Masternode questions


New member
Hello friends, are there future plans to enable users to set up a masternode in the qt wallet? An easy way to set it up?

Thank you
I could figure it out. One question brother, how much does each masternode pull in terms of DASH per day?

Thank you for the quick reply.
I could figure it out. One question brother, how much does each masternode pull in terms of DASH per day?

Thank you for the quick reply.
"Estimated Payment per Masternode: 0.25 DASH / day"
is using a service such as Node40 worth it? - am I better off running my own node at home?

Depends on your line at home - if you have a static IP you can run your masternode at home.

If your IP changes regularly you'll need a VPS provider. Then you can either set up and maintain the masternode yourself (e.g. DigitalOcean, Vultr, AWS EC2) or go with one of the specialized hosting services mentioned here -->
And if you want to get really clever you can find a VPS provider that will allocate you an IPv6 range, VPS providers pretty much give them away and you futureproof your masternodes at the outset.

Given that each Masternode would require a separate static IP address there is an 'economies of scale' advantage to switching to IPv6 if you have a number of masternodes. For example 10 x IPv4 address could cost around $20+ a month. This would be ontop of your VPS hosting cost.
So running a node with a service like Node40 will not put my investment at risk?

no it will not
you will be holding the 1k Dash in your wallet at home (access only for you)
and the service runs the MN part for you
you will be able to control the MN from your wallet at home

trustless - you do not have to trust anybody to have it run

i am a tech noob and am with a service since 2 years with my MNs + and no problems at all
(in th beginning i tried to run the MNs myself - it turned into a huge pain as i had no idea how to update - deal with linux - ... missed too many payments and eventually switched to a service) all happy (+ stress less) from then on out
is using a service such as Node40 worth it? - am I better off running my own node at home?
Node40 takes a huge chunk of your payments all in the name of being too lazy to learn a little common sense that anyone should be able to do in this day and age.

If you've got the bags and they're just sitting around, you may as well send it over while you educate yourself on setting up your own VPSes to be nodes.

Node40 is a stopgap for those who are serious, and a way to lose a good chunk of your money if you're the sort that's too lazy to tie his own shoes...

Learn how MNs work with the hot/cold wallet system and you'll have answered all of these questions and more. There's no time like the present... It's really not that hard unless you're the sort that distracts yourself with constantly trying to cheat and find shortcuts. Only you can tell what kind of person you are, so only you can tell which path is better for you. But, in this day and age, the basics of running a server like this are things any grown adult should know how to do. If you don't, get to it! If a dumbass redneck like me can figure it out, anyone should be so able... It's absolutely worth the pay raise you'll get, and it's a life skill you should have anyway.

Some of the guides make it really hard to tell when you're dealing with generic everyserve stuff, and when you're dealing with something dashd specific, but if you make an honet effort, even the dumbest person can figure it out. It's really not as complicated or hard as people who get kickback from promoting Node40 make it seem...
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Im not sure, what youre saying. I am a new DASH user in need of help. That is all that matters right now.
Let me help u. I was a noob a few months ago. Tried a few options, then did some more research.

Go with splawik21. He is the cheapest afaik. Very helpful. MNs have never dropped off.

You can also still use Node40s monitoring feature for free.