New Forum Feature: Masternode Owner Badges

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Bovine Bit-flipper
Foundation Member
Yesterday, @amanda_b_johnson asked me if the forum could offer badges for masternode-owning forum users that would like to have them.

I needed a diversion, so I took a few hours to build it!

Masternode owners, If you'd like this shiny new "Masternode Owner/Operator" badge you see me rockin', go to:

where you'll find two new fields at the bottom:


  1. Put the address of an active, online masternode In the first field.

  2. Then, open your wallet that controls these funds and go to the menu item "Sign Message..." under "File".

  3. Paste your masternode address in the first field at the top.

  4. Paste this text in the big box in the middle:
    Masternode ownership proof for


  5. Press the "Sign Message" at the bottom. Enter your wallet password.

  6. Copy the signature generated just above the button, and paste it into the second preferences field.

  7. Press the "Save Changes" button on the preferences page to finish!

To generate the signature using dash-cli:

# insert a space before the next command to keep off disk (bash history)
$  export P=yourwalletpassphrase
$ dash-cli walletpassphrase $P 2 ; dash-cli signmessage YOURMASTERNODADDRESSHERE 'Masternode ownership proof for' ; unset P

You can check your work here:

If I did my job right, your badge will show up within about 5 minutes.
Check back in an hour or three. If not showing up within a day, post here.

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whow moo this is great
i took "linguist' off to make space for this shiny batch
(never signed a message before - amazing what is possible here :D)
Can I now setup polls where only MNOs can vote?

It is a bad idea to separate the dash community.
The correct thing to do is to setup polls where you could filter the votes accordingly, so that only the masternode votes may appear. Another person in the same poll may want to filter the votes, so that only europeans appear, or only miners appear, or only dash account holders appear. e.t.c.

That way the community is not separated, but at the same time everyone can filter the votes and extract conclusions.
It is a bad idea to separate the dash community.
The correct thing to do is to setup polls where you could filter the votes accordingly, so that only the masternode votes may appear. Another person in the same poll may want to filter the votes, so that only europeans appear, or only miners appear, or only dash account holders appear. e.t.c.

That way the community is not separated, but at the same time everyone can filter the votes and extract conclusions.

The filter I mentioned above, could be applied here:

In this url someone should be able to filter the people who voted, according to the badges they own. This means that changes should be done in the results.php file of xenforo forum.
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It is a bad idea to separate the dash community.
The correct thing to do is to setup polls where you could filter the votes accordingly, so that only the masternode votes may appear. Another person in the same poll may want to filter the votes, so that only europeans appear, or only miners appear, or only dash account holders appear. e.t.c.

That way the community is not separated, but at the same time everyone can filter the votes and extract conclusions.

You know I agree with end user participation. However, the MN verification is relatively foolproof in that, while someone could create multiple accounts with multiple MNs, similar constraints can not be made upon anonymous end users. Thus, currently, the regular polls we create here might give us an indication but they are not as robust.

Additionally, I'm not suggesting that end users be blocked on any of the forums.
Can I now setup polls where only MNOs can vote?

With a purchased plugin, if there's enough demand for the functionality.

That feature would be very cool...
How about masternode owners only section?

Perhaps, but many MNO's wish to not announce they own/run one.

whow moo this is great
i took "linguist' off to make space for this shiny batch
(never signed a message before - amazing what is possible here :D)

Signatures are the basis for pretty much everything dash does!

Cool feature! Thanks @moocowmoo

You're welcome!

It is a bad idea to separate the dash community.
The correct thing to do is to setup polls where you could filter the votes accordingly, so that only the masternode votes may appear. Another person in the same poll may want to filter the votes, so that only europeans appear, or only miners appear, or only dash account holders appear. e.t.c.

That way the community is not separated, but at the same time everyone can filter the votes and extract conclusions.

I think you're proposing solutions based on false assumptions.
Applying a badge is an individuals choice.

Can you add this functionality to DashCentral so that anyone who claims to be a masternode operator can be verified?

We can do all sorts of cool stuff with signature delegation, which would be the
only way I'd recommend implementing it. The problem then becomes
identifying/creating an interface to support authentication. Keybase/gpg could
serve that purpose but not everybody has that.

You'd have to ask @rango about the dashcentral integration.
You know I agree with end user participation. However, the MN verification is relatively foolproof in that, while someone could create multiple accounts with multiple MNs, similar constraints can not be made upon anonymous end users. Thus, currently, the regular polls we create here might give us an indication but they are not as robust.

Additionally, I'm not suggesting that end users be blocked on any of the forums.

Have a look at the badge you just got. Is it accurate? Of course it isnt. It says operator/owner. This is not correct as definition, and may cause confusion. A masternode owner is someone who owns a least 1 masternode. A masternode operator is not the same, it could be defined as someone who operates more than one masternodes, or maybe defined as someone who is not an owner and has no voting rights in the budget system.

Someone may want to filter the poll so that to appear only the votes of the masternode owners that own for example more than 100 masternodes, or more than 50. Someone may not care about the "small properties". It is his right to be able to see the poll's results from his own point of view, and make his own conclusions. Thats why filtering is necessary.
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I think you're proposing solutions based on false assumptions.
Applying a badge is an individuals choice.
I dont understand your argument.
Voting in a poll is also an individual's choice. So what?
Could you please elaborate your argument?
Have a look at the badge you just got. Is it accurate? Of course it isnt. It says operator/owner. This is not correct as definition, and may confuse someone.
A masternode owner is someone who owns a least 1 masternode. A masternode operator is not the same, it could be defined as someone who operates more than one masternode.

Someone may want to filter the poll so that to appear only the votes of the masternode operators that own more than 100 masternodes. Someone may not care about "small properties". It is his right to be able to see the poll result from his point of view. Thats why filtering is necessary.

This is not about uniqueness. My suggestion for tackling uniqueness is in the Shrem debit card thread.

All I'm saying is, while it's true that multiple MNs would be able to vote in the poll, it's far more contained / limited to abuse than a forum where anyone (unlimited) can signup And being it's MNOs that vote on proposals in the end, we might say a MN only poll might well produce a more accurate result.
Have a look at the badge you just got. Is it accurate? Of course it isnt. It says operator/owner. This is not correct as definition, and may cause confusion. A masternode owner is someone who owns a least 1 masternode. A masternode operator is not the same, it could be defined as someone who operates more than one masternode, but maybe he is not an owner and has no voting rights.

Someone may want to filter the poll so that to appear only the votes of the masternode owner that owns more than 100 masternodes. Someone may not care about "small properties". It is his right to be able to see the poll's results from his own point of view, and make his own conclusions. Thats why filtering is necessary.

And btw, the MN badges are genuine, they can not be cheated unless you hack the website and replace the html with a simulation.
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