Most of the masternodes down, Sentinel problem ? (Fix in thread)


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N7Vt49y.jpg :


If you guys on Slack or other forums know more about this situation, please keep us in the loop.
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git pull in sentinel folder. no restart needed

thanks, for those that are wondering what this means :

cd .dashcore
cd sentinel
git pull

Link :

No restart from cold wallet necessary !
No restart of dashd necessary !

quote from flare :

Technically the nodes are not down, they just failed to vote on a watchdog object.
As a sidenote: Dash 12.2 will not have watchdogs anymore, they are deprecated.

quote from nmarley :

Note: This is required or your Masternode will go offline!
(edit: Apparently w/spork 14 off this isn't enforce, so crisis averted!)

quote from nmarley :


Update : looks like there is a time window after all, masternode owners have 180 minutes to issue a git pull to fix sentinel manually.


Dash Central gave a false warning in the end that my masternodes were disabled, while in fact they are working fine according and according IP grep (shows ENABLED).
I tried removing my masternodes and re-adding them in Dash Central, but they are now all stuck at status "checking".

Shout-out to : @rango
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For some reason sentinel wasn't executable anymore so I made it executable and tried to run it. I got "[error] missing dependencies" So I tried "venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt" and every line says "already satisfied".

edit: I did ./sentinel for some reason. When I do ./venv/bin/python bin/ I still get no output.
Sentinel should not be executed, it must be interpreted in a virtual environment. If you run /venv/bin/python bin/ and get no output, then everything is working perfectly and your masternode is alive, online and recognised by the network.
Sentinel should not be executed, it must be interpreted in a virtual environment. If you run /venv/bin/python bin/ and get no output, then everything is working perfectly and your masternode is alive, online and recognised by the network.

Even if list full | grep returns WATCHDOG_EXPIRED?
Even if list full | grep returns WATCHDOG_EXPIRED?
Did you do a git pull for sentinel ? The git pull updates sentinel to 1.0.2
and includes a hotfix for the watchdog expired issue.

Also make sure you have the cronjob for sentinel running...
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