Matthew 7:6

First of all not all propositions should have a deadline, and the best is to avoid deadlines in propositions unless it is inevitable.
If all nodes had to cast a vote on XX% within XX,XXX blocks, then deadlines would become vestigial, and the burden placed back where it belongs, on the PROOF OF SERVICE aspect of being a MasterNode.

If you don't at least show up, then you don't get your money hose.

I still disagree with your conditional aspect. Proposals should be monolithic.
What happens now?
It's a system that needs to be completely replaced with a different system, not incrementally modified.

I outlined exactly how and why before the current system was even put in place. And here we are...
Conditional voting is *good voting* isnt it?
Tree structured polls that one's existence depends on the resut of the other, is also *good voting*, isnt it?

If you think that mastenodes owners do not vote good, then do not blame voting, blame masternodes owners instead.
The proposal itself is the condition.

You're voting yes for X to be done. If you don't like X, you're voting against it.

tRrump says he'll build a wall. People who support him are doing so on the condition that he'll actually do it. I oppose him because I want a grown-up for president, and that I'm smart enough to realize that a wall won't actually do anything, even though I agree with some of his positions. So, there's two conditions. He's proposing X, and he's the one who says he's going to do X. I even created a condition of my own, by having a brain and realizing that X is a stupid placebo that won't have the advertised impact. My vote is based upon those conditions.

I vote no on tRump's proposal even though I agree with booting invaders. Because 1) I don tthink it'll ever happen. 2) If possible, he's not the man for that job. 3) Boats exist. Ask Cuba. Therefore, even if the (1) Right Guy came along and (2) actually built The Wall, it still wouldn't do shit to punt/deter invaders, thus failing the while point of doing.

If my butt itches, I don't set my face on fire. I just scratch my ass.

This is what proposals already are. There's nothing wrong with it.
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The proposal itself is the condition.

You're voting yes for X to be done. If you don't like X, you're voting against it.


Yes of course, but however good a proposal is, you can never predict ALL conditions. And if a condition is not predicted, you lose a yes vote.Conditional vote gives the freedom to voters to express exactly what they want without beeing tied to the proposal, and the ability to one who makes the proposal to fit it better to what the voters need.

Even if your proposal is very good, it is still impossible to take into account all conditions, for anyone. So by allowing conditional votes, you may win some voter's yes, and the voters by expressing their conditions and also by watching the conditions of the others, they feel that there is not a tricky point into the proposal.
I assume that the ranking vote and the number vote is well understood, so let me explain the conditional vote better.
Suppose someone proposes we go for a walk in the forest.
A stupid person votes yes.
Another stupid person votes no.
Another person votes "other", but "other" is not taken into account because it is unspecified.
The smart person votes: If it is raining, then no, else yes.
This is exactly what the core team prohibits, by only allowing us to vote either a yes or a no. They deny us the right to be smart. Conditional vote can be implemented in a computer enviroment. A computer programm checks the condition, and according to the condition extracts the appropriate vote and publishes the result of the poll.

Tezos reports that Vitalik Buterin became an advocate of conditional votes.
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I can definitely agree with some of your points. Perhaps consider proposing the changes you speak of in the forum of the masternodes themselves. Not asking for funding, rather just to poll them. I feel as though it could at least put your thoughts and solutions in front of those who at least have the power to spark the changes needed
I can definitely agree with some of your points. Perhaps consider proposing the changes you speak of in the forum of the masternodes themselves. Not asking for funding, rather just to poll them. I feel as though it could at least put your thoughts and solutions in front of those who at least have the power to spark the changes needed
How can I speak to the forum of the masternodes?
Perhaps consider proposing the changes you speak of in the forum of the masternodes themselves.

If you mean spend 5 dash to propose to the budget, well I am not doing it because:
  1. I have not 5 dash
  2. Currently I dont care to earn dash, neither I want to ask-beg someone to give me dash or to work for things I dont care in order to gain dash.
  3. I dont like dash's Timocracy governance system, and I am here in order to turn Dash into a Direct Democracy. The reason I remain in dash and I dont leave althought it is a Timocracy, it is simply because dash is the only coin that has governance system , there is no other wordwide. Better to have a governance system , even a bad one, than having no governance at all and being anarchy or despotism.
  4. If I was about to spend 5 dash to propose something to the budget, I will do this for the universal dividend.
  5. Or spend 5 dash to propose in the budget the voting with numbers idea. Conditional votes is a very complicated (for me) thing to explain, to handle or to code. I hope better programmers than me (like Tezos or Ethereum) will may manage oneday to code such a thing, I only feel that I may can help them and correct them regarding conditional votes only in the theoretical and philosophical field. But I feel I am unable to implement such a thing in code. So voting with numbers is currently my own big (big for me but rather small for others much better than me programmers that do not implement such a thing simply because they just dont want to) programming task that I may someday manage to implement. If I manage to do a working dash fork that supports number voting, then I will add an approrpiate proposal to the masternodes about it, asking for the masternodes approval. I would like to ask masternodes how much they want to pay me for working in the voting with numbers field, but unfortunately this question in order to be asked it requires a voting with numbers altenative budget system to be implemented!
  6. On the other hand I dont like the masternodes timocrats, so how is it possible to get a positive vote from people you dislike? The chances are limited to make some people to vote on your proposal, while at the same time it is obvious that you dont like them.
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