Well-known member
I hope I can beat your roughly guestimate
Because these computer costs around $1100 monthy, by your calculations I could´t do more than $ 70 montly?
That would be a huge lost, even counting with unused resources, it is a lot of computational power, for just a few bucks.
If that is correct is completelly unsustainable to do that unless you have free resources and do it for fun.
The gpu mining you mention is way more positive, I make it about 8 dual GPU machines for 1 Dash per day.
Depends how much the coin is worth as well of course.
The ultimate irony of all mining is that its not so profitable when its good to mine (eg low difficulty) but its high profit (on the unspent coins) when the price and diff go up (some users here were mining 1 bitcoin in the early days and no profit and look where that got them!)