Minor Block rewards...quick Question


New member
This should be a quick one for someone. I have seen it said on Dashpay FAQ that minor rewards per block were a min of 5 Dashs. When looking at the current reward at say bitinfocharts it shows it at 3.6. Can someone explain?

Sorry if this has been discussed or is a dumb question, I looked through the pages but could not find anything.

Thank you
Base reward is 5 but
1. we reduce it every year by 1/14th
2. we cut 10% out of it for treasury
We are 3 years old so 5x13/14x13/14x13/14x0.9 = 3,602951895
I would send you something for your time but just researching cryptos/Dash for now and do not have any. But do appreciate it.
Base reward is 5 but
1. we reduce it every year by 1/14th
2. we cut 10% out of it for treasury
We are 3 years old so 5x13/14x13/14x13/14x0.9 = 3,602951895

What about half of it going to masternodes and half to miners? If I am mining, I get 1.8 DASH, right?