New iBeLink 10.8 GH/s X11 miner

......If all this is true, then about 3000 such devices will be released. This will increase the complexity and power of the network 10 times.
@Shad0w ,is seller told you this order info?
If it is true 3000+ unit order,Ibelink is about to gain 90% of hashrate o_O
+ if DASH price keep rising .:confused:
Will ibelink dominate DASH by holding such this power...:cool:
or just mine for himself gaining 90% of mining block reward :D
its seem like free money and free miner for ibelink:eek:.
its unbelievable people are willing to let this happen?
IMO 3000 units bulk pre-order is Unreal to me ,more likey a FUD/bait .
I can confirm that ibelink says abaut theirs plan to manufacture 3000 devs, but it's a words only. I can say that I plan to manufacture ASICSs too, but I don't collect money for preorders
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Wow difficulty is going to go nuclear. My condolences to poor souls who bought overpriced baikals.
Difficulty is rising slowly at ~100-200 baikals per month, that totally corresponds to manufacturing output. Total hashrate for last 6month at 3-4Thash, yet.
i dont know how they will impact the mining reward of baikal miners if all 3000+ new asic are deployed?
9x% drop?
You can point you machine to test at make and post your screenshot of the dashboard we can tell if its more then one machie on the one worker.....
Ok... So according to bittawm, they're all
Difficulty is rising slowly at ~100-200 baikals per month, that totally corresponds to manufacturing output. Total hashrate for last 6month at 3-4Thash, yet.

What do you mean at ~100 - 200 baikals per month? How did you get to those units?



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Well dash price is fuelling ASIC race for sure. And i'm sure Baikal is not going to sit idle to let opportunity like this to pass by when they could be making a shitload of money by selling 1000s. Difficulty is going to double so invest accordingly.
Well dash price is fuelling ASIC race for sure. And i'm sure Baikal is not going to sit idle to let opportunity like this to pass by when they could be making a shitload of money by selling 1000s. Difficulty is going to double so invest accordingly.
True , there are always new & better asic miner if the coins is profit to mine , i always leaving spaces for possible new miner .