Mining power requirements?

Hey folks, has anybody actually tested power consumption of X11 versus Scrypt etc. on the same rig? I'm interested in doing some back of the envelope calculations but don't have one of those fancy watt-counting plugs that some miners have. Ideally I'd be interested in the power draw on different coins using the same underlying hardware.
My rig with 2 HD 7950's and AMD FX-6300 mining on 5 cores uses ~400 Watt. On scrypt it consumes ~650W without using the CPU.

So with CPU on idle it's ~300W for X11 against 650W on scrypt. With energy costs of 0,28 €/kWh (~0.38 $/kWh) this really makes a difference.
Wow that's an amazing savings, even more than I had expected from the accounts online. Definitely puts X11 in a good light. Thanks for the real world numbers!
My rig with 2 HD 7950's and AMD FX-6300 mining on 5 cores uses ~400 Watt. On scrypt it consumes ~650W without using the CPU.

So with CPU on idle it's ~300W for X11 against 650W on scrypt. With energy costs of 0,28 €/kWh (~0.38 $/kWh) this really makes a difference.
Holy crap you have expensive electricity.