Mining master nodes questions


Do we need miners? Are they the ones who create new coins to add to the supply?
How do master nodes get there income?
Do we need miners?
Yes, with X11algo.
Are they the ones who create new coins to add to the supply?
miner who found the valid next hash of X11 algo can create new block as templated by dash network (rpc getblocktemplate) the template allows block creator to assign amount of coin to any address.
How do master nodes get there income?
masternode address selected by the network for each block, then the payout information for masternode is in blocktemplate. Miner has to create block with this masternode payout as well to be valid on network.
Yes, currently Dash uses proof of work, so miners are an integral part of securing the network. The way it works is everyone who wants to participate, uses their computational power to try and find an answer to an algorithmic problem (in our case, 11 algorithms chained together) that matches the established requirement. This requirement, such as an answer that has two 0s at the beginning of an answer, has a calculable difficulty. And this difficulty is established in each round to try and keep the "answers" arriving on average, every 2.5 minutes.

Because everyone is vying to be the first to find the requested answer, nobody knows who will win, thus a miner won't be able to know when or if he can win several times in a row, in order to establish false information in the blockchain. Overturning a block gets harder and harder the deeper it is (number of blocks accepted after it) Even getting one block accepted over a corrupted block, buries it so deep, it probably can't be fixed. Because to fix it, you would have to double or triple the hashing power between the blocks, and come up with new solutions in that time to over ride it.

Anyway, in Evolution, the proof of work will only be used to establish the "seed" which will group masternodes into quorums. These quorums will decide if a transaction is valid and put a lock on them, which the miner will simply transfer into the blockchain. No non-locked transactions will be allowed. If a miner tries to insert a non-locked transaction into the block, it will be rejected by the Masternode network and in this way, the miners will no longer have any control over what goes into the block. This also means that if we only had one miner, the network will still be secure.