Mirrors of www.darkcoin.io on Masternodes?


Well-known member
Foundation Member
Since darkcoin.io has been getting DDOS'd, it seems we ought to be making use of all the excess bandwidth that MN owners are paying for, so if anyone knows of a simple way for MN ops to mirror darkcoin.io on their MN's, those that wish to can do so and a list of mirror IPs could be put in the BCT thread's OP?

Would this be of use or more trouble that it's worth?

Just seems like with nearly 2000 servers worldwide we ought to be a harder target to take down, if some scripted rsync trickery could be used...
Is that possible ?
that would be great !
Volunteers could either setup rsync to access the latest darkcoin.io content from the server or just pull the latest tar ball of the website from github like we do with the client updates and update their public_html folder.

Since most of the masternodes are only running on port 9999, and 22, they can add port 80 to the firewall access list.

eduffield or who ever controls the DNS could create the A records for each of the volunteering IP addresses like mirror1.darkcoin.io, mirror2.darkcoin.io, etc or just m1, m2..... mn

It wouldn't hurt if these mirrors got an extra 5 DRK a month for the addition resource load and risk. We can't hide the A records from the attack as they can do an NSLookup, but it will be much harder and expensive to mount an attack on the entire network.

A load balancer or something like UltraDNS Sitebacker by Neustar can also be used to then distribute the traffic to all the other masternodes since they have a pretty solid anti DDoS solution at the DNS level.

Just my two cents.
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Volunteers could either setup rsync to access the latest darkcoin.io content from the server or just pull the latest tar ball of the website from github like we do with the client updates and update their public_html folder.

Since most of the masternodes are only running on port 9999, and 22, they can add port 80 to the access list.

eduffield or who ever controls the DNS could create the A records for each of the volunteering IP addresses like mirror1.darkcoin.io, mirror2.darkcoin.io, etc or just m1, m2..... mn

Just my two cents.

what do you think
i believe he is off in the countryside, we should hear from him by monday
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Presumably apache or some other webserver (would we need anything as heavyweight as apache?) would need to be installed on the MN.

1. Install webserver
2. Modify firewall to open port 80 (or any other port, I suppose the mirror link could include the port number: 123.456.23.56:676 ?)
3. rsync/wget/htttrack content from wherever, with periodic automatic updating
4. Unkillable darkcoin.io. :)
Presumably apache or some other webserver (would we need anything as heavyweight as apache?) would need to be installed on the MN.

LiteSpeed or OpenLiteSpeed... The web server serves 10x more users on a fraction of the memory that Apache uses. It's a good choice for a server/VPS under stress or low on resources.

There are others one could use like Nginx and Lighttpd
If we can get together an idiots guide for both MN ops and content providers too, this could be a source of income for the Foundation - content provider pays Foundation for the service (approved Darkcoin related content only) and Foundation adds that site to the content pile that MN's mirror. Fee is split between Foundation and MN ops providing the service.

Getting a bit ahead of myself here, just mentioning the potential. :smile:

The contentpile could also be distributed as a torrent. Good luck DDOSing that.

edit: Content could also be distributed via usenet. Those guys have more bandwidth than God.
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If we can get together an idiots guide for both MN ops and content providers too, this could be a source of income for the Foundation - content provider pays Foundation for the service (approved Darkcoin related content only) and Foundation adds that site to the content pile that MN's mirror. Fee is split between Foundation and MN ops providing the service.

Getting a bit ahead of myself here, just mentioning the potential. :smile:

The contentpile could also be distributed as a torrent. Good luck DDOSing that.

if you get flare and a couple of others together you should be all set already regarding Server quantity
If we can get together an idiots guide for both MN ops and content providers too, this could be a source of income for the Foundation - content provider pays Foundation for the service (approved Darkcoin related content only) and Foundation adds that site to the content pile that MN's mirror. Fee is split between Foundation and MN ops providing the service.

Getting a bit ahead of myself here, just mentioning the potential. :smile:

The contentpile could also be distributed as a torrent. Good luck DDOSing that.

This is something I've been playing with behind the scenes. I released a whitepaper for something like this back in January, 2014. No one likes being DDoSed. There are incredible applications for this. I shared the idea briefly with Evan during the recent virtual cryptocurrency expo in December.

It's best to focus on the core issues and once darkcoin is really stable, we can begin to look at extensions/plugins. The good news is that thanks to the community and devs, Darkcoin is evolving at a really fast pace.
So I had a go, in my amateur fashion:

...should give you a mirror of what I found at https://github.com/darkcoin/darkcoin.io, which I suspect is out of date, but it demonstrates the concept. :)

Hopefully someone can confirm it works, and tell me where to get the latest website git copy?

Here's the steps, I'm sure there's a dozen better ways but this isn't my day job:

# log into your VPS and add a server user
ssh [email protected]
adduser server
passwd server

# you may or may not have to manually make a home directory for the new user
mkdir /home/server
chown server server

# install dependencies
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install rcs libpcre3-dev libexpat1-dev libssl-dev libgeoip-dev zlib1g-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libpng-dev openssl git

# get openlightspeed and install it
cd /home/server
wget http://open.litespeedtech.com/packages/openlitespeed-1.3.6.tgz
tar xfvz openlitespeed-1.3.6.tgz
cd openlitespeed-1.3.6
make && make install

# modify your firewall to allow access to ports 8088 and 7080
ufw allow 8088/tcp
ufw allow 7080/tcp

#start openlightspeed server
/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start

# from your browser, check it is running - point your browser at

# from your browser, change the default admin password
- got to
- log in as admin, user admin password 123456
- click on webadmin console thingy (bottom left)
- click on webadmin console security tab
- click on admin user (bottom left) and change password

# back at the terminal, change to default server directory
cd /usr/local/lsws/DEFAULT/html
mv index.html backupindex.html

# get copy of darkcoin.io website and copy it out into cwd (obviously I can't wget -m it as it's down right now)
git clone https://github.com/darkcoin/darkcoin.io
cp -R darkcoin.io/* .
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Is it worth doing this? Personally I don't have a problem with cloning the site and hosting it on my server, but I think there are search engine ranking implications (bad) for copy/pasting sites. Generally exact duplicates of a site are considered a bad thing and penalised.
Is it worth doing this? Personally I don't have a problem with cloning the site and hosting it on my server, but I think there are search engine ranking implications (bad) for copy/pasting sites. Generally exact duplicates of a site are considered a bad thing and penalised.

I think there are meta tags and robots.txt entries that could be introduced to prevent any penalties from the search engine for the mirror sites only. This way the primary site retains it's rankings.
Actually I wouldn't run a HTTP-server on one of my Masternodes because I wouldn't want to check the security-mailing-lists for new vulnerabilities each day.
No problem running it on one of my 'normal' servers.
Actually I wouldn't run a HTTP-server on one of my Masternodes because I wouldn't want to check the security-mailing-lists for new vulnerabilities each day.
No problem running it on one of my 'normal' servers.
There's nothing on any of my servers that can't be replaced within a few minutes.
good effort crouton !
i hope evan and fernando check this out and give an opinion
(i am happy to have my MN's involved too)
Would it be possible to do this in conjunction with a distributed storage system? I'm thinking something like a link to a most-recent version, many other systems could be built a system to link to stored data and data storage could be incentivised directly.
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