agile, and it attracts talent, too. This forum is quite a good newbie experience, too. I like all the small icons that have different meanings.

I forgot to mention what I do......I'm a writer, artist and video creator. I used to build websites in the early days of the internet and I am very passionate about social media and new technology. I self-published my first book in 2015, Un-Crap Your Life: Navigating Life's Crappiest Situations. I think it would be cool to make my book available to be purchased in DASH.....
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