Masternode Sharing

Multisig is not supported in the masternodes.
$3 dash was one thing, now, asking those questions just proves you're sane.
Amazing how price separates seed from chaff...

The recent influx of fresh meat seems to be of higher quality, on average, than the previous years.
It is supported in the Dash wallet 12.1.4, isnt it?
It is a console command.
== Util ==
createmultisig nrequired ["key",...]
You can't use the multisignature address for masternode broadcasting. I didn't say dash does not have it because it does but you can't use it for the masternodes.
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MooCow did say that if he didn't touch his computer for one month then all coins are automatically redistributed to addresses that sent them in. This is his fail safe in case he gets in a car wreck, God forbid!
How can we verify that? Is there a smart contract of some sort?
I know this is an old thread, but Splawik isn't offering the MN share services anymore. I've used his services for over a year and have no complaints whatsoever. I've read a few good replies about moocowmoo, and he being a Dash core dev is more reassuring.
I know this is an old thread, but Splawik isn't offering the MN share services anymore. I've used his services for over a year and have no complaints whatsoever. I've read a few good replies about moocowmoo, and he being a Dash core dev is more reassuring.

neither does moocowmoo