New Digital Currency being built by main stream banks to process inter-bank transfers.


New member
UBS, Deutsche Bank, Santander and BNY Mellon have partnered up to create a new digital currency to facilitate intra-bank settlements, the FT reports. The cryptocurrency will use blockchain technology underpinning the Bitcoin.

Off course they cherry pick the best bits of block chain technology for themselves.

Notice RT News picks it up and not the mainstream financial press, can't let the sheeple find out about a new system of trading value!

Of course it will be used to end world poverty, can you imagine who will be allowed to mine it, any third world village with an internet connection and a computer, yeah right!!!

Any way we've moved on from just a new form of money, blockchain is a new way to build an economy and therefore a new world.

Deutsche Bank is a zombie bank likely to go belly up anytime as the Euro unravels, so will the project ever see the light of day?

We could just create a new fork of DASH and offer it to them for a fraction of the cost. They will build some over engineered piece of corporate IT that will be guaranteed to run over budget, over time and be slow as bank teller cashing a bank cheque on a Friday afternoon.
It'll get left behind and they'll break themselves trying to catch up on the innovations they should have been making decades ago, instead they chose to cripple the competition that should have improved the breed. Digital monetary mediums are a stepping stone, the future is digital representations of all things of value and the means of exchanging them. Dash got in just in time and will stay in because its model drives its evolution hard, banks will try to create a system they can keep using without major changes for decades but before 10 years is past money will be unrecognisable from todays perspective.
It'll get left behind and they'll break themselves trying to catch up on the innovations they should have been making decades ago, instead they chose to cripple the competition that should have improved the breed. Digital monetary mediums are a stepping stone, the future is digital representations of all things of value and the means of exchanging them. Dash got in just in time and will stay in because its model drives its evolution hard, banks will try to create a system they can keep using without major changes for decades but before 10 years is past money will be unrecognisable from todays perspective.

Yep agree totally.

Here's some more detail on the coin

Hopefully the Bitcoin founder has his rumored enormous collection of bitcoins outside the reach of the banks should they ever decide to panic the market and crash the price.

The biggest miners and holders of BTC are a small group that may be compromised if the banks ever decide to shake down market, that's another reason to diversify away from focusing Dash solely on the banks Point of Sale business.

Here are the lists of owners and miners of BTC
I feel like I'm the only person in the world that thinks corporates and governments are more than capable of contributing to this space. I never once thought that technical innovation started and stopped with Satoshi. People keep saying a private blockchain can't work but I disagree because I trust that innovation will keep happening.. innovation is not exclusive to "good" guys. The banks will get burned no less than bitcoin keeps burning with the continuing exchange hacks.. but we have faith these things are being tweaked and improved all the time.
I feel like I'm the only person in the world that thinks corporates and governments are more than capable of contributing to this space. I never once thought that technical innovation started and stopped with Satoshi. People keep saying a private blockchain can't work but I disagree because I trust that innovation will keep happening.. innovation is not exclusive to "good" guys. The banks will get burned no less than bitcoin keeps burning with the continuing exchange hacks.. but we have faith these things are being tweaked and improved all the time.

Off course they are more then capable but they have no interest in any system that empowers any other group apart from the families that own these global corporations and banks.

We are not talking about the names that get published in the Forbes rich list these families maintain control by being anonymous to the world and only acting through trusted agents whose names appear in that Forbes list. We are talking the 1% of the Planetary 1%. They are the money system and they control both sides of the planetary accounts, debtors and creditors and can never loose. Communist or Capitalist systems are equal to their eyes, actually they prefer Right or Left Wing Totalitarian States as the State overtly owns everything and they own the state. They are the ancient and royal blood lines, the merchants of Venice, the black nobility, the child sacrificing Phoenicians original controllers of the historical silk road franchise that creates fascist states to protect it's interests, the most notable in recent history being the Roman Empire which morphed into the Vatican that covertly funded the Nazi's who almost took over the world. But the other Phoenician faction that escaped Phase 1 and 2 of the Roman slaughter a faction that controlled the Knights Templar escaped earlier to America via Scotland with the Templar treasure intact to defeat them. Now both sides have infiltrated one another and everything is reversed so nobody knows who is acting for the dark and light Illuminati are as we move into the end game, where one side will finally dominate the other. If you consider Satoshi (He is an American masquerading as a Japanese man) was acting for the light Illuminati you will understand why the banksters as agents for the dark Illuminati will continue to block the rise of a commonwealth controlled crypto. Everything you were taught about history, economics, religion and science is a lie designed to protect the status quo of the fossil fuel based economy and its masters.

It is our mission should we choose to accept it is to enthusiastically build a brave new world without fear from the gift Satoshi gave to us at great peril to his life.

We are not talking about the names that get published in the Forbes rich list these families maintain control by being anonymous to the world and only acting through trusted agents whose names appear in that Forbes list. We are talking the 1% of the Planetary 1%. They are the money system and they control both sides of the planetary accounts, debtors and creditors and can never loose. Communist or Capitalist systems are equal to their eyes, actually they prefer Right or Left Wing Totalitarian States as the State overtly owns everything and they own the state. They are the ancient and royal blood lines, the merchants of Venice, the black nobility, the child sacrificing Phoenicians original controllers of the historical silk road franchise that creates fascist states to protect it's interests, the most notable in recent history being the Roman Empire which morphed into the Vatican that covertly funded the Nazi's who almost took over the world. But the other Phoenician faction that escaped Phase 1 and 2 of the Roman slaughter a faction that controlled the Knights Templar escaped earlier to America via Scotland with the Templar treasure intact to defeat them. Now both sides have infiltrated one another and everything is reversed so nobody knows who is acting for the dark and light Illuminati are as we move into the end game, where one side will finally dominate the other. If you consider Satoshi (He is an American masquerading as a Japanese man) was acting for the light Illuminati you will understand why the banksters as agents for the dark Illuminati will continue to block the rise of a commonwealth controlled crypto. Everything you were taught about history, economics, religion and science is a lie designed to protect the status quo of the fossil fuel based economy and its masters.

In your world history, you forgot to mention Hera the Moneta.
This is where everything started.

Money is a religion, the religion of mammon, that originally started in the temple of the great goddess, in Ephesus.
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Amen to that, bring on the renaissance!

And what is the first inscription ever discovered in a coin?

"Phaneōs eimi sēma"

...which may be translated as: "I am the sign of light/Phanes" or "I am the tomb of light/Phanes".

Interesting isnt it? This brings a lot of enlightenment on what money really is.

Additionaly the greeks called the money "Nomisma", and its etymology also has enlightenment to offer.
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In your world history, you forgot to mention Hera the Moneta.
This is where everything started.

Money is a religion, the religion of mammon, that originally started in the temple of the great goddess, in Ephesus.

Yes I had to butcher the history to fit it in one paragraph. It is fascinating subject and it goes a long way back several passages of Nibiru actually which always gives rise to the myth of the deluges in all religions which resets civilization which always results in two world wide factions. One survives by helping others and is symbolised by the pelican tearing out its own flesh to feed its young and the other that survives on attacking the weak tribes and cannibalizing them, their symbol is the skull and bones. They are the two ancient factions that are locked in a death match.The other pertinent point is the silk road united Europe and Asia make it a truly international struggle. The blood lines of the Asian Royals dominated by the Genghis Khan bloodline which control the immense Khan's tomb wealth protected by the Green Dragon Society and like the Templar's is held in Reserve to reset the planets financial system when the throat slitting, blood drinking child raping satanists are finally purged from all positions of power.

before 10 years is past money will be unrecognisable from todays perspective.
I disagree. I wish it were so, but it won't happen like that, if it happens at all.

I tried to buy a part of an electric car from a salvage yard in Georgia.

On his WEBSITE, he has a form I'm supposed to download. It's a .jpg scan of a piece of paper, embedded in a .pdf. It's a form to fill out with your name, address, SSN, and CC info. I'm supposed to print it out, fill it all in, then FAX or email it back to them.

As long as the majority is stupid, they'll vote against anything they can't understand. Remember, Cryptocurrency is Internet devil money for teh evilbad drugz and gunz!

The reason technology has proliferated is not rooted in understanding it, managing it responsibly, etc., but in handing off responsibility to Apple, Microsoft and Google. People have been handing off their money responsibilities for centuries earlier than that.

So people who install tons of spyware, then act like it's not their fault... Lose all their pictures of deceased loved ones after to 40th time their OS and Filesystems have become tragically corrupt... Never make backups. Never learn. Would rather shove it all into The Cloud, then complain about privacy and Big Brother... Yeah. Those people are totally going to suddenly grow up, learn everything they're refused to learn, and start taking responsibility for things their atrophied brains can't even comprehend. Sure.

Cryptocurrency is still flying under the radar of "Oh, that thing..." It's currently not taken seriously, so it's not a serious threat. Once cryptocurrency proves that it shold be taken seriously, it will be viewed as nothing more than a serious threat. Every government will portray it as a threat to it's fiat value; crypto is an attack on our economy! Venezuela is a perfect example. BTC and DASH are making inroads only because the powers that be don't grasp it and don't see it as a threat. Yet. Governments never fail to sabotage X, then blame something else and start a crusade to abolish whatever they're blaming. This will be the first time their ultimate weapon, money, will be marginalized by there being another option.

Those who fall for the propaganda will simply demand/vote to "save" their economy by banning the evilbad cryptocurrency.

Those living in the crypto echo-chamber don't realize that this hasn't happened yet. They think we're beyond it; that it already happened and we've moved on. We haven't. The overwhelming majority of the population of the planet has no idea what Cryptocurrency is, and will believe whatever their owners tell them when the time comes.

This is one of the reasons why it is so desperately important to get DASH into retail. The sooner we can tangibly and visibly be part of normal, every day life, the more difficult becomes the task of demonizing it with lies and propaganda. this is the only way to counteract propaganda and lies.

Take a page from Open Carry activists. Guns are only considered "bad" and "scary" because the story is one-sided, and controlled by those with an interest in keeping their cattle helpless and unarmed. This is one of the reasons why concealed carry is bad; out of sight, out of mind. You can look at guns from a historical perspective. The prevailing "guns are bad" attitude in most public minds is a result of lies and propaganda, and the de-normalization of a basic human right, now viewed as deviant even thought it's perfectly natural. Trying to re-normalize that after it is lost is a monumental uphill battle.

It has to be visible to do any good. Gun Rights were lost in most of the world because guns became invisible, owners encouraged to hide them for fear of scorn/abuse/violence from activists. It then became abnormal. Once the footing was lost, it no longer was a mere social problem, but it became part of government and law. Now only those few willing to fight back against that Open Carry in the very few places left on Earth where it is "allowed." The same thing is happening to Free Speech in many part of Europe now, and has been the norm on most of Asia since forever... Anything not commonly visible can easily be labeled deviant, because nobody sees anything but the propaganda. Nothing in their daily lives counters the lies as living proof that the lies are lies.

Don't let DASH end up in that position. You stay say out in front instead of losing and having to fight back uphill... Retail use is visibility. It's "Open Carry." It's proof that DASH is not deviancy. You can see it and use it every day, and it's not bad. Once that visibility is lost, and a prevailing attitude against it is formed... You're fucked.
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They will build some over engineered piece of corporate IT that will be guaranteed to run over budget, over time and be slow as bank teller cashing a bank cheque on a Friday afternoon.
I'd like to point out that waiting for BitClone confirmations is already slower than this.

The Blockchain makes sense for Ledge Security. But, it doesn't make snese for the security of the actual transaction.


Am I the only one who gets it?
Cryptocurrency is still flying under the radar of "Oh, that thing..." It's currently not taken seriously, so it's not a serious threat. Once cryptocurrency proves that it shold be taken seriously, it will be viewed as nothing more than a serious threat. Every government will portray it as a threat to it's fiat value; crypto is an attack on our economy! Venezuela is a perfect example. BTC and DASH are making inroads only because the powers that be don't grasp it and don't see it as a threat. Yet. Governments never fail to sabotage X, then blame something else and start a crusade to abolish whatever they're blaming. This will be the first time their ultimate weapon, money, will be marginalized by there being another option.
Those who fall for the propaganda will simply demand/vote to "save" their economy by banning the evilbad cryptocurrency.

There is also the scenario that cryptocoins are used by US in order to conquer Venezuela.
US controls bitcoin and DASH and the rest cryptocoins (for example most of them have visible IPs and nobody cares or allows this to be fixed)
So US uses cryptocoins to invade Venezuela in order to destabilize Venezuela's state.

This explains Venezuela's attitude. Cryptocoins that are controlled by a foreign state are a threat for Venezuela's sovereignty. Venezuela is arresting miners, simply because it has not the power to control bitcoin and DASH and the rest cryptocoins like US is doing.

And US allows cryptocoins (which is a virus for every state) to invade venezuela, while at the same time US controls this virus into the US territory by issuing "antibiotics". An "antibiotic" is , for example, the reveal of the IP address that occurs in the cryptocoins. US control the internet, so if things go really bad they can kill the virus. Us is also a big economy that can absorve cryptocoin's cracks. We cannot say the same for the venezuela state, their economy is small and they are not technological advanced, so they feel insecure with this situation.
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I disagree. I wish it were so, but it won't happen like that, if it happens at all.

I tried to buy a part of an electric car from a salvage yard in Georgia.

On his WEBSITE, he has a form I'm supposed to download. It's a .jpg scan of a piece of paper, embedded in a .pdf. It's a form to fill out with your name, address, SSN, and CC info. I'm supposed to print it out, fill it all in, then FAX or email it back to them.

As long as the majority is stupid, they'll vote against anything they can't understand. Remember, Cryptocurrency is Internet devil money for teh evilbad drugz and gunz!

The reason technology has proliferated is not rooted in understanding it, managing it responsibly, etc., but in handing off responsibility to Apple, Microsoft and Google. People have been handing off their money responsibilities for centuries earlier than that.

So people who install tons of spyware, then act like it's not their fault... Lose all their pictures of deceased loved ones after to 40th time their OS and Filesystems have become tragically corrupt... Never make backups. Never learn. Would rather shove it all into The Cloud, then complain about privacy and Big Brother... Yeah. Those people are totally going to suddenly grow up, learn everything they're refused to learn, and start taking responsibility for things their atrophied brains can't even comprehend. Sure.

Cryptocurrency is still flying under the radar of "Oh, that thing..." It's currently not taken seriously, so it's not a serious threat. Once cryptocurrency proves that it shold be taken seriously, it will be viewed as nothing more than a serious threat. Every government will portray it as a threat to it's fiat value; crypto is an attack on our economy! Venezuela is a perfect example. BTC and DASH are making inroads only because the powers that be don't grasp it and don't see it as a threat. Yet. Governments never fail to sabotage X, then blame something else and start a crusade to abolish whatever they're blaming. This will be the first time their ultimate weapon, money, will be marginalized by there being another option.

Those who fall for the propaganda will simply demand/vote to "save" their economy by banning the evilbad cryptocurrency.

Those living in the crypto echo-chamber don't realize that this hasn't happened yet. They think we're beyond it; that it already happened and we've moved on. We haven't. The overwhelming majority of the population of the planet has no idea what Cryptocurrency is, and will believe whatever their owners tell them when the time comes.

This is one of the reasons why it is so desperately important to get DASH into retail. The sooner we can tangibly and visibly be part of normal, every day life, the more difficult becomes the task of demonizing it with lies and propaganda. this is the only way to counteract propaganda and lies.

Take a page from Open Carry activists. Guns are only considered "bad" and "scary" because the story is one-sided, and controlled by those with an interest in keeping their cattle helpless and unarmed. This is one of the reasons why concealed carry is bad; out of sight, out of mind. You can look at guns from a historical perspective. The prevailing "guns are bad" attitude in most public minds is a result of lies and propaganda, and the de-normalization of a basic human right, now viewed as deviant even thought it's perfectly natural. Trying to re-normalize that after it is lost is a monumental uphill battle.

It has to be visible to do any good. Gun Rights were lost in most of the world because guns became invisible, owners encouraged to hide them for fear of scorn/abuse/violence from activists. It then became abnormal. Once the footing was lost, it no longer was a mere social problem, but it became part of government and law. Now only those few willing to fight back against that Open Carry in the very few places left on Earth where it is "allowed." The same thing is happening to Free Speech in many part of Europe now, and has been the norm on most of Asia since forever... Anything not commonly visible can easily be labeled deviant, because nobody sees anything but the propaganda. Nothing in their daily lives counters the lies as living proof that the lies are lies.

Don't let DASH end up in that position. You stay say out in front instead of losing and having to fight back uphill... Retail use is visibility. It's "Open Carry." It's proof that DASH is not deviancy. You can see it and use it every day, and it's not bad. Once that visibility is lost, and a prevailing attitude against it is formed... You're fucked.

Thanks for your long reply.

I'm not saying stay out totally of point of sale, it will evolve and one day like the 100th monkey it will be accepted once the fog of fluoridation of the herd's drinking water, Alzheimer inducing aluminium chemtrail aerosols and all the other dumb down techniques employed by the fascist state we all live in is slowly eradicated.

But you can't attack the beast head on it will crush you like a bug, we must fight it but in an "Art of War" type way.

Bockchain has other uses then just buying burgers and coke.

We need a vibrant alt coin industry. Each coin is like a small corporation where the crypto investor from the small to the pro's chain can invest by holding coin. These Crypto Corporations strive to find their market niche. Dash is in the top ten as the quiet achiever because Evan has recognized the need to innovate and as an entrepreneur has assembled a great team. These are early days we have only just started.

I reckon as well as designing new Dash innovations keep an eye on the new coins which keep on wanting to have a go and invest in them.

I am pretty impressed with the ones that have taken the plunge with Googles new language called Go, like Bitmark it's going to make code maintenance and innovation so much simpler, I just setup up a web server on port 8080 of localhost in 6 lines of code learning it from scratch today. Hooking your wagon to the Google juggernaught is a no brainer in my humble opinion.

I have two crypto currency support projects for my main lifes work project over at,necessitated by the fact that if you aren't a credentialed physicist you aren't taken seriously in an industry like Quantum Computing, let alone trying to finance the heretical idea to do it at standard temperature and pressure using photons. But once we crack Quantum computing it will make every coin relying on conventional cryptography obsolete until quantum cryptography algorithms enter the public domain.

I want to sell shares in my corporation but they won't be the usual take the money and blow it all on cocaine and strippers like the Wolf of Wall Street.

The common shares will be denominated in Dash and will be supported with super node mining to offer share holders a dividend from day one. The shares can always be redeemed or sold back to the Crypto corporation at a value that is always a fixed percent below current market value or can be sold to others with a commission flowing back to the crypto corporation on every transfer.

The Intellectual Property will not be protected with Patents but a new Block Chain based system of IP assets are called Exameable Tiered Trade Secret (ETS). Investors wanting to invest can pay to exam the IP in three levels from basic tested working concept to intermediate graphical detail, through to circuit diagrams and Verilog code.

This crypto replacement of the skewed in favour of the rich Patent system will be a new coin available to any one who has a great idea and doesn't want to get tangled up in the legal minefield of the current IP protection system that stifles innovation with confidentiality agreements, and patent attorney fees and registration.

Both blockchain innovations to be written in golang and will be public domain at github.

I'm going in for an gall bladder operation in the next few days so I will be offline for a while but plan to be fighting fit to prepare an small proof of concept (POC) Dash Treasury Fund Application, I haven't settled on which FPGA boards to use it will be a Xilinx but I'm not sure of which one yet. The final production one is a single massive board called "Godzilla on Steroids". At $100,000 USD per board it will have to wait until after POC.

I'll write a qbitrex thread once I test some more FPGA verilog code to work out how to detect NOON state to satisfy a POC.

Thanks for reading, have a great day.
But you can't attack the beast head on it will crush you like a bug
While I am definitelyva fan of Sun Tzu, we're past that point. The war is already upon us.

I'm alive today because I am not merely willing to spill the blood of the state, I crave it. I am the arrow. I do not fear my target. The state's first and last function is force. The only thing that beas that, is savage, barbaric, senseless pandemonium. I lust for the blood of the wicked. I exist for the sole purpose of visiting hell upon them. My life is but a conduit, a platform, to deliver ruin and suffering to the state, should they dare to gamble their tomorrows on the ego trip of silencing me.

After the first one, the rest are free.

They have every advantage. There is no strategy. Only a hell worse than their's can save freedom from their grasp.

I am only one be man. Until this is known and embraced by a majority, it is useless.
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Well Brother you have your own path to follow, mine is the path of love-wisdom or pure reason as the ascended masters call it.

One faction will win and if they crown the King of the world the future King George VII in the new Temple at Jerusalem we'll have to stand and wave our little NWO flag's as he fly's over in a black helo with bullet proof windows, during his inaugural world tour.

The Goldsmith bloodline is the messianic bloodline and their plan is almost complete as the sheeple demand a totalitarian police state to save them from the bogey man of the black rag heads.

It's going to take a mass landing by the Galactic Federation to stop it.

Jeezus is coming better look busy! ;)
I don't have to do a damned thing, and certainly not that. When one allows fear to become wisdom, he has sold his soul, and deserves the consequences.

If you wouldn't fight for what you love; you must not love it. Thus, there is no such thing as being a lover or a fighter. You are either both, or neither.

Knowing is half the battle. The other half is violence.