Moving Masternodes to another Server

I've been using old VulTR servers with 756 MB ram and getting fed up with the constant outages (which causes me to miss payments). What is the best way to move my masternodes to a better server with a different IP and without disrupting its turn in the cue?
I've been using old VulTR servers with 756 MB ram and getting fed up with the constant outages (which causes me to miss payments). What is the best way to move my masternodes to a better server with a different IP and without disrupting its turn in the cue?

There isn't a way to do it without disrupting its place unless you are keeping that same IP... Wait for selection and cut over just after getting masternode reward. Startup your new node and get back into queue.
I've actually figured out a way to upgrade the VULTR servers to get more RAM, but it required a reset. Will I lose my place if I perform the upgrade and reset the server immediately and restart Dashman? I recall there is a 2 hour window, but just want to make sure.
Restarting server should be ok if it takes less then 2h.

If your vps has fast disks and enough disk space you can also add swap file to help your instance to survive during mem spikes.

4gb swap as an example:

sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

sudo vi /etc/fstab
Add this line:
/swapfile   none    swap    sw    0   0