MN missed payment


Active member
Hey folks, I've got a weird one.

I have a node that has been online for 3 weeks yet has not been paid the last 2 cycles. What's weird about it is that dash ninja is showing the node got paid about an hour and a half ago yet the balance of the wallet has not changed. This is not the first time this has happened on this node, last cycle was the same.

Anyone got any ideas?

Same situation here, DASHD reported paid but not on blockchain, not sure if this is considered skipped or hijacked
Your MN was put to back of the queue because you've got 2 votes for that block (paid by dashd).
dash-cli masternode winners 3000 |grep Xs5KBxAKsgg8Z2DYTbKeF2Nks87tr17xjM
    "378342" : "Xqgr4zQivh8GEMYPSAvHCEk9qMYSEUhkkv:7, Xs5KBxAKsgg8Z2DYTbKeF2Nks87tr17xjM:2, Xy47Rn9ux18n5LvwzLt7P7VmpTcDCdqZwH:1",