NEM - 100% New Code - Easy APIs


New member

* 100% original codebase *
* XEM is the currency of the NEM platform *

Important Links
Website | Tutorials | Forum | Support | IRC #ournem

Social Media
Facebook | Twitter | Reddit | YouTube | Weibo | BTC38

Poloniex | Bittrex | BTER | BTC38 |

Payment Processor

Source Code | API Documentation | Technical Reference | Development Contract

Nembex-Block Explorer/Node Monitor | Explorer/Rich list | Node Explorer-Node Explorer/Node Monitor


Hashing Algorithm: Proof-of-Importance
Genesis Date: March 31st, 2015
Block Time: 1 minute
Available/Total Supply: 8,999,999,999 XEM
Block Reward: N/A (transaction fees only + node rewards)

You can download the NEM software at

What is NEM?
NEM is a peer-to-peer crypto platform. It is written in Java and JavaScript with 100% original source code. NEM has a stated goal of a wide distribution model and has introduced new features in blockchain technology in its proof-of-importance (POI) algorithm. NEM also features an integrated P2P secure and encrypted messaging system, multisignature accounts and an Eigentrust++ reputation system.

NEM has gone through extensive open alpha testing starting June 25, 2014, followed by lengthy and comprehensive beta testing starting on October 20, 2014. NEM finally launched on March 31, 2015.

Watch our introductory video:

- NEM is built 100% from scratch (not a fork of any existing project)
- NEM is built with test-driven development
- NEM uses innovative Proof-of-Importance algorithm: first reputation based blockchain algorythm
- NEM improves different features of POW and POS coins, being more efficient and environmentally friendly
- NEM one minute average block times
- NEM is the first crypto with delegated harvesting
- NEM is the first with localized spam protection
- NEM is the first with Eigentrust++ peer reputation management
- NEM is the first editable m-of-n multisig with blockchain based alerts
- NEM offers encrypted, unencrypted and hex messaging
- NEM is easy to install with a one click installer
- NEM zero inflation (fixed supply, all 9 billion coins released at launch).
- NEM relatively large egalitarian distribution
- NEM will offer a mobile wallet for both iOS and Android (coming soon)


What is POI?
POI is the consensus algorithm used in NEM to determine who will calculate the next block. An account's importance is determined by how many coins it contains and the number of transactions made to and from that account. POI is different from other initiatives which use a fee-sharing model that does not take into consideration one's overall support of the network. In some proof-of-stake systems a person only needs to have large amounts of coins to form a block; however, in NEM the transaction amount as well as support of the network become a factor. This has been designed to encourage users of NEM to not simply hold NEM but instead actively carry out transactions within the NEM ecosystem.


Roadmap to V1
- Completion of all the features in the existing wallet
- Coloured Coins
- Business Rules (a.k.a. Smart Contracts)
- Decentralized Asset Exchange
- Integration of multisignature into the AE and Business Rules
- Snapshotting for quick syncing of nodes

Need Help?
Please visit our FAQs.
Or take a look at our tutorials.

Starter NEM Tutorials
Import a Private Key & Access Your NEM stake

Installation Tutorials
Windows/Mac Installation Guide
Windows Installation Guide (standalone)
Mac Installation Guide (standalone)
Ubuntu Installation Guide (standalone)
How to Install Java 8 (64 bit) on Windows

Misc Tutorials
How to Find, Export or Delete Your Wallet and Address Book File
How to Remove Old NEM Software Versions
How to Delete Your Local Copy of the Blockchain
How to Import the Database File Provided by Developers

Advanced Features Help
How Local and Delegated Harvesting Works]
How to Connect to a Remote Server
How to Use Multi-signature Accounts
How to Use Delegated Harvesting
How to Make Your Node Name Appear in Color on the NEM Block Explorer
Easy Configuration Guide (opening port 7890)
Setting up the Testnet

Or contact our support team.

Extra Links
Coin Gecko
CryptoCoin Charts
Paper Wallet and Vanity Generator Programs
Nembex Testnet
Community Fund Proposal
Node Rewards Proposal

How to get Involved
If you would like to contribute to the development of NEM, please contact the team via this thread.

NEM is a new blockchain but is a code made for developers by developers and is already having major projects being built on it.

NEM is looking for talented developers to help work on the NEM Community Client (NCC). The NCC is the open source wallet. We are looking for a main NCC developer, a UI developer, and UX developer.

We are also looking for a talented programmer that can help set up a Dash styled Masternode network monitor for a NEM Supernode program. To read more about the detailed proposal and what the parameters of the program are, please read here.

1) making infographics
2) knowledge with making websites
3) people editing videos
4) people that will help out with promotions
5) people willing to write/update tutorials
6) people to build special little additions to NEM (past examples are things like wallets, vanity generators, scripts, and little add-ons)
NEM Quickstart Tutorial

This guide explains 6 easy steps to have NEM running and synced to a full chain to send transactions in under 2 minutes.

In this guide we will be using the standalone version of NEM and not the installer. Using an installer usually requires a person sync a chain from scratch, but NEM has been designed from the beginning to support a two-tiered architecture. This means all we need is a wallet and then we can connect to any number of remote nodes and start sending transactions.

Prerequisite: By far the hardest and longest part about trying out a NEM wallet is getting Java updated. A person must have Java 8, preferably the latest version. To download Java please visit the Java download page.

Video Tutorial

Step 1:
Go to and click on NIS/NCC Standalone (.zip) to download the file.

Step 2:
After it is downloaded, unzip it and you will see a folder called "package".

Step 3:
Windows: Inside of package double click on the file runNcc.bat.

Mac: Open Terminal and type
cd unzippedfolderlocation/package
and then type

You will see a command prompt with a lot of lines scrolling through.

Congratulations! You now have a NEM wallet running. Now, lets get it synced.

Step 4:
Go to the wallet landing page at

Step 5:
Now in a different tab go to the NEM Node Explorer and find any node in a country near you that is running the latest version and copy its IP, or alternatively select one of the following: Germany United States Unites States Netherlands France Australia Germany Japan Canada

Step 6:
In the upper right hand side of the wallet landing page click on SETTINGS. A window will pop-up. Under the Host section erase local host and replace it with your chosen IP from the node explorer. Then click Save. A bar at the top of the wallet should turn green indicating you are connected to a synced remote host and you can now make transactions.

You can now chose the Create New Wallet option and then log-in if you don't have a wallet already. You will see an account number in the top left corner. You can copy that and use it at the NEM Faucet to receive some XEM to try out the wallet.
Recent News Roundup #5

It has been a while since Roundup #4 and there is a lot to talk about.

We have a new forum. We have updated to a Discourse style forum. This new format allows social logins, drag and drop attachments, wiki posts, reply via email and a host of other upgrades, as well as having a new style and great mobile experience. Thank you to Patmast3r for helping us and answering the call for help.

We also have a Let’s Talk Bitcoin interview on episode #247. Please give it a listen.

The community has a new faucet working, and it isn’t just a faucet. It is an example of XEM Pay/Sign technology that allows the NEM faucet to be a multisig secured faucet over distributed servers. The user Quantum Mechanics has made a tutorial and released his code on Github.

After finishing the faucet, Quantum Mechanics has begun working on a notification system that will send email alerts anytime an account has been active and he has begun work on helping to update NCC API documentation.

We are happy to announce that the initial coding for Node Rewards has started and some initial tests are going well.

We recently had a new press release. A copy can be found on our blog.

Mosaics has undergone advanced testing on the developers’ private testnet and is now performing well with no more bugs being found. After a little more testing it will be released to the public testnet with a fork.

The mobile app is starting to undergo final stages of development. Android had a limited public test. It will now get the same UI makeover that iOS is undergoing.

Makoto has announced a new company to be built on the NEM blockchain called Dragonflypay. He has also been busy with a few presentations and will do another one this week.

We also have a new Quick Start Guide that is useful for when you are on the road or for people that just want to try out the NEM wallet.

And just yesterday a newbie in the NEM community at Bitcoin Talk, pow2poiConvert, has released a new website, NEM Nodes which is a fun and interactive way to view node locations.

Recently, Slack has not been as busy and Telegram activity is picking back up. This is in part because the bot that allowed for Slack <-> Telegram messages is currently down. On the plus side The Reverend on Telegram has made a new tipbot. It is undergoing initial tests and is working well. If you would like to join the Telegram chat, please PM Jabo38 your Telegram user ID at the NEM forum.

Meet a Nemster

Today we will introduce Rockethead

Q: How did you become interested in NEM?
A: I was working on Ethereum in the early days and realised that Ethereum wasn't the way to go. They were a confused lot, and still are. I looked around in late May last year and decided that NEM was a good one. I do not believe in pure decentralization and NEM seemed a good fit between a purely decentralized and a centralized project. Hence my interest. My role in NEM has been marketing and contributing to the long term strategies of NEM.

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: My favorite movie is "Beautiful Mind" - It really shows how complex one's mind is and there is a fine dividing line between reality and imagination or delusion. A little over and one can be delusionary.

Q: Please describe NEM is 3-8 words?
A: Changing the way we do ledger management.
The Sound of NEM game has started. It is a great chance to win 500,000 XEM by listening to a sound and guessing correctly what it is.

You need help to get started?
Download and install the NEM software:
Helpful tutorials:

Here is the blog post with the full instructions.


This is going to be great.