1. To Sign a contractual agreement with most prominent radio stations within the ten (10) regions of Ghana to promote/advertise dash in order to ensure dash awareness creation and increase adoption.
2. To create mass understanding of dash within the above mentioned regions through dash radio discussions and advertisement.
3. To enlighten inhabitants within the regions about the unique features of dash digital cash through the radio discussions and advertisement
4. To showcase the practical use of dash through the media and getting more wallets downloaded.
5. To equip inhabitants within the regions of how to buy/purchase Dash from local and international exchanges through the radio discussions and advertisement.
1. Reach out to thousands of inhabitants within the three ten (10) every month through the radio advertisement for the project lifetime.
2. Create at least thousands of Dash wallets/active users through the radio discussions within the project lifetime.
3. Advertising the unique features of dash digital cash to youth, businesses, public and private organizations within upper west region, upper east region and northern part of Ghana.
4. Report of the project such as videos, pictures with regards to achievements will be posted to dash forums and on discord and Updates with regards to signing of the contractual agreement with the radio stations will also be posted to the dash-boost community.
Youth, business men, public servants, private organizations and public organizations within the ten (10) region of Ghana will be significantly affected by this project.
As radio continue to be the most popular broadcast media in Ghana our partnership with these stations to advertise/promote dash will greatly lead massive dash awareness creation within Ghana and Africa at large. The link below shows the top ten most listened to radio stations in Ghana.
LUKMAN FUSHEINI is my name, also known as @LUKMAN on Dash forum and discord. I am from West Africa specifically Ghana. I am engulfed with knowledge in Accounting and Finance, I am a cryptocurrency enthusiast, free market advocate as well as a Dash Digital Cash ambassador working as a team member of Dashghana. I have participated in several dash conferences, radio discussions and Dashforce meetups here in Ghana. The links below shows some pictures of the Dashforce meetups, conferences and radio discussions I organized within this year;
Thanks so much for reading.
Your comments with regards to suggestions, corrections and recommendations are highly welcome.
- This proposal aims to sign a media partnership agreement with most prominent radio stations within the ten regions of Ghana to advertise/promote dash in their day to day activities to increase mainstream adoption of dash digital cash as well as expand outreach within these regions and Ghana at large.
- This partnership agreement will include Dash presentations at each of the radio stations to enlighten inhabitants within these regions about the uniqueness of Dash among all cryptocurrencies in the world.
- The current stage of Dash in Ghana signifies the fact that mass promotion is highly needed to boost Dash economy in Ghana owing to the fact that supply of Dash is no more a problem in the country, hence promoting dash at major radio stations within the regions of Ghana will expand awareness and demand for dash in Ghana and beyond.
- There shall be a meeting between our team and management as well as radio presenters at radio stations to equip them with the basics of Dash.
- Finally, with the growing population of Ghana, an increasing number of unemployed graduates from various universities and continues depreciation/poor performance of the Ghanaian currency there is the need to advertise the uniqueness of Dash Digital Cash and how Dash is perfectly fit to be use as a medium of exchange for products and services to the general public. This will be geared towards increasing awareness creation, expanding outreach and getting more businesses on board to integrate Dash as a medium of payment for their products and services.
Most of the regions in Ghana specifically upper west and upper east regions are still at the infancy stage of this technology (Dash digital cash) and more than half of the total population within these regions knows nothing about Dash digital cash, there is therefore the need to employ dash awareness creation initiatives to make dash a household name within these regions by way of signing a media partnership agreement with major radio stations at each of the target regions to promote/advertise Dash in order to increase mainstream adoption, expand outreach and improve business integration.
For Dash digital cash to really get adopted in these regions, it is important to let the population know that Dash exists with certain unique features which makes it stand tall among other cryptocurrencies and how it is economical wise to use dash digital cash as a medium of payment for goods and services.
Moreover, the radio promotion/ advertisement will enable youth, potential investors as well as great entrepreneurs within the regions to understand how dash has solved the problems Bitcoin is struggling with and represent the first digital currency that can be used as digital cash and also understand that dash is one of the growing P2P networks worldwide.
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROPOSAL IN BUSINESS TERMSMost of the regions in Ghana specifically upper west and upper east regions are still at the infancy stage of this technology (Dash digital cash) and more than half of the total population within these regions knows nothing about Dash digital cash, there is therefore the need to employ dash awareness creation initiatives to make dash a household name within these regions by way of signing a media partnership agreement with major radio stations at each of the target regions to promote/advertise Dash in order to increase mainstream adoption, expand outreach and improve business integration.
For Dash digital cash to really get adopted in these regions, it is important to let the population know that Dash exists with certain unique features which makes it stand tall among other cryptocurrencies and how it is economical wise to use dash digital cash as a medium of payment for goods and services.
Moreover, the radio promotion/ advertisement will enable youth, potential investors as well as great entrepreneurs within the regions to understand how dash has solved the problems Bitcoin is struggling with and represent the first digital currency that can be used as digital cash and also understand that dash is one of the growing P2P networks worldwide.
1. To Sign a contractual agreement with most prominent radio stations within the ten (10) regions of Ghana to promote/advertise dash in order to ensure dash awareness creation and increase adoption.
2. To create mass understanding of dash within the above mentioned regions through dash radio discussions and advertisement.
3. To enlighten inhabitants within the regions about the unique features of dash digital cash through the radio discussions and advertisement
4. To showcase the practical use of dash through the media and getting more wallets downloaded.
5. To equip inhabitants within the regions of how to buy/purchase Dash from local and international exchanges through the radio discussions and advertisement.
1. Reach out to thousands of inhabitants within the three ten (10) every month through the radio advertisement for the project lifetime.
2. Create at least thousands of Dash wallets/active users through the radio discussions within the project lifetime.
3. Advertising the unique features of dash digital cash to youth, businesses, public and private organizations within upper west region, upper east region and northern part of Ghana.
4. Report of the project such as videos, pictures with regards to achievements will be posted to dash forums and on discord and Updates with regards to signing of the contractual agreement with the radio stations will also be posted to the dash-boost community.
Youth, business men, public servants, private organizations and public organizations within the ten (10) region of Ghana will be significantly affected by this project.
As radio continue to be the most popular broadcast media in Ghana our partnership with these stations to advertise/promote dash will greatly lead massive dash awareness creation within Ghana and Africa at large. The link below shows the top ten most listened to radio stations in Ghana.
LUKMAN FUSHEINI is my name, also known as @LUKMAN on Dash forum and discord. I am from West Africa specifically Ghana. I am engulfed with knowledge in Accounting and Finance, I am a cryptocurrency enthusiast, free market advocate as well as a Dash Digital Cash ambassador working as a team member of Dashghana. I have participated in several dash conferences, radio discussions and Dashforce meetups here in Ghana. The links below shows some pictures of the Dashforce meetups, conferences and radio discussions I organized within this year;
Thanks so much for reading.
Your comments with regards to suggestions, corrections and recommendations are highly welcome.
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