Monthly Investor Report -- DASH: Detailed


Well-known member
Hey, all. Here's the second monthly investor report for DASH: Detailed (DD):

Monthly Allocation: 123 Dash

We've been in production for two months, publishing nine episodes. During the second month, we have increased YouTube subscribership, added to our list of email subscribers, started a Twitter account, designed and sold Dash t-shirts, begun distributing free business cards, prompted two merchants to accept Dash, and spurred the creation of the Dash Jobs board.


Subscribership/view counts:

- At this time last month, we had 1943 YouTube subscribers. Today we have 2587 -- an increase of 33.1%.
- Last month all four DD videos combined had a total of 15,100 unique views. Today all nine videos have a combined 36,500 views, an increase of 141%.
- Last month our email subscribers totaled 207. Today they total 256, an increase of 49 people.

Guerrilla marketing:

- We began selling t-shirts from the show. We've sold 56 Dash shirts thus far, and are currently re-ordering to re-stock the sizes we sold out of.
- We have begun mailing out free DD business cards to Dash fans for them to distribute to curious friends, family, and acquaintances
- We've started a new Twitter account -- follow it, why dontcha?!
- Our weekly articles featuring DD videos continue to be published at

New merchants:

- After hearing about free shout-outs on DD, the businesses and Big House in Thailand (a rental property) have begun accepting Dash.


- Evan reports that after hearing about available Dash jobs on an episode of DD, some C++ developers contacted him about the job, and he hired and has begun training two of them (more details in tomorrow's interview episode)
- We published an extra episode due to its timeliness -- the Jaxx interview -- which then made it into an article published on Finance Magnates


Thank you for your votes of confidence and investment. Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions -- email [email protected].
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Subscribership/view counts:

- At this time last month, we had 1943 YouTube subscribers. Today we have 2587 -- an increase of 75%.
- Last month all four DD videos combined had a total of 15,100 unique views. Today all nine videos have a combined 36,500 views, an increase of 41%.
- Last month our email subscribers totaled 207. Today they total 256, an increase of 49 people.

2587 from 1943 is a 33.1% increase
15,100 to 36,500 is over a 141% increase. missed the 100.
@Darren and @fible1 -- me? Do math incorrectly? INCONCEIVABLE. The remedial math class I had to take in college certainly was no indicator such a thing could be possible...

And thanks for the correction, @Minotaur. I guess I was told incorrectly that it was two people and not one.

Cheers, all.
@Darren and @fible1 -- me? Do math incorrectly? INCONCEIVABLE. The remedial math class I had to take in college certainly was no indicator such a thing could be possible...

And thanks for the correction, @Minotaur. I guess I was told incorrectly that it was two people and not one.

Cheers, all.

Skool never prepared me for DASH rising to $13.61usd today !!!! Wowee !

Whew ! Today it hit $14.86usd ! wowee !
i was standing beside myself with joy !!
I did not recognize myself !
and I bought some more !!!
When the chart looks like the left half of the Ifle Tower... It is time to be cautious.