Masternode Operators: Sentinel Hotfix (Action Required)


Dash Core Group
Masternode Owners: Today a proposal was submitted which our system didn't catch (comma in the decimal) and this broke Sentinel, which means watchdogs stopped being created. We have pushed a hotfix, but Masternode Operators must intervene in order to update Sentinel (unless using some auto-update system).

To implement, simply move into your "sentinel" directory and run a git pull:

cd /path/to/sentinel/ && git pull

Note: This is required or your Masternode will go offline!
(edit: Apparently w/spork 14 off this isn't enforce, so crisis averted!)

Thank you for your service to the community.
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Wow, checked DashNinja after the fix and 4000 masternodes out of approx. 4700 were inactive... it's crazy that such thing as a budget proposal can take down a wast majority of the masternode network... anyways thanks for the quick fix.
Wow, checked DashNinja after the fix and 4000 masternodes out of approx. 4700 were inactive... it's crazy that such thing as a budget proposal can take down a wast majority of the masternode network... anyways thanks for the quick fix.
Technically the nodes are not down, they just failed to vote on a watchdog object.

As a sidenote: Dash 12.2 will not have watchdogs anymore, they are deprecated.
First of all, great work to all involved in catching and fixing this situation so quickly.

But it does raise some questions. This seems similar to an SQL injection, in that a malformed entry caused the system to crash, which seems like a possible attack vector. For example, if InstantSend had been activated when this happened, would it have only used those few MNs that were showing as active? I could see a (likely implausible) scenario where someone could submit a proposal that brings down MNs and then uses the remaining ones to perform some type of attack. Is that really feasible? And has the underlying problem been completely fixed that caused this to happen in the first place?

It is a bit disconcerting that a proposal submission would have any impact on the network, much less one so major as this one did.
After the Hotfix, how long does it take for DashCentral to recognize the MN's? Everything seems to check out on my end, and I'm good on Dash Ninja, but DashCentral still shows ERROR.
Heya guys,
I'd like your thoughts on having a cron job pulling every half an hour sentinel git. Something like
cd /home/dash/.dashcore/sentinel && /usr/bin/git pull 2>&1 >> sentinel-pull-cron.log
Pros? Cons?
Heya guys,
I'd like your thoughts on having a cron job pulling every half an hour sentinel git. Something like
cd /home/dash/.dashcore/sentinel && /usr/bin/git pull 2>&1 >> sentinel-pull-cron.log
Pros? Cons?

Here is an answer:

As a sidenote: Dash 12.2 will not have watchdogs anymore, they are deprecated.

Can you folks share any other tidbits about 12.2?