Meetup in Barcalona Spain

Bitcoin community meeting in Barcelona
26.03.2016 10:43
Andreas Antonopoulus: “Bitcoin is ... not a payment network."

b.t.w. that relief on the wall behind is a street map of Barcelona. He came & had a blether in the bar afterwards. Looked to me like Aleix of Dash had a good old chinwag with him.

Sez that crypto is like a virus - if you poke it it in one area it develops immunity in that area. If you poke it in another it develops immunity in that.

Sez the blocksize debate is almost resolved. Now arguing only about dates.

Sez old hierarchical centralised structures started in 18th century in response to industrial acceleration.

Sez the old hierarchical world is about to be turned upside down by crypto.

Sez he hopes to see it in his lifetime. (Oops ! Slight extension on his 3-year timetable of 2013 :wink: )

We also met these guys and gave them a load of info about Dash. They were very receptive and interested.