MyDashWallet Continued Development


Active member
Proposal is live at:

TLDR: Should we create a ~20 Dash (*3 months) Proposal for continued development? We would work on cool features like better Trezor Support, many more Bot commands, Trustless Tipping, Custom Settings for PrivateSend Mixing, Unconfirmed Tx Support, Swapping Dash for BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC and a simple installer to get MyDashWallet hosted on your own server and/or connecting to your own Dash Full Node.

Early this year we started working on the website and services due to the positive feedback we got and the approval that was funded (with 86% yes vs no votes, so pretty nice, thanks for all the mn support):
Previous Pre-Prosal thread with additional details:

First of all some stats, usage has really increased exponentially in the past months (keep in mind we cannot see what users do offline with the site, only sending tx requires to be connected, we also do not use cookies, track user data or use any kind of analytics):

Website Stats from the past 30 days (most of it in the last 1-2 weeks, in March we had less than 10% of these numbers)
  • Hits: 63996
  • Pages visited: 27066 (mostly main page as it contains all javascript, other pages are just help)
  • Average response time: 0.9s (until site is fully loaded for the end user, we plan to optimize some things here)
  • Total Sessions (unique users): 5758
Tips started of strong and whenever Dash price went up, we saw less tipping activity, now with a low price more tipping (strange world)
  • 282 people have active tipping accounts (Discord, Twitter, Reddit)
  • 174 tips have been send out so far
Mixing was initially just a simple feature (checkbox) when sending Dash from MyDashWallet and now is one of the major activities of our users it seems:
  • 709 PrivateSend tx were send through
  • 1335.169 DASH has been mixed for those PrivateSend tx, you can always see whats going on with our Mixing Pool in the header of
  • 1899 Normal tx were send through
  • 1158 addresses have received Dash, we don't know how many MyDashWallet wallets are created as this happens locally and is never communicated
While we have fixed most bugs and issues during April and now are enjoying a smoothly running site and services, we have ton of ideas from the initial proposal, more new own ideas and a lot of feedback from users. We think now is a good time to kick it into the next gear. This is our current list of improvements planned for the next 2 months:
  1. Better TREZOR Hardware Wallet Support, also for the new TREZOR Model T. Things work, but Ledger support is much better right now on MyDashWallet due to native javascript implementation, for Trezor a high level api is used and a popup is shown, there are some limitations for InstantSend and low fees, we can do better with a custom low level javascript library.
  2. MyDashWallet has its own block explorer now and we can finally support unconfirmed amounts, also we don't have to wait for tx or addresses to appear anymore as our block explorer can directly show the latest state:
  3. Easier tipping without having to wait for confirmations, Trustless Tipping to directly send from hardware wallet to the recipient, merging social accounts with existing hardware or MyDashWallet keystore wallets
  4. Bot Improvements for Twitter, Reddit and most importantly Discord (the bot also runs of Telegram and email, but we mostly focus on the 3 active platforms): Improvements to tipping, rain and other existing commands, adding mini games and community focused features like: Dice Betting Games, Lottery, Voting, CoinFlip, Russian Roulette, Contests
  5. The Mixing site is used a lot and we have seen a ton of mixing requests in the past days, this will be a focus for MyDashWallet#2, here we plan provide multiple nodes to increase mixing speed and to allow users to customize the number of mixing rounds (2-8, more will have higher fees) and also the ability for users to abort mixing in whatever round it currently is in and send out the pending Dash to the target address as some mixing events have taken days because of the huge demand we have seen recently.
  6. Swapping Dash for other coins like BTC, BCH, ETH or LTC, we have a partner providing us with low fees (much lower than Shapeshift or Changelly) and can provide a much better and easier way to exchange any supported coin to and from Dash
  7. A simple installer to get MyDashWallet hosted on your own server and/or connecting to your own Dash Full Node, this has been requested many times and some users are already running their own version of the website and changed the connection the node, but for non-technical persons it is too difficult, this simple installer will make it possible for anyone.
  8. And of course ongoing work, integrating the new Dash logos and identity plus support for any user issues (which runs quite smooth right now).
  9. Translations to all major languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, maybe Chinese, Korean, Russian and others if we find good cheap translators)
  10. Native Android and iOS wallets utilizing (either as a native app hosting the website or some other way, not sure yet)
  11. InstantSend Block Explorer support, so you see right away that InstantSend tx have 6 confirmations
  12. Probably more, might make sense to extend the scope to 3 months, we will discuss tomorrow in the team
  13. [Maybe later: Optionally we are also talking with some Fiat to Crypto providers to revisit the BuyDash idea on MyDashWallet (from the previous 2 proposals we made, see above). We are not sure yet if this is safe to do, but if another party can take the fiat banking and regulatory issues on, we can provide the remaining gateway to get into Dash via Fiat. We have worked in the past with several credit card providers and one of them (stripe, which we used in the pre-proposal version of flatout banned us a few months later while some others are more crypto-friendly (but have higher fees for the end user).]

Alternatively we have discussed in the team to increase the fees for sending tx, especially for PrivateSend to earn some money for ongoing support. We rather have things cheap (we are still the cheapest way to send Dash around) and simple and we really don't want to make money with the service, it should be free, easy to use and the users shouldn't pay us to use Dash. It is nice to see so much love for PrivateSend, imo an important feature of Dash. We still need to earn some money for development and using the Dash DAO Funding seems to be a good solution to all this :)

Costs: 20 Dash/month for 3 months
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I've sent several bug reports to DeltaEngine and the bugs have been fixed within minutes.

Honestly very impressed with the development skills of the team and I think they would continue to do a good job delivering on new features.

I would actually suggest adding some form of analytics to your page just so you know what's working and what isn't and where people spend the most time. I don't think you're compromising privacy in adding that.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Thanks for the nice words guys, we will leave this open for a few days and then decide to put up the proposal.
Yes, very much in support of this, and 20 Dash per month is pretty cheap and easy. Should be a no-brainer.

Forgive the n00b question, but how difficult would it be to improve mobile support or release a mobile app version of this? I know some people are interested in having a good mobile wallet with tipping and PrivateSend, myself included, though what I have going on right now (saving the MDW page to home screen) is kind of clunky.
Based on the feedback we heard we like to add:
- Translations to all major languages (5+, maybe including Chinese, Korean, Russian and others if we find good cheap translators)
- Native Android and iOS wallets utilizing (either as a native app hosting the website or some other way, not sure yet)
- InstantSend Block Explorer support, so you see right away that InstantSend tx have 6 confirmations
- Probably more, might make sense to extend the scope to 3 months, we will discuss tomorrow in the team

Thanks for all the support and nice words so far.
Note 2018-05-10: Updated original pre-proposal text with the 4 new features and increased length of project from 2 months to 3 months (still at 20 Dash/month cost).
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Really great to see a community project like this launch and gain traction so quickly and successfully! Contact me when you are ready for translation, happy to help you get your strings on Transifex and translated quickly :)
Really great to see a community project like this launch and gain traction so quickly and successfully! Contact me when you are ready for translation, happy to help you get your strings on Transifex and translated quickly :)

Please add me for translation. Thank you!
While I personally haven't had much use for your service, I've seen many others greatly benefit from it and frequently using it and you've been very active in the community at large. I don't really see any problems or suggestions to offer, seems like an easy "yes" vote for me.
Small update: Bot has been updated with many new features we will announce during the week. Website also got a facelift and is going life in stages (probably first few pages today).

Another idea:
We heard about the closing of Splawiks great masternode services and were thinking about providing decentralized anonymous masternodes via Basically each user of MyDashWallet (via twitter, reddit, discord, or via keystore wallet in the browser or via Hardware Wallets) can simply click a button to "Stake" his coins and for whatever amount he selected he will get 0.1% per week (1 DASH gives you 1mDASH each week, any amount is possible). In the background those staked coins are send anonymously and automatically to an collection address with a db behind it, which will distribute it to new masternodes (that manually have to be created and managed) or take it away if users turn their staking off. Getting it to work cryptographically and really without anyone (including us) knowing is probably not easy and we will discuss this more (and with moocowmoo, other core members or cryptogeeks as those are more experienced). Kinda decentralized masternode shares as far as it is possible right now. Any comments?

Trust: You would still have to trust MyDashWallet to "stake" your joins and that the algorithm works, but it is open source, you can verify it yourself and your stake is anonymous (no one knows who is using which keystore wallet or hardware wallet). The actual masternodes will be hosted and visible publicly, but those do not hold the funds, the staking algorithm of MyDashWallet will hold the funds and turn off Masternodes at any time when any user simply returns his stake back to his wallet. Only issue we see in the short term is finding enough users for this as we can't really stake anything below 1000 DASH ..
Small update: Bot has been updated with many new features we will announce during the week. Website also got a facelift and is going life in stages (probably first few pages today).

Another idea:
We heard about the closing of Splawiks great masternode services and were thinking about providing decentralized anonymous masternodes via Basically each user of MyDashWallet (via twitter, reddit, discord, or via keystore wallet in the browser or via Hardware Wallets) can simply click a button to "Stake" his coins and for whatever amount he selected he will get 0.1% per week (1 DASH gives you 1mDASH each week, any amount is possible). In the background those staked coins are send anonymously and automatically to an collection address with a db behind it, which will distribute it to new masternodes (that manually have to be created and managed) or take it away if users turn their staking off. Getting it to work cryptographically and really without anyone (including us) knowing is probably not easy and we will discuss this more (and with moocowmoo, other core members or cryptogeeks as those are more experienced). Kinda decentralized masternode shares as far as it is possible right now. Any comments?

Trust: You would still have to trust MyDashWallet to "stake" your joins and that the algorithm works, but it is open source, you can verify it yourself and your stake is anonymous (no one knows who is using which keystore wallet or hardware wallet). The actual masternodes will be hosted and visible publicly, but those do not hold the funds, the staking algorithm of MyDashWallet will hold the funds and turn off Masternodes at any time when any user simply returns his stake back to his wallet. Only issue we see in the short term is finding enough users for this as we can't really stake anything below 1000 DASH ..

In theory that sounds amazing, I'd probably have to know more. It's a complicated subject.
Small update: Bot has been updated with many new features we will announce during the week. Website also got a facelift and is going life in stages (probably first few pages today).

Another idea:
We heard about the closing of Splawiks great masternode services and were thinking about providing decentralized anonymous masternodes via Basically each user of MyDashWallet (via twitter, reddit, discord, or via keystore wallet in the browser or via Hardware Wallets) can simply click a button to "Stake" his coins and for whatever amount he selected he will get 0.1% per week (1 DASH gives you 1mDASH each week, any amount is possible). In the background those staked coins are send anonymously and automatically to an collection address with a db behind it, which will distribute it to new masternodes (that manually have to be created and managed) or take it away if users turn their staking off. Getting it to work cryptographically and really without anyone (including us) knowing is probably not easy and we will discuss this more (and with moocowmoo, other core members or cryptogeeks as those are more experienced). Kinda decentralized masternode shares as far as it is possible right now. Any comments?

Trust: You would still have to trust MyDashWallet to "stake" your joins and that the algorithm works, but it is open source, you can verify it yourself and your stake is anonymous (no one knows who is using which keystore wallet or hardware wallet). The actual masternodes will be hosted and visible publicly, but those do not hold the funds, the staking algorithm of MyDashWallet will hold the funds and turn off Masternodes at any time when any user simply returns his stake back to his wallet. Only issue we see in the short term is finding enough users for this as we can't really stake anything below 1000 DASH ..

This is very exciting and I look forward to hearing what your plan is :) Best of luck!
Small update: Bot has been updated with many new features we will announce during the week. Website also got a facelift and is going life in stages (probably first few pages today).

Another idea:
We heard about the closing of Splawiks great masternode services and were thinking about providing decentralized anonymous masternodes via Basically each user of MyDashWallet (via twitter, reddit, discord, or via keystore wallet in the browser or via Hardware Wallets) can simply click a button to "Stake" his coins and for whatever amount he selected he will get 0.1% per week (1 DASH gives you 1mDASH each week, any amount is possible). In the background those staked coins are send anonymously and automatically to an collection address with a db behind it, which will distribute it to new masternodes (that manually have to be created and managed) or take it away if users turn their staking off. Getting it to work cryptographically and really without anyone (including us) knowing is probably not easy and we will discuss this more (and with moocowmoo, other core members or cryptogeeks as those are more experienced). Kinda decentralized masternode shares as far as it is possible right now. Any comments?

Trust: You would still have to trust MyDashWallet to "stake" your joins and that the algorithm works, but it is open source, you can verify it yourself and your stake is anonymous (no one knows who is using which keystore wallet or hardware wallet). The actual masternodes will be hosted and visible publicly, but those do not hold the funds, the staking algorithm of MyDashWallet will hold the funds and turn off Masternodes at any time when any user simply returns his stake back to his wallet. Only issue we see in the short term is finding enough users for this as we can't really stake anything below 1000 DASH ..
Why would this system be better than MyDashWallet simply hosting masternodes using the collateral sent by users? How would you protect the funds of the users from government confescation, kidnapping, hacking etc?
Another idea:
We heard about the closing of Splawiks great masternode services and were thinking about providing decentralized anonymous masternodes via Basically each user of MyDashWallet (via twitter, reddit, discord, or via keystore wallet in the browser or via Hardware Wallets) can simply click a button to "Stake" his coins and for whatever amount he selected he will get 0.1% per week (1 DASH gives you 1mDASH each week, any amount is possible). In the background those staked coins are send anonymously and automatically to an collection address with a db behind it, which will distribute it to new masternodes (that manually have to be created and managed) or take it away if users turn their staking off. Getting it to work cryptographically and really without anyone (including us) knowing is probably not easy and we will discuss this more (and with moocowmoo, other core members or cryptogeeks as those are more experienced). Kinda decentralized masternode shares as far as it is possible right now. Any comments?

Trust: You would still have to trust MyDashWallet to "stake" your joins and that the algorithm works, but it is open source, you can verify it yourself and your stake is anonymous (no one knows who is using which keystore wallet or hardware wallet). The actual masternodes will be hosted and visible publicly, but those do not hold the funds, the staking algorithm of MyDashWallet will hold the funds and turn off Masternodes at any time when any user simply returns his stake back to his wallet. Only issue we see in the short term is finding enough users for this as we can't really stake anything below 1000 DASH ..

Interesting idea, but I don't see how this could be implemented within few weeks. Sounds more like a several months project.
Thanks for the feedback, we had a long discussion today about this and also talked to both moocowmoo and splawik about all this, but they are out of the game and busy with other things, so we are on our own. Plus cryptographically getting it all working is major, so we decided to keep it super simple for now with the disadvantage that users would have to trust in order to stake their coins.

We will release some mockup images later today and have something up and running in a few days, no need to wait weeks or months :)

- Any DASH amount visible on can be staked (which can be on a Hardware Wallet, keystore wallet, tip account, received via Twitter, Reddit, Discord or Email)
- Per week you will get 0.1%, e.g. 1 DASH gives you 1mDASH more each week, this is about 5.35% per year
- You can start/stop staking at any time with any amount and withdrawal whatever you like (all, just the profits, whatever)
- Internally Masternodes are created from the collection pot, which works like the tipping pots we already have working on MyDashWallet (they are also trusted)
- In the future we would like to move those Masternodes+Funds to third parties if we find some willing and highly trusted partners (such as splawik or moocowmoo, but both said no for now, maybe others from the core team or long time community members want to join in), we do not really care about holding all the Dash, we just see there is a big need in the community and we like to bridge the gap and if masternode operators would like to add a few more nodes from communities without having to do all the communication themselves, this service would connect the dots.
And here we go, an early mockup on the new site that is hopefully released today as well (in stages, for today just the startpage).


  • Wiki_StakeDash.png
    164.9 KB · Views: 552
This looks really cool but I must be missing something. I don't understand how users would be able to participate in MN shares using coins that remain in their control, either from their hardware wallet or any other account. Unless I'm mistaken, the 1000 Dash UTXO required to start a Masternode needs to be controlled by a single private key, so any shares scheme must require a trusted 3rd party to hold that key, right?