stani83kl thank you so much for reporting this issue and for debug.log you sent me, really appreciate you help.
moli yidakee I have some bad news - I was able to reproduce wallet corruption by salvagewallet command for
unencrypted wallet.
Even in freshly salvaged wallet (i.e. no db incompatibilities, wallet was written by the same code version which tries to read it) I have constantly random errors every next salvagewallet run.
WARNING: CWalletDB::Recover skipping key: Error reading wallet database: CPubKey/CPrivKey corrupt
Good news is I was unable to reproduce any failure for
encrypted wallet. I tried my "old" wallet and the one I created and filled with keys specifically for testing and it works fine for me, no issues so far.
Strange thing is that we (Dash) changed nothing in how
public key => private key pairs are stored in wallet afaik and I wonder if Bitcoin has the same issues too. I guess I need to compile it, sync (omg.. that will take a looong time

) and try to reproduce this problem. I see nothing wrong/interfering in our code so far btw.
crowning - I guess you might be interested in that ^^^ info too, please take a note
To whom it may concern. :wink:
Regarding questions about DS mixing speed - we have several problems right now I'm aware of:
1) Wallet hit ORPHAN blocks quite often (could be a day, could be few hours) and can't proceed without restart. Even if your wallet still had no ORPHANs it might be some other wallets who could mix with you but they can't because they stuck. I'm trying to figure it out for almost a week now. I though I've found the problem in our (Dash) code and the solution for it few days ago but it was not enough I spent last days debugging and trying to catch it - hours or days is quite often in terms of mixing but still too rare to easily debug and sometimes it was "healing" itself, sometimes not.

I think I finally found it now (just a half day ago, still testing) and it's a general Bitcoin node P2P problem, will test a bit more and hope it will be fixed in next version.