Masternode Payment Variance

DrkMiner, do you have it in the logs of the masternodes you were paid in? I think it shows up everywhere and it doesn't matter (not enforced) and may be caused by others having outdated wallets. Version *.11.04 to version *.11.05 has only one comment from Evan that I could find, and he said "The network has been experiencing some odd banning behavior caused by bad masternode signatures. I removed the code that bans the other party when this happens will I'll find the underlying cause and fix it in RC4. Please update if you're experiencing any problems or run a masternode." I think that was the only thing different between v .04 and v .05

I have 2 MN (both up from the first few min) one got paid twice , the other not yet.
misbehaving 20 is in both logs. So I'm not sure if its presence has to do with the node not being paid...
I am running at about 35% of what is expected.. so it appears everything is working as expected.

I am performing a bit better: I received a total of 16DRK of payouts from my 4 nodes during the last 78h - which is 92% of expected. But as you can see: variance is bitching on me too, i own one of the nodes not even paid once yet :smile:

sv01:   0
sv02:   9
sv03:   2
sv04:   5
total: 16DRK / 78h

average: 1.23 DRK payout / day / node

expected: 1.33 DRK payout / day / node
It could be they were the first (only?) one "live" at the beginning?
Could be they're cheating? I wish I knew why my logs show mostly the same few peers keep saying I'm misbehaving? I'm too old to misbehave! Well.... maybe not, LOL.

Well, anyway, lucky dog he is! In the mean time, we just have to wait for our next instructions. It's hard to wait! LOL
If you want to see some numbers, you can use my spreadsheet.

In the last 3 days 2 of 20 nodes did not recieve any payment while my best node recieved 9 payments. In total i recieved 58 payments which evens out to around 1 payment per node per day.

If you want to even out the odds, you should consider joining shared masternode hosting ^^
My 3 MN's, exact same config, fired up virtually at the same time.







So thats... 8 payouts, 3 nodes, 3 days = 0,8888 drk/node/day
Pretty spot on! I was late for the party this time!
And lets not forget the "insta-noding" effect
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my latest payment is .5??

"address" : "XmeAwondd3qXGbXATqZwwGX9qYgG6sGT4j",
"category" : "immature",
"amount" : 0.50340000,
my latest payment is .5??

"address" : "XmeAwondd3qXGbXATqZwwGX9qYgG6sGT4j",
"category" : "immature",
"amount" : 0.50340000,
Yes, Could be.
Some pool is still running an old wallet when master node payout was 10%. So its 0.5 DRK.
my latest payment is .5??

"address" : "XmeAwondd3qXGbXATqZwwGX9qYgG6sGT4j",
"category" : "immature",
"amount" : 0.50340000,
Yes pools can decide how much they pay for the masternodes. 0.5 is 10%, this pool seems to use very old software.

This will stop as soon as we enable enforcement.
We're going on 96 hours now with no payments on my MN. I understand variance, but I'm beginning to lose faith here. Even under the most optimistic projections (500 nodes and only 50% paid blocks) we're looking at (1 - ((499/500)^(298*4))) = 91.96% chance of my node having been paid. <--This is actually overly "optimistic" since the first few days we were around 280, 350, and 420 MNs.

I show up on all the lists, including the all-important "darkcoind masternode list | GREP (IP)" (with a :1). I regenerated my masternodeprivkey about 24 hours in, so that's done. Still nothing.

I hope that in a few days devs will look at this and check for bugs as opposed to just saying "it's variance, don't worry about it." I mean, if it is broken by some chance, we need to get it fixed before shit goes "live" in enforcement mode.

I'm still waiting, trying to reserve judgement. Obviously I have great faith in the devs or I wouldn't be "all in" on DRK. Just want to make sure a) there is no problem and b) if there is a problem it gets fixed.
We're going on 96 hours now with no payments on my MN. I understand variance, but I'm beginning to lose faith here. Even under the most optimistic projections (500 nodes and only 50% paid blocks) we're looking at (1 - ((499/500)^(298*4))) = 91.96% chance of my node having been paid. <--This is actually overly "optimistic" since the first few days we were around 280, 350, and 420 MNs.

I show up on all the lists, including the all-important "darkcoind masternode list | GREP (IP)" (with a :1). I regenerated my masternodeprivkey about 24 hours in, so that's done. Still nothing.

I hope that in a few days devs will look at this and check for bugs as opposed to just saying "it's variance, don't worry about it." I mean, if it is broken by some chance, we need to get it fixed before shit goes "live" in enforcement mode.

I'm still waiting, trying to reserve judgement. Obviously I have great faith in the devs or I wouldn't be "all in" on DRK. Just want to make sure a) there is no problem and b) if there is a problem it gets fixed.

We were supposed to regenerate the masternodeprivkey?
I dunno I agree with David it seems wierd so many nodes aren't being paid when some have been paid up to 9 times, is it possible to have a bug that makes it so it has an affinity for certain master nodes?

I have not been paid yet either :(
At this point my concern is that there may be a bug in voting. At least one MN has been paid FOURTEEN TIMES (XwSPJo3v4253WqS7kRFm7Huo3gDojRWuev). I mean there's "variance" and there's "winning the lotto."

P.S. El Presidente was kind enough to show that my MN WAS voted on for a payment, but that a bad actor did not pay it. Thanks! Now at least I know my node is working =)
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We're going on 96 hours now with no payments on my MN. I understand variance, but I'm beginning to lose faith here. Even under the most optimistic projections (500 nodes and only 50% paid blocks) we're looking at (1 - ((499/500)^(298*4))) = 91.96% chance of my node having been paid. <--This is actually overly "optimistic" since the first few days we were around 280, 350, and 420 MNs.

I show up on all the lists, including the all-important "darkcoind masternode list | GREP (IP)" (with a :1). I regenerated my masternodeprivkey about 24 hours in, so that's done. Still nothing.

I hope that in a few days devs will look at this and check for bugs as opposed to just saying "it's variance, don't worry about it." I mean, if it is broken by some chance, we need to get it fixed before shit goes "live" in enforcement mode.

I'm still waiting, trying to reserve judgement. Obviously I have great faith in the devs or I wouldn't be "all in" on DRK. Just want to make sure a) there is no problem and b) if there is a problem it gets fixed.

Nothing is broken, quite on the contrary.
You're hurting yourself by regenerating the masternode key. Essentially, if you also dont regenerate IP and new 1k deposit you can run into a little trouble, but in any case, new genkey = loosing all your votes and dropping down the bottom of the voting list.

On testnet I went 44+h until first payout, and that was with testnet with 30 something nodes up. Variance is only established if you let it roll until equal distribution. Until then, its sort of like "first-come, first served" in a random kind of way.
Nothing is broken, quite on the contrary.
You're hurting yourself by regenerating the masternode key. Essentially, if you also dont regenerate IP and new 1k deposit you can run into a little trouble, but in any case, new genkey = loosing all your votes and dropping down the bottom of the voting list.

On testnet I went 44+h until first payout, and that was with testnet with 30 something nodes up. Variance is only established if you let it roll until equal distribution. Until then, its sort of like "first-come, first served" in a random kind of way.
Yes, I think it was Stef who also pointed that out to me a couple days ago--but I had already done it =(

In any event, chaeplin showed that I should have gotten paid once already, but my MN won the voting on a block mined by a bad actor, so no payment. Plus, upon waking this morning, I found that I have received my first payment!
I myself have gotten 8 payments. Yesterday I got one and the day before I got 3. Today so far, none.
So yes, it is pretty random.
I have another node as well with 0 payments, so I guess I would be in the same position if I only had that node. Give it some time, it works, that is already proven.

You just need to roll the dice and win :)
Hi all

Is there a way to check to see if our master-node has tried to been paid but hasn’t due to bad pool not paying.

Of my three nodes, two are getting payed fine, one has zero votes! Bummer... Time to regenerate wallet, genkey and IP.

This is kind of weird, since this was my champion earner on testnet :rolleyes:
Ummm Ya I have been paid once on Amazon ec2 but I changed to vultr so I could have my node in the uk. It's been on since Sunday night all green on elbzo masternode list. Might have tried to been paid but can't find any where which suggest it might be down to bad pool owner ????