MasterNode Trouble


New member
So I've been running my MN for 2 weeks now. I am 2/4725 to be paid. Out of no where I refreshed my MN with dashman/dashman status and now it shows that I have 0 balance but my wallet definitely has the coins. It showed 1000 all 13 days until the last second before getting paid?

dashd uptime : 13 days, 10 hours, 36 mins, 47 secs
dashd responding (rpc) : YES
dashd listening (ip) : YES
dashd connecting (peers) : YES
dashd port open : YES
dashd connection count : 18
dashd blocks synced : YES
last block (local dashd) : 914101
(chainz) : 914100
( : 914101
(dashwhale) : 914101
( : 914101 - no forks detected
dashd current difficulty : 78918333.79549807
masternode started : YES
masternode visible (local) : YES
masternode visible (ninja) : NO
masternode address :
masternode funding txn : -
masternode queue/count : 2/4724 (selection pending)
masternode mnsync state : MASTERNODE_SYNC_FINISHED
masternode network state : ENABLED
masternode last payment : never
masternode balance : 0
sentinel installed : YES
sentinel tests passed : YES
sentinel crontab enabled : YES
sentinel online : YES
Okay so I finally got paid by the MasterNode, I got 1.67 dash for running for 13.5 days? Is it normal? After I calculated it should be 0.193*13.5 no? How come I got paid much less? Also how do you take the balance you mined out? It shows it in grey and it doesn't show in the "available balance"
Okay I figured it out, it has to do with some new-user anti-"spam" algorithim, so people in the future if you don't get paid every 7-10 days then you know why, it's because you're new and have to wait an extra 3-5 days for the first cycle.

Switched my wallet from Dash Core to Hardware wallet (Ledger) successfully, masternode running perfectly now.