Missing Dash

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New member
On Saturday evening at 18:09 0.998 DASH was sent from my Dash wallet on my ledger, however i wasn't online at this point and i'm worried this has been actioned by someone else.

Here is the transaction ID: a915f65eae05201914a2ffe6de2af588fffbe3916db56971106f1e74a43dfd69



Could this be something i'm not doing correctly as to why i cant see them or do you think this has been removed by a third party (hacker)? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
The coins shouldn't move by themselves so probably a thief.

Where did you buy the ledger hardware wallet from? Have you ever shared the seed phase with anyone or imported it to any other wallet?
The coins shouldn't move by themselves so probably a thief.

Where did you buy the ledger hardware wallet from? Have you ever shared the seed phase with anyone or imported it to any other wallet?

I brought my Ledger from one of Ledgers authorised resellers from their website. Hade it for over a year now with no problems. Used the 24 word seed to claim my EOS mainet coins on Saturday morning so thats probably where its been compromised!?

Strange though thats its still in the Dash account that they moved it to?
I brought my Ledger from one of Ledgers authorised resellers from their website. Hade it for over a year now with no problems. Used the 24 word seed to claim my EOS mainet coins on Saturday morning so thats probably where its been compromised!?

Strange though thats its still in the Dash account that they moved it to?
Unfortunately it sounds like that might have happened. If the attacker has access to your 24 word seed then he has access to all of your coins in the ledger.

Is it possible that your computer is infected or possibly the tool that you used to claim EOS was not legit? In any case I recommend generating a new seed phase in your ledger and moving all of your coins (if any) to there. If you ever have to use the seed phase then moving all of the other coins to a safe location before the operation is recommended.

Btw are you saying that XpnEVLnVxkGXPHiWdeDJgK3R689vKFujn4 is in your ledger wallet and you still have access to the funds? If so then that's really weird, but I would still recommend moving the Dashes to a safe location.
Unfortunately it sounds like that might have happened. If the attacker has access to your 24 word seed then he has access to all of your coins in the ledger.

Is it possible that your computer is infected or possibly the tool that you used to claim EOS was not legit? In any case I recommend generating a new seed phase in your ledger and moving all of your coins (if any) to there. If you ever have to use the seed phase then moving all of the other coins to a safe location before the operation is recommended.

Btw are you saying that XpnEVLnVxkGXPHiWdeDJgK3R689vKFujn4 is in your ledger wallet and you still have access to the funds? If so then that's really weird, but I would still recommend moving the Dashes to a safe location.

I’ve moved all of my other coins off this hardware device, its odd i think that all they took was this 1 Dash, there was a load of ERC20 tokens on it and Wanchain. Safely on another device now thankfully.

No I don’t have access to XpnEVLnVxkGXPHiWdeDJgK3R689vKFujn4 this isn’t one of my addresses. I find it odd though that they haven’t moved it on from this account so its untraceable don’t you think?

Thanks for the advice and time taken to reply.
You were almost certainly tricked into entering your Trezor seed phrase. I'm pretty sure this isn't necessary to claim mainnet EOS. You might need to enter an EOS private key somewhere, but never your Trezor seed. Looks like you dodged a bullet there if all you lost was 1 Dash...
You were almost certainly tricked into entering your Trezor seed phrase. I'm pretty sure this isn't necessary to claim mainnet EOS. You might need to enter an EOS private key somewhere, but never your Trezor seed. Looks like you dodged a bullet there if all you lost was 1 Dash...
I put my seed in the BIP39 tool to get my Ethereum Private key from the Ledger, i then used the Ether privat key in the EOS Key app to get my EOS private keys. I tried to send the EOS ERC20 toekns to another Ether wallet first so i didnt need to expose my Ledger keys but they wouldnt send. Was there a safer way? I've migrated to a number of Mainet blockchains now after the deadlines and EOS was certinly the most difficult. TRON was a piece of cake just sent them to my Ether wallet on Binance and they did it, how much easier is that!
I'm not sure at this point. You'll need to check on an EOS or ETH forum or Reddit to get answers at this point, I don't have enough experience with those coins to answer your question with any certainty. Good luck!
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