So I have known about bitcoin since late late 2011, when prices were $3 a coin! I jumped on the mining bandwagon with ASICS via butterfly labs and a year later received my first BTC miner (2 weeks later ™)! As difficulty has skyrocketed, I've started looking for other means to mine, and create a hobby for myself in this exciting cryptocurrency age. I didn't want to continue my ASIC's arms race, and saw that scrypt and other non SHA-256 coins would be a great foray into not only building my first mining rig, but also to continue my passion of coin mining. I knew when I ran into DarkCoin that I had to drop some profits made from BTC mining and go all out on a nice old fashioned GPU rig. I should be getting all my components in this week, and will update this thread based on things I've learned, and hopefully awesome pictures! My set up as follows:
- Power Supply – 2x EVGA 750 Watt Gold Rated Power Supply
- Power Supply Adapter Cables - Vantacor Dual PSU adapter
- Motherboard – ASRock MB-970EX4 Socket AM3+/ AMD 970/ AMD
- Graphics Cards (GPU) - 4x AMD Radeon R9 290
- CPU – AMD Sempron 145 Processor
- RAM - $50 4 GB Corsair DDR3 RAM
- 1x to 16x Powered Riser Cables - 4x PCI Express 1X to 16X Powered Riser Cables
- Hard Drive – Small Solid State Drive
- Extra Cooling - Box Fan - Best cooling for a mining rig, as it pushes all that hot air away from the rig.
- Operating System- Windows 7 or comparable Linux distro (Any successful easy boot from CD ones?)
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