Hello Everybody!
Sorry about the delay!
I'd intended to have Monday and Tuesday to get everything ready, but my wife's been bedridden this week with the flu so I've been on double daddy duty.
Gridlocked school commutes bookending non-stop babysitting. My seven month old just started crawling. <sighs> Gone are the days of finding her where I put her.
But, that's likely super boring to you. On to the meat of the sandwich!
- I've created a public discord for you all to get in touch quickly. Join https://discord.gg/zqGwQnB if you like!
- Hosting fees will remain the same flat-rate $35 per 90 days as always.
(I'll get hosting payments automated and online after the dust settles.)
- Set the operatorReward to zero, or if feeling generous and/or tipsy, something more.

- Each node is configured with its own operator bls keypair. dash.conf masternodeblsprivkey is already set.
- All status pages on masternode.me now display that nodes operatorPubKey in the configuration section at the bottom.
(If you have lost/forgotten your masternode.me urls or need a bulk listing, contact me in the discord above.)
- Whether using the core wallet, dash-cli, or Dash Masternode Tool (recommended!),
use the operatorPubKey I've provided.
If you've already sent your proRegTx using operator keypair(s) you've generated, send me three things per node: the ip address, the operator secret key, and the operator public key. Use https://docs.masternode.me/privatebin/ to securely send them -- default settings are fine. Send me the url it creates. (Use burn after reading if you want to annoy me. I'd rather you just https://keybase.io/encrypt it to me. (tabs sometimes crash)).
- Use that operatorPubKey in the ProRegTx creation. Here's the manual instructions and the DMT instructions.
(DMT screencap is stale, it now has an option to use the public key. Make sure you're using the latest version!)
- I'll be adding more feedback/information to the status pages once I've finished writing these updates.
- dashman gets upgraded to work with dip3 commands/data right after that.
To everybody that's been trying to get in touch with me on Twitter, Reddit, dash-forum, and email, please accept my sincere apologies for not yet responding.
The network demands administration, administration demands code, code demands focus, focus demands prioritizing.
I assure you I will be addressing every message as soon as I'm able!
Please use
my public discord to get in touch with me. I have too many unread everythings to not lose signals in the noise.
Thanks for your patience and support everybody!