The current situation with Mintpal shows us that something simply has to be done about these exchanges. It's a trusted system in what should be an entirely untrusted, on the blockchain solution. It's high time someone does this, and I think that our masternode network is the perfect structure to implement the first p2p exchange/market place. I only wish I could code! But I know some of you can do this, so I'm putting out a plea for someone to create a coin to coin decentralized exchange. With ... oh gosh, who made the escrow, multi sig program???... Well, I can see his multisig wallet being the base for such a system. I can see logically that it can be done. All one would need to know is how to make an exchange, then implement it into multi sig wallets somehow.
Anyone interested/capable, or want to support this kind of a project? I'd say the creators could earn coin off of each transaction as could the masternodes via fees (that would / should be very low)
I summon you to fulfill your potential !
Anyone interested/capable, or want to support this kind of a project? I'd say the creators could earn coin off of each transaction as could the masternodes via fees (that would / should be very low)
I summon you to fulfill your potential !